Should I be worried about Camellia, Blueberry?

Raleigh, NC

I've got one Camellia about to bloom--the buds are just starting to swell, but no petals yet. I'm concerned that 18 is low enough to make the buds drop, and I desperately want blooms because I don't know what this Camellia is, have been waiting a few years for bloom to find out.

Also wondering about blueberry plants (particularly 'Patriot' which is just now old enough to really produce). 'Patriot' is known to be a winter-hardy variety, and its buds are still small and dormant--anyone have experience with this? Anyone had experience with temps below 20? I did not have these plants the last time it went that low...

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

That is a Northern highbush cultivar. I have had them go through 15 below, but they are rated to about -40. Should not be any worry, during their dormant stage. A late freeze after they bloom out can kill the blossoms.

I am not that familiar with camelias, but they don't seem to have any trouble blooming around here, and we get temps in the low teens from time to time.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Yotedog, how large is the camellia? Is it possible to cover it with a quilt or blanket for the next few nights? The low temps will probably not harm the shrub but they may cause the petals to have unsightly brown edges. Lots of folks are using Christmas lights wrapped over and around plants to provide a bit of warmth.

Let's all hope this cold spell is short lived.

Raleigh, NC

Thanks much for the info you guys--I covered the camellia last night, but that Christmas light idea is great! Blueberries appear none the worse for wear. Just a little paranoid after last year's Easter freeze....really missed blueberries and peaches~ On a positive note...maybe the fleas will freeze!!!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Yote lean back and take a breath. Camilla's can go thru snow and freeses so can blueberrys.. Don't touch your bloueberrys even if they look dead as they will come back in the spring.

((((hugs))) from paradise.

Lavina, who will be in Raleigh next week.

Raleigh, NC

Hello and greetings, Lavina!!! So glad to hear you describing your "new" home as paradise!! Thats a very good sign that retirement is agreeing with you....????!!!! We are certainly back to "paradise" weather again here in Raleigh today, thats for sure. Had to call all my snowbound friends and rub it in...

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

yote, I will say that last year, when we had that cold snap in spring, my blueberries suffered big time cause they were budding out. It's late winter -early spring you really want to keep an eye on them ...good luck....makes my mouth water just thinking about the berries, I really missed having lots last year :)

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