I need some help

Cordele, GA

In the past two months my elderly mother's health has deteriorated very significantly. In November, just prior to Thanksgiving, she was diagnosed with Alzheimers' Disease. After the two most predictable periods, total denial and immersion in online research, I am trying to achieve acceptance. Mom is enrolled in Hospice and my brother and I have pulled together all her notes on what she does and does not want done.

To help myself deal with this, I am working on an art journal. This is where I need your help. Mother was an avid gardener and many of my memories of her involve plants, flowers, and garden wild life. I intend to use plant motifs on each page in the book.

The first, and for me the most difficult, should be sunflowers as these were her favorite flowers from her childhood in Rhine, Georgia. I need photos of sunflowers from plant magazines, seed catalogs, and seed packets. Anything that anyone can provide will be appreciated

I will be happy to provide SASEs if that will make things easier.



Saint Cloud, MN(Zone 4b)

So sorry you are going through all this. I know it is very difficult watching a parents decline.
I can send some clippings from my new seed catalog....are you in the exchange? No SASE needed :o)

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Beth, I will keep an eye out for photos. Is their other flowers or plants I can look for while going through the magazines? What sizes do you want, is it like a scrapbook?

Cordele, GA

To all, yes I am in the exchange. Size range 2 to 5 inch diameter would be perfect.

I haven't gotten further than the sunflowers yet. I am planning a page dedicated to Autumn foliage and the drives through the city to view the color. I hope to make impressions of leaves with prominant veins in acrylic paste for that one.

I don't know why this makes things easier to deal with, just that it does. All the emotion has to go someplace, I quess. I feel less angry when I am working on this book.


My heart aches for you. I watched my Grandmother go through this. I'm sending prayers and hugs&blessings your way tonight. May God help you deal with your frustrations and give you peace during this difficult time.

Cordele, GA

Thank you, Susan. I


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