ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 75 - Countdown to the New Year

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! Tonight I thanked my mother for giving birth to me on the day before New Year's Eve, so we wouldn't be out celebrating while all the drunks were out. Every year we go out for dinner, and the restaurants are not real busy because everyone is holding out for New Year's Eve the next evening. Perfect!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

A BIG Happy New Year to everyone who is reading this!!!! I wish you all good health and happiness in the coming year!!

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Wishing you all the best in '08!!

Everyone, have a safe and fun new year's!

It just started to rain here and may freeze on the roads soon. Be cautious and safe if you go out tonight!

I have been off work since the 21st and have just enjoyed lounging about and not doing much of anything. I dread going back to work on the 2nd! But, reality does set in eventually. LOL

Lurker Lou

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi, LurkyLou! (((hugs)))

I am working on Friday, but it's another short stint, laughable, really. I am riding in with Vanessa for her Noon start, and riding home with Amanda, who gets off at 2pm. Isn't this nuts? I'm fine with it, though, because I know how I felt after two hours last week.

When I told the PT I was in a lot more pain this weekend, especially between my shoulders, she said the deeper massage last week might have been too much, especially coupled with the exercises. She said to lay off the exercise and let's just get the knots worked out so my muscles can heal up, and then we'll strengthen them. Right now the exercises only exacerbate the problem. Oh, turns out the PT is friends with my friend Rosy. And she scrapbooks. The world just keeps getting smaller lately! :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sorry I almost missed it!

Here's the Wine Cookie turned me on to....
Forget the Wine....
Check out these bottles..


Thumbnail by henryr10
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Too funny....They look like giant Avon bottles!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

George good job and good luck w/ the Kids!
It's a tough road and not every turn is smooth.
Sounds like you already know that though.

As for Timmy if we can help you continue his memory then post away.
Pictures like that are a treasure.
I personally love the feelings that come from it.
Looks like they were buds!

We used to throw huge Theme Bashes up in B'creek.
Dozens of people w/ many spending the night.
One huge Dance Room... one Quiet Room for Conversation... and of course the Kitchen.
The dance room we turned into a sleeping quarters at 3 AM for the light weights.
Then Sunrise Breakfast... for those still up and capable of eating.... LOL!

Here's a Head Shot.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

This year we'll be spending a quite time here ringing in the New Year.
We'll head out to the Hot Tub about 11 w/ a Bottle of this Shiraz I turned Cookie on to.

It's an Australian Shiraz and I love it.
Course since they are 'down under' the label would read right side up.
Gotta love their sense of humor.

The label reads.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, I was just getting ready to ask about that from the pic with the kitty bottles! Those are adorable, by the way.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Doing the same thing we do every year, a house full of teenagers, I'm cooking hubby is sitting in kitchen with me watching football. Kids are all in the living room. Some friends of ours sent us 3 bottles of home made blackberry wine with their son, and a loaf of home made cheese bread, the bread is fabulous the wine is strong! His son said, "Dad said you probably better not drink a whole bottle tonight" LOL at midnight we'll open a bottle of la Spinetta, and have a little toast, then we'll go to bed, and the kids will play play station, x box, hit the hot tub and monopoly all night.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

The wind is really kicking up out here--it's supposed to get down to the 20's with snow "showers" tomorrow. What a way to start the new year, huh? Sheesh.

I finaly get a vaca and what happens "it snows" sheesh, can' t a girl get a break ? :) lol
I personaly think those people in Times Square are CRAZY :) lol . Where do you go pee and how ? I couldn't do it , i have to pee alot in my old age lol :)
Best to all

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I had a post all typed a while ago, and it went poof. I just hate it when that happens.

I was saying: George, talk about Timmy as much as you like. My DM passed a year ago in November, and no one here told me to cut it out. They are all good people, and want to help you in any way you can.

LurkerLou, glad that you had some time off to do whatever you wanted, and hope that going back to work is not too stressful.

Badseed, sorry to know that you had an expired subscription, but that a good friend gifted you one.

Ric, bet that was a hoot meeting up with Joyce and Dusty today. Wish I could have been there watching.

Melissa, be glad that the teens want to hang out at your house. So much better they be there than out getting into mischief.

Kimberly, congrats on being selected to be on the design team, and what benefits. We are not playing Scrabble, but at home non the less. Safer that way.

taynors, DGD and I do have a good relationship. I am so fortunate to have her. She is 11, smart as a whip, and has such a good sense of humor. Wish that she could come live with me, but I was advised to wait until the teen years struck to see if I still wanted her here!! Probably good advice.

Oh, dryad got a new labeling system for christmas. Let us know how it works, I have tried many, and still looking for a good one.

Joycet and Dusty, glad that you got to meet at JJ, and what a hoot having Ric join you.

Kywoods, opening the door and listening to the fire works. Sounds like maybe what we would do here, but no town close enough to hear them.

Velnita, how did the tests go?

Marcy, did you do the bills and paper work today. Isn't it exciting?

We had supper at home, and probably will be in bed before midnight. I know that I will awake to 2008, whether or not I see it in.

Gonna go check some other forums, and then, off to dream land.

Good night, and HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

It's really windy here too...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Evenin y'all.....Rain, winds and 46 degrees here...

Welllllllll... I survived.....LOL...Whatta trip...

Sissy got home to a cranky baby Grandson...I made it home and got dinner finished up, and here I am...We had a terrific time...I bought some salami and more cheese for my stash...er....ummm...a whole CASE of one of them...food for Oz....some cigars for Jim, of which he now has one fired up... and some special beer...Good ole Tiger *P*, and some Thai Singha beer that we had in Bankok on R&R...The Big bottle on the left below is the same that exploded next to Bro...They had a sampler, and it is delicious, so I got one for tonight...We hit the garden center first, and I spied a patio umbrella....it said $10 on the pole..looks like a Tiki Bar thatch...when I looked harder, it is one of those large wood frame ones with a light beige canvas cover...Just what I have been wanting...

Bro Bill asked me what it was, as I was loading it into my van when we got home to Cookies...I told him it was my new Hula skirt... LOL

It was terrific to see Ric & Robyn, even if they did sneak up on me...

We never leave the house on NewYears Eve either...I remember one year before I retired from the truck, I knew I wasn't going to make it home to Atlanta by 10 pm which is my cut off time...I had 2 of the kids with me, and I stopped in Chattanooga, got some party food and a bottle of Pink Champagne, some plastic champagne glasses and some cheese of course...I headed south to the rest area in Ringold, GA on I-75 just south of Chattanooga and parked the rig...we had the radio going, and were getting updates and we had the TV on so we could watch the ball drop...I popped the cork a couple secs before they started the ball, poured 3 glasses, diluted 2 with 7-up, and we toasted in the new year with all of the rigs parked with us blowing our air horns...ate all our snacks, crawled in our bunks and I dozed till sunup and pulled out and headed home to NE Atlanta...I think that was one of my most favorite New Years Eve ever...That was 1982...

Here is the beers and wine...

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

And here is my beautiful set from Cookie & Bill for Christmas...

This message was edited Dec 31, 2007 11:20 PM

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

We're too fuddle-brained to play Scrabble, so we 're zoning out on TV. We watched the year's funniest commercials as well as a History Channel documentary.

We just turned to Dick Clark and crew...WHAT has happened to that man? Did he have a stroke? He was so hard to understand. At least he's not dying his hair now.

And...it seems a couple of our tiger barbs are frolicking in the new year.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, and by the way, you know how OLD we are? Howie brought home a pizza and soda. Diet soda. Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi. *sigh*

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Happy new year, y'all! :)

Just realized Dick Clark had a stroke. Now I feel bad. :P

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued to a NEW 2008 Thread....


Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Happy New Year Everyone.

Kimberley I forgot to tell you congrats earlier. I knew you'd get it anyway. :)

Yes, Dick Clark had a stroke last year before New Years, they didn't know if he'd be able to do it or not, he did, and believe it or not, he sounds/looks a lot better this year than he did last... it'll never be the same for me, when he's not doing NYRE anymore... I've watched him my whole life.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)


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