christmas cactus

Homer, NY

I purchased this cactus at a garage sale,I was more interested in the pot it was in. the lady told me she thought it had a disease it looks to me like it got too much sun the thick leaves are bleached white around the edges anyone know what it could be and what to do for it, is it is huge. thanks for any help, I'd like to save it!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9A)

It could be too much sun, and posibly it needs a bit of fertilizer. Put it in light shade and give it only a little regular fertilizer. The old growth is going to stay the way it is but the new growth should be fine.

Iola, WI

I also recently purchased one at a garage sale...too bad it didn't come with a pretty pot ;)

The poor thing was standing in water! I drained off what I could. The soil was also VERY depleted, in a 4" pot there was probably only 2 inches of soil in the bottom.

That was 2 weeks ago. After repotting with fresh soil mixture the prognosis looks good!

Can anybody tell me about propagation?

Congrats on the garage sale find! I've done rather well this summer myself!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 9A)

Propagate by taking a piece with several segments; let the cut place dry a day or so, then place in well-draining soil. If rot occurs, cut off above the rot and let dry longer!

Iola, WI

Thank You!

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