The FLOWERPOT Cafe' V - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Wow, you got it worse than we did!! My poor hardy hibiscus isn't so hardy anymore. When I got in the truck this morning, I had a coke from McD's frozen solid in there. Unbelieveable.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

the podocarpus looks like the herb rosemary

Beautiful arrangement love the greens with the roses.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone!
I had visitors today so haven't had a chance to pop in before now.
Mitttsy, the orange bouganvillia really stands out now, love the colours in the whole display. Thankyou
for bringing it in.
Adele, Thanks for natural container project in here, are you going to bring your lavendar arrangement in too? Have you seen your sister lately? We like it when you have 'flower days' with her!!!
Karma, I haven't started mine yet, but was thinking of using some rosemary, I have some in the garden.
Traci, keep warm sweetie,..pot et fleurs????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Starlight, if you can't find any fresh flowers you could use a natural type container and your fake flowers!
Heres one I made where I used a cabbage for a container.
Keep warm and happy arranging!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Terri, Karma,Pupil, Starlight, Mitsy, Mittsy and everyone else,
Pupil and Starlight, I hope tomorrow brings warmer weather.
Terri, Love the cabbage and roses!!! Brillant!
I'm going to make a natural container following the steps in the project. I found a green candle in the house and a plastic container about 6 inches in diameter.I'll just substitute some flowers. I found a store that sells 6 roses for $5.00 and carnations and daisies are $4.00 a bunch(about 8) I have more lavender and rose buds. First, I'll try making a hand tie with the flowers.
I don't see my sister too often. Too bad because we liked our flower day too.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyones natural container.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Completely forgot the pot with the weather. The container I want to use is outside and I DON'T WANT TO GO OUT THERE AGAIN!! Warming up this weekend.

I bought two cute little vases today, but left them in the truck. See above. I was on my way to splurge on some flowers and was rear ended. I'm ok, the monster I am having to drive has a dent in the fender, the other lady is ok, but, ohhhhh, her poor car.

Anyway, when I got to the store, I saw this and had to have it. ID anyone? It is sooo pretty, but I have no idea what it is!!

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci,
So sorry to hear about the accident, hope you are not too shaken up?
Your plant is called Bergonia ! Lovely colours.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Adele,
I replied to your post earlier, but it disapeared...strange!
Have you noticed that the thread about the dried flowers over on the artisans has disapeared?
I'm wondering if something is wrong with my computer or what!!!
I'm looking forward to your natural container with the green candle, sounds nice.
I will try to make mine soon!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks Terri. It is a begonia.

It is very pretty which is sad, as I can't cut the flowers.

london England, United Kingdom

Use it in your pot et fleur, perhaps!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, don't cut those flowers!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi ladies. Need a pick me up. Lost some of my tropicals to the light freeze we had last night. :(

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

It is too big for my container I want to use. I have the K plant for it. I think I will buy a special pot for it and let it be it's own arrangement.

Got these for Teensy when she comes home of Sunday.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Oh, Karma, so sorry. What did you lose? I may have it.

I CAN'T cut the flowers, they won't let me.

Mommi and Teensy

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi All,
Karma, Do something nice for yourself. I remembered you liked taking a fragrant bath and you looked so cute too.

Terri, I looked over at the artisans thread and it is gone. That's strange. Too bad because I wanted to see some pressed flower designs. I like the idea of making pressed flowers. I noticed on some thread that you did a leaf print? rub? What did you use to do that? I teach an after school program with 9 year olds. I know they would love to make something like that.

Traci, Your plants are so pretty. Now you have at least 3 flowering plants. That's nice to have in the winter.

london England, United Kingdom

Karma, sorry some plants were lost, after all your hard work and tender loving care.

Traci, I'm sure you will come up with something great, whatever it maybe!

Adele, I think maybe because it was advertising a show, I don't know. I have seen other posts that advertise events. A mystery disapearing post!!!!!!
I haven't really done many pressed flowers. I prefer to let them dry out naturally, which keeps their texture and shape. The rubbings you saw (frottage is the arty name for it)! were done using a collection of leaves from the garden 'arranged' on a piece of thick paper, then another sheet of paper carefuuly placed on top .Rubbing with a graphite stick or different coloured wax crayon sideways, to reveal the leaf prints. If done with wax crayons, painting on top makes a good texture too.
I do enjoy making 'flower art' with the old flowers. it's fun, especially when I don't have any fresh flowers to play with!

london England, United Kingdom

distressed leaves seem to work better! more texture and interest.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the info. I love that rubbing.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Morning. . .sorry I went missing last night. I salvaged and pruned what was left. . .not sure if that was a good idea. My plastic greenhouse apparently doesn't work well enough, but then I didn't even heat it. The only room I had in the house went to brug cuttings and some house plants. So not all is lost. My roses outside are looking great too. Anyway. . .

Traci, your plants look great. What is "the K plant for it"? I must've missed something. Teensy will love the daisies. You are a sweet and thoughtful mommy.

Terri, that is so cool. Learned something new. . .frottage. Now I need to get some graphite. Thanks for the idea.

Adele, funny about the bath!

What's everyone up to this morning. . .I'm at work.

This message was edited Jan 4, 2008 3:07 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Brrrrrr another cold and cripsy morning. I feel for ya Karma. I got tropicals too that got bit, but as long as the roots are protected, they usually come back. Will see in spring what of mine made it and maybe I might have some of what ya lost.

Pupil... Love the flowers ya picked up. You and me must have been thinking the samething cuz while you got the orange/yellow begonia. I picke d up orange/ yellow alstroemia, but mien plastic. Wanna trade.

Diggerette... What else ya got going?

I been huntign through fridge for seeds for swap, eading a good book I couldn't put down and messing around. Doign everythign but cleanign house which I need to get too.

Here, I tried to make a corsage from the plastic I had. Uggggggg I can't do bows. This one turning evry which way but wher e I want it and refuse to show bck wher e I got two tons of glue holdign things together. LOL

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

and then I was messign with the wine glass. Had an idea of sorts but it not workign out. Was playing with the silk flowers I picke dup the other day and then saw some of this sparkley bow stuf f and got it to see what it woudl look like in glass.

Can ya tell I don't iron pillow cases. LOL

Thumbnail by starlight1153
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Star, beautiful corsage! Really! I love the form and how your roses aren't facing all the same way. And yes, I can tell you don't iron pillow cases. LOL. That's why I hate setting up to take pictures. I can never find anything nice and straight. Anyway, great job Star!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hey Star, My favorite are the flowers flowing around the glass. Very dynamic.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,
Just calling in quickly, got another family birthday here! My brother's 50th. We are having a doo in the local pub.. live bands, including my daughter's rock band,should be fun!

Well done Star! (that's your new name), really nice corsage and glass arrangement. Great idea having the flowers on the outside, I didn't think of that. Thankyou and keep up the great work everyone!!

Hand tie with blue roses

Thumbnail by terriculture
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Terri,Fantastic hand tie!
have fun at the pub.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Beautiful hand tie Terri!

Lets se e if you can do that after a night in the pub. LOL Have fun at the Birthday Party! Rock on! : )

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, you raised some cool kids. One kicks butt with tai kwon do, and the other's a rock star! Sounds like a lot fun in your family. Hope you had a great time.

You should have brought that handtie in for New Years. Blue and silver! Did you spray the roses and grass? Or were the roses dyed? That can't be its natural color, can it? However it was done, it's a rockin handtie you put together.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning Everyone!!
I woke up early to make the "simple" hand tie bouget and I say it is not simple. I had a hard time with it, the stems bend, petals fall off, the shape changes Maybe I should use only carnations. I'll buy some more and try that.

Thumbnail by diggerette
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh that's pretty Diggerette!!!!!! : ) Makes me hungry. Reminds me of strawberries and cream cheese cake. That sure is a pretty shade of pink.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Adele, that is sooo pretty! I see you already have an admirer.

I love the ring of alstro lilies around the carnations. It's much more interesting than if you used only carnations. Is it standing on its own too? Terri will be so proud as I am. Nice touch with the ribbon and pearl pin too. Simply lovely.

Morning Star, now that you mentioned it, it does look like strawberry cream cheese. Yummy!

Edited to say, I meant your feline admirer.

This message was edited Jan 5, 2008 8:38 AM

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you Starlight for your kind comment. You're so nice.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

SNAP to Karma, I typed a reply to Star and then exercised! for the first time in a looong time. I need a sports bra and a belly bra.LOL.
Thank you Karma,I'm so happy you like it. It means a lot to me. I need all the encouragement I can get. Alf,my cat, liked it too. Why don't I like it? I think those directiions aren't specific enough for me.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I love it and for the same reason as Karma said. The astro sets it off perfectly. Great job!!

Morning all.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you so much,Pupil. O.K. Now, I'm ready to to make the natural container design.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone,
I made a natural container using the cut off stems of the roses, carnations, lillies and cinnamon sticks. I hot glued them onto brown paper that was wrapped around a plastic container.It was great fun. What's next?

Thumbnail by diggerette
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's a top view.
It's Saturday night. Did this cafe get it's liquor license yet?? Anyone care for some shots? I'll serve some coffee later on. :)

Thumbnail by diggerette
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I am always up for shots. What will you have. I love Goldschlauger.

Great natural. Love the cinnamon!!

I went out today to get my little container for pot of fleurs and learned something today. For those who don't know I have only been gardening since this summer. Anyway, I had propagated some beautiful swiss ivy. It was hanging all around the sides of the container. Apparently it is not as hardy as it's cousin the common ivy, for it was Kaput. I am devastated. I had been training it just how I wanted it for several months.

Oh well, on a grand note, I found these in the back yard. I am praying for a very early spring to see what all is back there. There is no telling what will pop up in the "Treasure Trove" aka backyard.

Anyone know what they are? I don't.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

They are very small but LOTS in this area. I will explore more tomorrow when it is warmer. I have already dug up over 200 bulbs out of it. I refuse to leave any plants in this yard before.....

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Pupil, Sorry, I can't afford Goldschlauger :) How about some Tequila! Anyone else?

I don't know what they are either but they'll look amazing when they all bloom.

Thumbnail by diggerette
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Pup[il.. They look like they might be Narcissises ( man that a tough word to say: ) ) That would be my guess. I got a pile of them sittign in flats in the back of my truck in pot s that was gathered up from the wild.

Digger.... How cute! Like how ya use dthe stems and the cinnamon sticks like that. : )

Anybody know how long they and daffodils will last once cut in an arrangement?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Star, that is a questions for the gurus. I can't even identify a flower. lol.

Diggerette, looks great lit. Do you have any fatter, squatty candles? lol. That is the only way I can think to describe them. I think it needs to be a little larger on the candle. BUT, that is just my thought. Either way, it is fantastic and exceeds anything I can do. Now that bottle beside it, have you any limes?

These are some other bulbs I dug up out of the yard. They are unknowns as well. Oh, to let ya'll know, we did not move into the house until after flowering season. I had never owned a plant before this (34, sad huh). But the yard was fantastic and I was hooked. So, I can't wait to see them in bloom!! A gardener loved this yard once, the owners afterwards and afterwards apparently did not. It is very overgrown with Ivy and Monkey Grass. I could sell it by the truck loads and still not be rid of it.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr

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