Daily Pics Volumn 46

Marlton, NJ

Nice pics guys.!

Hi Swampfire, You'll see my answer to your question in the old thread. :-)

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

"I am the king of this tree and feeders!"

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

reflecting on the day's events....

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Marlton, NJ

Knock wood; I haven't seen any flocks of Starlings in my yard this year but I think its

thanks to the crack team "Coopers & Sharpshin".

Marlton, NJ

Very nice pics indiana!

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

Thanks Pelle!
Unfortunately, the turkeys weren't quite so photogenic.... it is so funny seeing those turkeys in the back!!

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Beautiful pics, TL, and everyone! I wonder if I may see Spotted Towhee around here. The Cornell website says I'm in their range, but I don't think I've ever seen one. Does anyone know if they're common in TX? Also, when it says the winter range, what months does that mean?

Here is the only bird I took a picture of since yesterday.

Thumbnail by PeeperKeeper
Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh tigerlily, I meant to ask, is that a band I see on the right leg of the Spotted Towhee?

Marlton, NJ

LOL, I have one similiar to that. (African Congo Grey).

Whats his name?

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

I thought this shot was kinda cool... kinda like "a bird's eye view"

Thumbnail by indiana_lily
Marlton, NJ

Your Right! Neat!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I got a lttle better one of some GF.

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Marlton, NJ

Very nice nanny!!

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

PK, I don't think so. It's just the way the light is hitting the last ridge on his foot.

Here's a wet Scrub Jay, trying to get warm.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Buffalo, MN(Zone 4a)

Tigerlily, your photos are beautiful. I'm curious about what type of camera you use-everything is so clear and perfect!

I'm also anxiously awaiting to see more photos from Pelle's new camera and lens . . .

This message was edited Dec 31, 2007 8:27 PM

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Camera is a Canon 30D w/ 70-300mm lens.

Thanks, but all my pics aren't that nice. I have many, many rejects, especially those taken in low light situations.

Marlton, NJ

Hi Deb (DMurray), You'll have to wait a while to see pics of mine from my new camera because I'm just learning it.

So far I'm very happy w/ the colors.

Seems like an comfortable camera to use and I love the fact that their manual is easy to understand.

Klamath River, CA

Obviously a Red_tailed Hawk.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Buffalo, MN(Zone 4a)

Ah, but Tigerlily, haven't you heard the saying that the only difference between a pro photographer and an amatuer photographer is that the pro has already disposed of all the rejects? I have a camera kind of like Pelle's-Canon Rebel XT and have a lot of trouble with low light as well. It seems as though my favorite birds come to the feeders at dawn or dusk and I've been trying to get good photos of them but have such problems between the noise and low shutter speeds. I have a noise reducing program but that doesn't really fix the shutter speed issue! I hate being tied down to a tripod but it may come to that.

Pelle, Canon does have pretty good manuals. Have you checked out the Digital Rebel tutorials on their website? They're very good. I would also recommend a book (that I can't seem to find right now-it must be downstairs) Anyway, it's the Digital Rebel Digital Field Guide (or something similar) by Charlotte Lowrie. I think they have one that covers your newer model Rebel. I got it at Amazon and it's great! I've learned a lot from it. Anyway, enjoy your new toy-you have my dream lens, by the way!
Happy New Year-

Klamath River, CA

This Western Bluebird played hide and seek but finally came out where I could get a pic or two.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Marlton, NJ

Nice adel!

Hi Deb, Thanks for the info! I'm already thinking of additional lenses in the future,lol.

Klamath River, CA

This is not one of my pics. It was e-mailed to me.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Marlton, NJ

LOL, Yes I've seen that one recently.

Thanks for posting it!

Hebron, KY

Nice pics everyone!

Adel, that pic is too funny! LOL ;-) Thanks for sharing it!

Yesterday and today, I've been trying out my new camera! ;-)

Closeup of Dee 12/31/07 1:38 pm


Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Male Downy 12/30/07 2:50 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Female RBW and GF 12/30/07 2:53 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

GF 12/31/07 2:02 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Klamath River, CA

Great pics Marilynbeth.

Hebron, KY

Female Cardinal 12/30/07 2:48 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Thanks Adel!

GF 12/31/07 2:01 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Dee 12/31/07 1:59 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

GF's 12/30/07 2:39 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Downy with a peanut! 12/30/07 2:43 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Lots of Finches! 12/30/07 2:52 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Female RBW munching with two GF's 12/30/07 2:53 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

Tufted Titmouse with a BOSS! 12/31/07 1:34 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

DH took this pic of a WBN with my camera. 12/31/07 3:27 pm

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth

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