Happy New Year to all the Bale Gardeners!

Wake Forest, NC


We've Holidays and happy days,
and memory days galore
And when we've toasted every one,
I offer just one more
So let us lift our glasses high,
and drink a silent toast
To the day, deep buried in each heart
that each one loves the most


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Hi Kent. Sorry I didn't see your post sooner. Here it is almost the end of January, winter is at its peak and now on the downward slide to spring Yaaaay. The bad side is it usually gets colder before it gets better on the downward slide.
-20 yesterday early morning . Was glad it got up to +11. It slipped to the negative side again last night but yippee; it's all the way up to +23.
I have most every thing ordered, have even received seed packets from one of the orders. Now I just need to be patient, and not get carried away, with starting them too soon. I mentioned that I needed to get the plant rack brought back into the kitchen. That got an opposing look from the better half. However by the middle of this next month, We will have to agree. She just said it would be OK as she was reading over my shoulder. Just wasn't in a big hurry to give up that much space.
We have snow all over, and still have the ice under it. That don't sound good, but the real truth is we are still 8" shy of our normal snow fall. I'm thinking that March will be the month we get an over abundance of snow. I don't know if I should shove more of it on the garden or just let things be.
This week end the temps are supposed to be better, I think I will get a load of bales then, the snow has been a little deep to get my pickup close enough to the barn , I'm hoping that a little thaw will let me get closer.
Hope the new year has brought you more blessings.


Wake Forest, NC

Russ: I want to get my bales as soon as possible. Haven't heard from the fellow who said he could get some for 1.50/bale. I don't want to wait until the last minute like last year.

I had some trees cut down and one of them snagged some of my trellis, so I've got to repair that now.


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

If he is thinking of straight from the field. You may want to buy ahead for next year.
Good luck in getting some for this year.
Sounds like both of us had some tree removal. I got the walnut cut down that was at the one end of the garden. Now I can extend the garden by moving the bale garden over where the drip ring would have been. That part of the tree has been dead for 4 or 5 years, so I don't think it will hurt if the roots do go down through the bale and into the ground.
But I had to take apart the garden shed, in order not to smash the shed. Come warmer weather I will be putting up a new and bigger shed. Need to keep all the lawn and garden stuff where I can keep track of them. Then we will have the stall back for the car. I think I just heard a YAAAA !!!!! in behind me LOL.
Good luck ;~~~~~~~~~``Russ

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Kent; I got an Email today. Itried hard tosend it on Dmail with no luck.
But found your Email. So I sent you a happy new year Ditty.

Wake Forest, NC

russ: didn't get your email. Did you send it to kent.rogers@earthlink.net?


Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

I guess not I didn't include the words e-mail:
I will send it again. trying that. I hadn't check the Emails yet. If it didn't deliver it usually says that, so will check now. Russ

Raeford, NC

Kent, On craigslist.com There is a guy in Dunn I believe it was that has haybales for 2. or 2.25. Been awhile since I read it. Deanna

Wake Forest, NC

Deanna: thanks.

Russ: I Dmailed you.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Kent, this is the first I have seen of this thread too. Where has it been?

And a good new year to you.


Wake Forest, NC

Jeanette: not sure. I have to go to the Strawbale homepage sometimes to pick up new threads that are earmarked for this forum.


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