The FLOWERPOT Cafe' V - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I might just surprise you one of these days with a floral arrangement, but don't hold your breath! LOL
Always nice chatting in here with all the nice folks, cuppas, and flowers! :)

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks misty!

Sue, I enjoyed reading your latest blog entry. I love peonies too, next time I find some I'll make something with them for you!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

purple basil, with flower, for mistygardener (MG) I was given a seedling in late November and this is it now.
Hi TC. Its taken 5 months for the Artichoke to flower, and this is probly not the best climate for them. Its too humid here in summer. You should do quite well with it I think. I planted mine in early spring, but a friend of mine planted some in late spring and hers did much better than mine in the leaf. I must pop around and see her tomorrow to see if she has flowers. I will get a pic if she allows and pop one in the cafe tomorrow night if able. (No promises)
I like cut flowers and quite regularly bring the garden indoors. Everything is a bit soggy though right now, so when it dries out a bit i might have a go at an arrangement. I like to use xanadu leaves, Cycad leaves, bird-of-paradise (strelitzia) flowers and red hot pokers (kniphofia) to name a few. I also have Centaurea, which is a bit like Senecio cineraria "Silver Dust", but has a purple flower (not very often) and lasts a long time in a vase.
I read the last flower pot cafe last week and it has taken me all this time to catch up and join in, but yesterday, while shopping in a place called "Bizzare, bizzare" I saw heaps of interesting things that could be used for a floral arrangement. I will have to nab something bizzare next time I'm there.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Sue, are you sure that is purple basil? it looks like salvia to me!!!!!!!!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Whoops, forgot i put picture in, and put another picture in! You are right, its Salvia Bonfire. DOH!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hey TC, just been looking at your blog. You went to Chelsea! You lucky thing! I would love to come over one year and see it. Mmmmmm!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Ok, well It's a bit too late for coffee, else I won't sleep, but I am going to have a slice of carrot cake, then it's off to beddy byes for me.
See ya TC! Be in Aussie gardening tomorrow. Looking forward to meeting the rest of your coffee connoisseurs
Ranunculus )

This message was edited Jan 6, 2008 8:50 PM

This message was edited Jan 6, 2008 8:52 PM
went and checked some spelling.

This message was edited Jan 6, 2008 8:53 PM

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Oh yes Chelsea flower show, it was fabulous, I enjoyed every minute of it! Last year was the first time that I have been, the only slightly annoying thing was that you can't buy any plants until the last day. Still, I bought a t.shirt and a mug! Hampton Court was really good, spend spend spend, you just can't help yourself!!!
I stocked up with loads of perennials. Both are worth a visit if ever you were able to come!
Chelsea in May
Hampton Court in July

That's more like it....purple basil!!
Oh ,I like the sound of that shop you have with interesting floristry stuff, bizare sounds my kinda thing!!
I hope you do have a go... mate! no pressure, chillax is my new word this week!

london England, United Kingdom

Sleep well and thanks for coming! Nice to see your flowers even if they aren't in arrangements.I'll put them in our cafe garden.
Your ranunculus looks like poppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Traci loves them, she will be pleased.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning All,
I hope everyone is chillaxing this morning.
Here's your coffee Terri, cream with no sugar. Enjoy! Anyone else?

This message was edited Jan 6, 2008 6:22 AM

Thumbnail by diggerette
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Weed_Woman, Love that artichoke. I didn't know artichokes produced such a beautiful flower.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning Everybody! : )

Thanks for the coffee Digger.. I was getting worried about ya. Figured you got down there and decided to sight see while ya was gathering coffee beans.

Oh cool! Thistles.. I have tons of them wees growing in my yard. What kind of paint do ya use to spray flowers with?

Thanks so much for the info on the Daffodils. I had no idea they would react like that with other flowers.

I can't wait finally next week can get to the flower shop and get some real, fresh flowers finally!!!!!!! Just hope I don't get lost again like last time.

Weed woman. Great idea with using an artichoke. I have never seen them flower. I have eaten them, and I wouldn't try and eat it now that it hs goen to flower. You may find it a bit bitter tasting. They taste good fried up in a mix with things like zuchinni and squash and onions and tomatoes. I haven't eaten one just by itself alone yet.

Gonan get to 66 today. Finally some warmth again and wil probaby spend most of the day out surveying the rest of the damage from the artic blast.

I been busy making kitchen kaddi's for the spring craft show.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Woah, looked what I've missed! Where do I start?

Adele, I don't know what to say about your natural container. It blew me away! Gorgeous and innovative. I have mine set up but I was going to do something very similar to the instructions. After seeing yours, I'm thinking twice. I have no imagination. . .must try harder. In my opinion though, that arrangement would look prettier by itself (without the candle). I love the top view. I didn't know you had those lovely roses from looking at the side view. Beautiful arrangement Adele.

Traci, I'm so excited to see what your flowers turn out to be. That is an awesome backyard. I wish I lived closer. I would definitely come help you dig them all out. The big "D" is for DIG, DIG, DIG. Your suggestion for Adele in using a fatter and squatty candles is right on target! I wholeheartedly agree. Sorry to hear about your swiss ivy. I know exactly how disappointed you are. I love a canna that I grew from seed. I soaked and nicked about 10 seeds, and only one came up. I babied it, but apparently not enough. It died in the freeze. . .thought the greenhouse was enough to protect it.

Star, I don't know anything about daffs in arrangements, but that thread "beginning cut flowers" in the market growers forum prompted me to buy a book called "specialty cut flowers" by allan armitage. I was going to order the book you recommended but it costed 23.10, 2 dollars away from free shipping! So I went with the other book. . .I liked that it had over 600 pages! The farmer flowers has an old and new edition, should I get the new one? I will order it if I can find something for $2, possibly a board book for my little Peyton.

Teri, thanks for that info on the daffodils. I didn't know that! I will leave mine as pot et fleurs then. I love your "blocking" arrangement. I've never done anything like that before. I've "blocked" in parallels, but doing it in a vertical fashion like yours looks difficult. I will have to try it one day.

Chilax is my word of the day. It's Chilax Sunday. Great temps in the garden today. . 75F!

Welcome weed woman! That is the coolest flower I've ever seen. It reminds me of live corals. I've seen pics of Chrissy100's Australian garden, I bet you have some cool things in it too. Your ranunculus looks like poppies to me too!

Morning Adele and Star! I love a cuppa please.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey all, and good morning!
Sue, thanks for sharing your pic of the purple basil, and I liked the salvia as well! :)
I need some very strong java since I stayed up so late and got up way too early!

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou for the coffee Adele, it was well worth the wait!
Hello everyone! glad you are having a chillaxed sunday.
Just watched Liverpool play a boring game, wasting my time with rubbish football, nevermind!

Please Karma, just make your arrangement and chillax! don't worry if you think someone else's is more creative. it's the making and admiring that we all love to do!

Star, I use metalic gold and silver decoration spray, and car paint spray!!!
You can buy florists plant spray if you want to pay megabucks!! all the same you kill and preserve the flower!Hope ypu manage to get to the flower shop before wednesday and you can come to the flower club!! What's in the kitchen caddy?
Hi misty, I can recommend the coffee, it's really smooth!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone,
I hope you are all chillaxin'.

Hi Karma, I'm glad you liked it.Thank you. I agree, that candle was not right. I took it apart already.

I was just thinking, wouldn't it be great if we could all go to Chelsea, London and go to the flower show? Now, that sounds like fun!

Coffee is ready. help yourselves.

Thumbnail by diggerette
london England, United Kingdom

Ohhh that is so sweet Adele! It looks handmade, are you a potter? Thankyou!

I'm chillaxin', but dreading the treck to work tomorrow in the freezing cold.

By the way, I was going to say the same about the candle! but I thought you did a fantasic job, following the design anyway.

Yes, come over to Chelsea, the floral design marquee is out of this world and the perfume in the room knocks you out! Well worth a visit. Not to mention all the beautiful show garden's!!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

That garden is so fantastic! Yes, going to the flower show would be a geat trip. Philadelphia has a flower show in March. It's suppose o be pretty.
Yeah, that candle has to go. I don't even like it being on the table.
I'm not a potter,I'm a digger:)

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi Adele! Great idea, why don't we all go to Chelsea? Terri, when is it? I need a vacation. If not, we can have one here. Maybe we could all just splurge on flowers and materials, make something creative using everything we know? All we need is a theme. . .perhaps this year's theme for the Chelsea flower show. Set a date and time and we could post our displays?

Terri, is that your garden? It is beautiful. So natural.

london England, United Kingdom

Oh Karma,you are so sweet, that is one of the little show gardens at Chelsea!! If you look closely, you can see the award for silver gilt on the chair.

Adele, I thought you might teach pottery?!!!! sorry! Glad you agree about the candle! we are all agreed the candle has to be exterminated!!!!!!!! banished from our cafe, thankyou and chillax........................

It's a great idea to have our own flower show the same theme as Chelsea flower show. I haven't checked the dates but it's usually the 2nd week in May. The chairwoman at our flower club exhibited last year, the theme she entered was called 'Floral Profusion' She was happpy to be awarded a silver gilt but, I think she will be going back this year to try for the gold!!!!!! This was Jenny's arrangement.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Another view!
See you all tomorrow!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Jenny is GOOD!! Magnificient!
I love the idea of having our own Flower Show.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Crap, don't have time to catch up, but I will try to pop in some this week. GOT TEENSY!!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

coffee time! Mugaccino anyone? Me? I'm just chillaxin with ma gnomies!
I'd love to join the flower show in may. There should still be something flowering in my garden by then, (late Autumn) or I could do an Autumn leaf arrangement, or berries or something. Does that still count as floral arrangement? (Pssttt, just quietly....., I like the candle)
My first Artichoke flower has gone to god, but I'm hoping it will get seeds. Maybe I should have done the old paint brush pollination thing? The photo I posted yesterday, (like 100 posts ago!) was definitely at its best, as today they have thread-like brown petals around the outside edge, see next post

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh and Digger, I especially liked the tequila!

This message was edited Jan 7, 2008 9:02 PM

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I already on my second cup since I got up, but whatever flavor that is, it sure looks interesting. : )

I LOVE flower shows!!!!!! ( pant.. pant..pant.. drool) Dr. Kessler and I went off to the one in Ga . I didn't have a camera at the time, but he did. Will have to get him to email some of the pics. The entrance pice was totally somethign to see. I couldn't even imagine tryign to put together that many flowers for what they created. Not gonna tell will lt ya all be surprise d when ya see them.

A flower show sounds neat when some flowers get to growing and blooming. After the artic snap, things look really depressing outside about now. I had a bunch of peace lilie s that got hit pretty good and wil have to cut the dead leave sback, but in the middle wa s one plant that darn if it don't have a bloom tryign to open on it. When it doe s will bring it for ya all.

I wish I could afford to fly over there and see some of the shows. I know when I was in Germany I just loved all the flowers folks grew everwheres. Such a riot of colors and textures.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi Starlight. From whence do you hail? (where are you?) It sounds cold, especially as you mention the artic! Maybe you should have a hot chocolate/cocoa to warm you up. With the magic of computers, I can make anything you like. Here you go. It even has stars on it!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sorry starlight, but I've been sitting here awhile, and am starting to get a bit sore, well, know where! I'm going to head for the showers and then off to bed. Its 9.22pm for me and I've got lawns to mow and weeds to pull tomorrow, but I will be back on again to read your reply, (if you don't respond before i finish this post) tomorrow.
Gotto go, must dash, quick cuppa and I'm outa here! Night all.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning All,
Has anyone had experience growing lavender in the house, in the winter? I read that this variety Goodwin Creek Grey will grow indoors.
What do you think? Will the potted lavender survive the shipping?

london England, United Kingdom

I'm screaming at this computer! Just spent half an hour typing and it's lost, pressed the wrong thing and poof gone!

Good evening everyone!
Thankyou for the very creative mugacinno Sue, think I'll just sit down here quietly having my chocolate stars with a spoon first, and chillax for a while!
I hate computers!! moaning.........

london England, United Kingdom

I'm so happy that you all like the idea of having our own flower show in May. Karma, your idea is a HIT!!
As soon as I find out the themes for this year, I'll let you know straight away. We will need time to plan our designs
and to collect the all the materials.

Sue, I really needed that mugaccino, it was delicious, we are definately going to add that one to our menu!
I'm sure you'll find some exciting things in that weirdo shop with unusual stuff, to join in with the flower show.
Are you going to dry your artichoke flower?, could come in handly one day!

Star, I would love to see pictures from flower shows , from anywhere! Where is Ga? I'm looking forward to adding your peace lily flower to one of the tables in the cafe!!!!!!!

Hi Traci, we miss you! have fun with Teensy. (bring her to play in the cafe)! There are lots of Auntie's here to keep an eye on her.

Adele, I don't know the indoor variety of lavender. They are evergreen so live outside here! You won't want to cut it anyway!!!!!!!

I hope to see you all at the flower club on wednesday everyone!! the theme is '7 flowers and foliage' make whatever you want! Bring your arrangements into the flower club thread anytime on wednesday!
Mittsy and misty are invited too!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Terry! I may not bring anything but I will be lurking! Are you gonna have any where you need someone to judge? I think that might be fun? :)

london England, United Kingdom

Just leaving some fancy sweets in the cafe for you all, you deserve them!

Hi Mistsy, Great idea! will you come and judge? At our club we get points, up to 5.
Lets ask the others if they want to be 'judged' , don't want to upset anyone!!!!!!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

tropical juice, to remind you of warmer days!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Terry, I would be the judge if everyone promises not to get mad if I don't choose them!
Bad weather headed our way. Already had the sirens go off and under tornado warning/watch. Lots of lightening, and thunder just now starting. Bad night anyway as Brandon came home and more than likely has a broken hand! :(

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Terri! Your juice looks exquisite.
Here's a picture from Macy's Flower Show in New York. That's some dress.

Thumbnail by diggerette
Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Misty, what happened to Brandons hand. I scrolled up , but I didn't see an earlier mention of it. And I pray ya'll are safe from all of that bad weather.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

O.k. I had a go at some berrires. They are off a Lily pily, (Syzigium something -or- other) I tries to put them in a vase, but they were too heavy and didn't sit right, so The only way to display them was to hang em! Its now 7 hours since i hung them and they still look excellent, despite the lack of water!
Hello Drapelady, mistygardener and DG. Hope The hand is o.k

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Now I don't pretend to know anything about flower arranging, I haven't even read a book/article. I had to prune back the Hydrangeas and i couldn't let good flowers go to waste so I put them in a vase, in a fish bowl with some glass stones. The Big leaves are philodendron "Xanadu".
No Terri, I didn't dry the Artichoke flower. I'm not sure how. (hang uip in cool dark, dry place?) It might be too, well, fleshy!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
london England, United Kingdom

Hi misty, Hope Brandon is ok? he has his driving test tomorrow? or will he have to cancel now? Sorry to hear about the weather conditions you are having. I promise not to get mad if you don't choose mine!!!

Adele, hello! Wow, imagine how many 100's of flower's were uesd to make that dress! It would be amaising to do something on such a grand scale. Usually those enormous displays are made by a flower club all working on it together. Thankyou for showing me that.

Hi Drapelady, Lovely to see you in here! I can't get on to mid south anymore, but I have been thinking about you all.

Hi Sue, What a lovely suprise this morning to find you have been busy making arrangements, and so kind of you to bring them in, Thankyou. I love the lily pily, whatever it is! I don't think I have seen it before, any chance of a closer look at it please? I like the way you didn't give up when you couldn't get it to sit right! You made a lovely hanging bundle, it looks very good, nice shape too.
Are you sure you haven't arranged before?!! The hydranga display looks very chic, I can imagine it in a posh art gallery!! Fish bowl, stones, like it. Well done!! I know Karma and Traci are big fans of Hydranga!
I would let your artichoke dry out in a vase without water or you could hang it up, in a dry warm place. It would be worth drying you hyranga too!!! sorry, I just can't throw any plant material out, maybe I need therapy!!

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