The FLOWERPOT Cafe' V - Join us for a cup of Flowers!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

2008 finds us in an ever expanding cafe'. We are greatful for all the new patrons and the beauty and friendship they have brought with them. Let's make this year even better. Please bring all your lovely flowers and such to help us keep the cafe' THE place to be.

Have a seat, join us for a cuppa or two and hope you enjoy your visit!

We came from here

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

Back up Traci, just left you a message on the old one....

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

LOL. Snap.
Hope you have a wonderful New Year, Sharon.

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

You too, sweetie.....and to all of you in the cafe!

london England, United Kingdom

OOps! here you are. I got lost on the way round!
Guess what? One of my friends has joined up! Her name is 'Flowertips', I went over to the Artisans cafe and she was there! So I hope she finds her way here and when she does, please give her a warm welcome! We have been friends for over 20 years and I'm so delighted that she has finally signed up. I know she has been lurking for a long time!!!!!!!!!

Teeheeee! Karma said she had flowers, we are in for a treat.
C'mon Adele and Starlight... Wakey wakey!!!!!!!! it'a a new day, new year, new start. Flowers to think about......

I told you it was a mess in here, look, someone has put roses in the crisps, or do you say portayto chips?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

All tidy in here now, ready for fresh flowers!

My new blue vase..

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Blue vase with 'happy flowers'

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Notice the fluff in the cage? I don't like gypsophilia......!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Happy 2008 mornin to ya all! ♥

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi everyone. Looks like I missed a great New Years party last night. Hope everyone had a great time wherever you all were. Just wanted to thank Traci and Terri for creating this beautiful space and letting me enjoy a cuppa with you all. Also, thanks to everyone who has stopped by here with your works of art, projects and ideas, and your company. Looking forward to great new year of gardening and arranging.

My first arrangement of the year, thanks to Adele for the project, and Terri for her great hand ties. I just have a simple one of alstromeria lilies. They last forever in water. . .okay maybe 2 weeks. . .but that's forever in cut flower years. Starlight, I still have your fluted glasses on my mind. I have til Valentines right?

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Hello Karma,
Thanks for the appreciation of the cafe ! Thankyou for helping to run the place, and sharing your ideas and creations.
Your hand tie is beautiful and imaculate as usual! It's not easy to get those stems to stand up! Lovely colours with the ribbon adding the finishing touches. I hope this is the first of many beautiful arrangements to come in the cafe in 2008!

Alsromeria are such good value, they do last for ages, and they are so pretty!
Has anyone grown them? I was thinking I would grow them this year, are they bulbs? or tubers?

We are forcast snow for tomorrow! so I guess I will continue my hibernation at home for a few more days.
I'm back to work on monday. I have enjoyed meeting you all and hope that we will continue to 'make' stuff and share ideas all year long!!!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning all! Frozen cold and crispy here. BRRRRRRR . Three days of this coming and wil take me a month to thaw out.

Karma... We got plenty of time til Valentines . Managed to get to store yesterday before cold came and was tryign to hunt another type of color and flower to go with what I got the other day and good grief, Christmas is hardly over and store s had St. Patricks day our all ready.

If it warms up enough to day that I can out to shed to find some bits and pieces I might finally have a litte something completed finally to hide on shelf somewhere.

Terri.... Haven't got any growing here yet, but think it Avon bulb in your neck of the woods that has some of the bulbs. Not sure if they charging 3.50 your kind of money for one bulb or not or if you get more in a packet.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hey terri, I meant to ask you what is that long stem with the small apricot flowers? Very pretty. I don't like gyp either. . .but it looks nice in a bouqet of roses or in little pieces for corsages and buttonholes.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Starlight, we posted at the same time! SNAP

It's really cold here too. 38 this morning! I know what you mean about the stores. . .they have Easter out already too!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning All!
Karma, It's beautiful. I'm going to try it again. This time with real flowers. The bow gives it a nice touch.
Morning Starlight

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Good Morning, I have no talent in flower arranging but I do have a daily supply of fresh flowers free for the picking. If I posted a picture of a flower would you be willing to give me pointers on how to "arrange" it. I am thinking of the beautiful white spider lilies that smell so heavenly, and of course tropical hibiscus, and bouganvilla.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Adele! I haven't had much luck with spiraling the stems like Terri does, but I finally got it to work. You can't see it well in the hand-tie because I didn't use many flowers, but the spiraling effect is really pretty when you have lots of flowers (stems) to work with. Would love to see what you come up with in fresth flowers.

Morning Mittsy, nice to see you again. Everyone, I met Mittsy in the round robin forum. . .she is a lovely lady. Can you believe she gave out seed gifts on her own birthday? Welcome Mittsy, we would love for you to post pics and if I can't come up with something for your flowers, someone else can. Your Pupilprogtr is getting really good at it!


london England, United Kingdom

Hello everyone!

Welcome Mittsy,
Thanks for joining us! I definately would love to see your exotic flower's, they sound beautiful! I rarely see bouganvillia, they are sooo pretty, like paper flowers! Please post your flower pics and we may be inspired and get some ideas. The bouganvillia have thorny stems don't they? they would have to come off before you attempt antthing with them!

Thanks Starlight, now I know they are bulbs, I will be able to find them somewhere! The only Avon I know sells make up!!

Adele, you really need about 30 stems to get a good spiral effect! I have used things like the red cornus stems mixed in with the flowers, they bulk it out and add interest to the spiral.

Karma, I think that flower stem is called lantana or something like that, not sure! 80p per stem.The flowers are so tiny, they remind me of the tall Verbena borensis (sp) one of my favourites in the garden.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I WISH it was 38º here! LOL

london England, United Kingdom

Hi misty, keep warm, and look out for some exotic flowers from mittsy!

misty and mittsy, hope I don't get confused with your names!!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm sure trying to! Went to the new green house and was shocked to see it was 60 in there with no heat as cold as it is outside! Now, if it would just stay that way at night with no heat! Ya, right! HA HA HA
Yes, could get confusing, ay! :)

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I took a short walk North out my back gate and gathered foliage.
1. felix robillini palm frond
2. syngonium podophyllum 'Mango Illusion'
3. foreground podocarpus
4. background patio privet
5. variegated pepperomia
6. leaves from yucca and amaryllis
7. scheffelera

This message was edited Jan 3, 2008 8:28 AM

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

and flowers:

4 different colors of bouganvilla
and a purple groundcover

This message was edited Jan 2, 2008 3:04 PM

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I will have to look around for a few containers and get back to you.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Here are a few that I came up with. Anyone want to have a try at long distance arranging?

I figure everything will be dead tomorrow as we are scheduled for a freeze tonight.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I pretty much just use the plunk method so any critiquing would be welcome. I like the texture and the colors.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I love this purple bottle although this arrangement doesn't feel right to me.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Have to attach pic if I want you to see it. I need a nap, ha ha.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Beautiful Mittsy!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)


Everyone, Mittsy the Marvel, can do anything. If she doesn't know how, she will learn.

Mittsy, I signed up for an online arrangement course. We are going to do it on the cut flower forum and would love to have you play along. It won't be anything rushed, as I won't be doing it when I have Teensy. Hope you play!!

I absolutely love the purple bottle arrangement and the leaf at the bottom. Simple yet beautiful.

I'll be back later. I have to run out quickly, but this will be my first stop when I get back.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi mittsy,
Thanks for showing us your foliage and flowers, it's a good idea to show what plant material you are using.
It's nice to see it properly like that before the arrangement is made, do you agree flower girls?
A charming cup arrangement, perfect for our cafe, well done! I would suggest to take off some of the bouganvillia leaves, so the flowers can be seen better. I agree Lovely colours and textures.
Love the purple bottle arrangement. It feels right to me, good height and balance, as Traci said, simple yet beautiful. Thanks for the exotic flower treats!

It helps to see the shape of the containers you have available for use , when trying to suggest ideas.

Hello everyone else too!!!!!!!!!!!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Mittsy, you have a lot of foliage options in your garden. My favorite is the herb like greens (variegated pepperomia?). Your "weed" looks like nephthytis leaves, wh ich I like to use at the base of bridal bouquets. I have a pink syngonium with the arrowhead leaves.

I think one of the most important elements in floral design is the use of complementary colors. You seem to have it down by using the orangey bougie in your peach mug. Color combinations such as red, yellow, peach, orange go together well in my opinion. Agreeing with Terri on removing the bougie leaves. If you're trying to showcase the flowers in the mug, you might want to trim down the greenery (is it oleander or the peperromia?) or add more flowers (if you have more of the same bougie). Nice touch with the set up too!

Your purple bottle and the purple bougie are perfect together. . .the purple groundcover (wandering jew?) is also an exact match. . .add that and you have a monochromatic arrangement. With the fan shaped foliage in there, it reminds me of a beautiful peacock. Interesting arrangement, Mittsy!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma!
Lovely to have new friends join us in the cafe isn't it? Remember when we started the first cafe, we went for weeks sometimes without seeing a soul!!!
Have you taken your hand tie apart yet?!! are you going to try the other one Adele suggested with the natural container? I would like to try that one.

Adele, Would you mind bringing that one in here please? maybe mittsy would like to try it, she has lots of foliage that could be suitable.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

karmaplace thank you so much for id ing my weed. I checked plant files and it is syngonium podophyllum "Mango Illusion". I removed them from a fence, considered invasive by my client. (I weed part time). I brought all the cuttings home and rooted them. I think that they're lovely.

I need to make a correction to the above post on foliage, I named it pittosporum, but it is podocarpus, sorry. I really like the orangey bouganvilla but there aren't very many flowers. Our gardeners just cut off everything to make square box shapes. Just about the time they are ready to bloom they get hacked off.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Good Morning All,
Sure Terri, Here's the project.
Hi Mittsy, I would love to weed part time. Cute peach cup! I like how you extend your design out of the cup. Nice touch.

Thumbnail by diggerette
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Morning everyone. Mittsy, your cup looks so neat and tidy! I love it! One of the rules is to make your arrangment 1.5-2 times the height of your container, but I don't always follow this rule. I love arrangements that sit right above the rim like what you have in your revised cup. I have all your foliage wrong. The pepperomia is the succulent looking one with the oval leaves? What is the one that is to the right of your palm? That is my favorite one. Podocarpus?

Don't worry about the bougies. More hacking just means more blooms for you!

Thanks Adele. I bought my candle and have it set up in the foam using the wires. No flowers or foliage yet, but working on it. Thanks so much. . .I had no idea it could be so simple to just tape the wires to the candle and insert it into the foam. I used to spend more money to buy the candle holder thingie that has a pointed end underneath. That was 1.99 each.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, missed your post. I have taken my handtie apart but not for the natural container. I think I want roses in that one. Have you started working on that one yet?

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Morning everybody!

Cute peach! : ) Where'd ya find peach shaped cups like that. I need some of them for down here.

I got a candle and foam too. Still lookign for flowers, but with the temps so frigid I won't make it to store until friday or saturday to find flowers.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I'm with you star!! How bad did it get down there. It is 16 right now and I think we went down to 14.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

It 8F and with the wind it 3F. I am frozen solid and so are my plants.

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