ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 75 - Countdown to the New Year

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/799310/

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Ooo, ain't that purty!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Anyone know any GH's or Nurseries selling Hydrangea 'Little Honey'?
snapple_45 up near Toledo is looking for one.
Good GH's up that way would be nice too.
She's having trouble finding any GOOD ones.


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Try Schweizer Fruit Farm & Greenhouse at 4114 Seaman St in Oregon or Ohlman at 3901 Hill Ave, Toledo

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening, haven't checked in since supper, not that anything earthshaking has happened in that length of time. I did talk to my sisters tonight. I have 3 way calling, and we try to have a 3 way conversation about every 2 weeks to get caught up. You know you are getting old when the majority of the news that you are reporting to your siblings is health related. And they are doing the same with their health and the health of their families!!

Melissa, I was hoping that when I got my garden shed last spring, that my DH would have the electricity to it and I could use it for all my seedlings. But it hasn't happened yet, so will have to make some alternative plans. I have shelving units out there in the shed, so will probably just bring them in, and put them in a spare bedroom, and keep them there until I can safely put them out. However, I don't have a greenhouse or a hoophouse, so I probably won't start mine as early as you do. I am afraid they would get too big in the house, and I would have no place to take them. When you are dealing with 4-5 hundred plants, it is pretty hard to have a place large enough. However, DH and I are gonna have to sit down and do some planning on the garden this year. When we sold DM's house, we lost about a 1/2 acre garden. So we have another garden at his DM's, and we need to plan to put one here. We have 29 acres, but there is only a few locations with soil good enough to raise a decent garden. One thing, I am going to do differently this year, is to not start them all at the same time. I plan to plant seeds every 2 weeks, so that I can extend the tomato crop later into the fall. And besides, it will help me not to have to do a marathon of canning when they all come on at once.

Velnita, Ky.Woods, Melissa, and whom ever is needing to loose weight. My thoughts are with you. I usually am able to maintain my weight, and keep it within the range that I deem healthy for me. However, I have sort of slacked off my walking daily, and I noticed that the pants are getting tighter, so will have to become very serious and get started on walking again. I usually walk 2 miles a day, but with winter, and the rain, haven't been doing it faithfully. And this summer, I used the heat as the reason that I wasn't walking. So I have decided that I can find all kinds of excuses and reasons not to walk, so my new year's resolution will be to FIND reasons to walk and exercise!!

Well, DGD is at a friend's and need to hop in the car and go get her. So will bbl.

just a quick check in
Weight watchers has a great soup with Progesso soup , they are zero points and low in calories and fat. I also buy some frozen foods that are in that area of weight watchers
take care
back at cha tomorrow

New Year's resolutions---yay!!! I actually like making and keeping them. Unfortunately, last year, I got caught up in life and never decided on what to do. I don't do things like the classical resolutions though. I resolve to work on character traits instead--and even then, I resolve to improve rather than eliminate the problem areas. I figure that after a year if I've even been able to improve just a little, that it will eventually add up through the years. One past resolutions that I've done were to talk less and listen more. Every time I thought about it, I'd make an effort toward that goal. Of course, I took it too far and the next year my resolution was to speak up more often! One year I tried to be more patient. Another year I resolved to try to tell people more often that I love them. Another year I tried all year to be more compassionate. I've probably been making resolutions like this for the past 20 years and it's fun. I have no idea what I'll work on next year but I sure do have a lot of areas to choose from! LOL, I guess that's life.

I'd like to be close to my ideal weight this time next year but that may not happen. Either way, I'll be closer and a lot healthier. So I'm okay with that. I'd also like to find an exercise that I'd enjoy and would stick with. I've been having a hard time with that. I guess I have a little time to think about it! My favorite is lifting weights but we don't have the room for the equipment. And health clubs (even YMCA's) can be a bit expensive.

Pretty picture, Dusty. Do you have time to sit and chat a bit? I miss reading your posts. Is everything okay?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Velnita, at least you are being realistic with your goals. Some people just defeat the new year's resolution thing by setting goals so unobtainable in a year, and then are disappointed when they don't really reach them.

I will have to think about if I want to add anything else to those resolutions. I think if you make 1 and try really hard to obtain it, it is reason to celebrate.

Well, DGD is home, and heading to bed, and I am gonna do the same.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Howie and I are both with you on the weight loss, y'all. He and I lost a lot of weight prior to his 2006 back surgery, but we went back to bad habits afterwards when he was recovering and I was still a homemaker. We both put on 40 of our lost pounds. We're back at it again, though. He has hardware and fused vertebrae from T9 clear down to his sacrum (tailbone), so losing the weight is extra important to him for his back to stay healthy. Our weight loss blog is http://thehman.com -- we've been remiss in updating it lately, but we're going to get back into it. It helps us stay accountable to those in the same boat!

Today was a busy day, though I did take a nap this afternoon. We went to our friends Steve and Francie's home for their annual "Souper Christmas" open house. Francie made tomato bisque, white chicken chili, and pizza soup, each with mix-in's which complimented the soup. Someone else brought turtle soup. We brought chicken wings, and others had veggie trays, dessert finger foods, and other appetizers. Their old friends from the neighborhood were there - people they've known for thirty years. It's so neat listening to long-time friends talk, that easy give and take of familiarity. It's a fun group and they include us as their own. :)

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

That sounds like a fun gathering, Kimberly, and some not-so-fattening eats. I'll have to check out your blog on a better day--my internet connection has been off-and-on all day. I'm typing this whilst the dumb dial-up is redialing again, and I'll have to hurry and hit "Send" as soon as it reconnects. It's like this whenever it's raining or very humid. I love livin' in the country, but it has it's drawbacks.
Velnita, what a great idea for resolutions!

I love the idea of a "Souper Christmas"! That is so cool. It sounds relaxing and stress-free. I'll bet you really look forward to it every year.

GW and Taynors, care to share any tips on how you lost the weight? I'm always looking for ideas. And recipes for hubby to try. Munching is a problem area for me too. I've tried grapes and they work okay. I've also tried a small bowl of low-fat ham cut into chunks. And hubby wants a replacement for salty, crunchy snacks---if you can think of anything.

GW, I just finished reading your blog--I read every word of it! It was great! I could relate to the ups and downs along the way. I was silently cheering you on. I've bookmarked it and hope that you decide to keep it current. It was fun reading.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Good Morning.

I can't believe I got to sleep in! Last weekend and through the holiday, I was up way before the time I have to get up to go to work. That wasn't very fun.... Today was great, but of course I woke up with a "slept too long headache". My coffee is helping a lot with that. Soon as I finish chatting with you I'll head to the shower and that will take away the last of it.

I'm glad to see that I'll have company in the weight loss/get in shape goal. I have some Denise Austin workouts recorded and I will start the new year with that. Then when the weather improves, I'll get to some walking as well. I'd like to lose 40 pounds, but I know not to take it off too quickly, I've done that before. :o(

Velnita...I LOVE asiago bread from DLM. Sometimes I treat myself to a loaf, and I rip off a big chunk of it in the car on the way home. Then I proceed to eat the whole loaf all by myself. DH says it smells like dirty socks...ha... anyway, I'm glad they have a small loaf, but I have been known to take the big loaf if they're out of the small one. I have denied myself this treat for over 6 months now....

GH, hope you're feeling better. Glad your long work day went okay for you! =o)

I've never started tomato plants before. I always buy them. I have had volunteers come up, does that count???? ;o)

I'm hoping to get some heirlooms from the Spring RU...hint, hint...

Hubby's goal is to be in the house next door by the end of January. (I personally don't see this happening). We have to paint the kitchen (over high gloss, ugh) and one of the bedrooms. We need to get carpet laid in that room as well. The kids took the carpet up and painted the hardwood floor white. The wood wasn't in that great a shape, so that was okay, but we want carpet back in there for the guest room. I think the bedrooms are smaller over there. Oh well, we only sleep in them anyway.

Now the decision is rather to keep the giant master bedroom that used to be the two car garage (it has a full bath and closet, plus an area that's been made into a walk in closet) and have to walk out to the Pole Barn to get in my car for work everyday (rain, snow, sleet, etc) or tear out the bedroom and make it back into a two car garage and sleep in one of the two bedrooms in the main part of the house. I think DH would like to keep the Master Bedroom. He's really leaving it up to me. If we tear it out, I know it isn't going to happen right away. Decisions, decisions.

Ric, did you and Robyn get rid of all your cookies? I told Bill to throw what was left away yesterday...except that...and that...and that... well, you get the picture.

Velnita, I'm feeling for you thinking about exercising with your feet the way the are right now. Oh ouch...

Soon as I get out of the shower, I'm going to put my split pea soup on to cook. Should be really good with the hambone. Lots of nice meat stuck to that! AND no Dusty, I am not using any turkey with it..... boy did she rip me a new one when I told her I made split pea with the turkey carcass.... She told me I didn't know nuttin. (That's what big sis's are for...)

I was hoping to get off work a couple of hours early yesterday, it's been kind of dead this week, but wouldn't you know it...starting about 2:00 I got two orders that had to be processed to Finland to get them on this years books and then about 4 I got two more. I'm not complaining, the orders totaled over 3, 500,000.00. But instead of getting off early, I worked late. It was a good feeling to get that finished though and I'd say it wrapped up our sales goal for this year, so we'll be getting our bonus in March...Yea!!

Dusty, can you share the picture of the binder and innards? You may not have it anymore. I can't move pictures from this computer.

Okay, rambled on for far longer than I meant to....you guys are probably yawning...

Love you!

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning all!
I survived the boredom of yesterday. I decided being bored is a sign of a boring person and I just can't have that. I ripped through the house again giving some extra attention to some areas that needed it, washed linens(its so nice to sleep on fresh sheets), took away all evidence of Christmas and made a vine wreath for the front door. The ebay sales were good this time, so I am headed to PO before they close, then off to get chicken and dumpling and my sticky sweet corn ingredients. then pick up scripts. My farm friends are coming after noon to cut the trees out of a few gardens(yeah more sun plants!) and the pay I must give them is my cooking. Great pay off(I love this meal too). We are also going to cut the supports for the new garden arch that will support the yellow and red honeysuckle. More projects! and of course more of Jeffs cussing(they go hand in hand, I can't help but be amused by it I told him I was going to print him a PhD in profanity). Well children, I am off to the big town!
Everyone have a great day.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, "Dr. Pottymouth". Dang, George, you are in a hurry for spring! You sure tore down Christmas fast--you're not like most folks I know who leave it up until Valentine's Day. LOL
Joyce, homemade split pea soup sounds yummy--all I've ever had is Campbell's, which doesn't have nearly as much ham in it as I'd like. Hey, if you just park the car in the new master bedroom, and sleep in the car, you would have a garage/master bedroom combo. ;)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Cookie, I'd keep the bedroom over the closet any day. Your cars will be in a shelter, so you won't have to scrape windows or any of that...It's just a dash to the barn. You will wish you had that extra room for a rec room or craft room someday! :)

George, you're making me tired. LOL

I slept in, too, until about 11:15am. It was wonderful.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, slept well, dashed to the bank and on to the Dollar store for cleaning products. I put together the ingredients for beef stew for tomorrow's lunch, it is in the oven, and I am eating a turkey sandwich, for my lunch.

Got up with a headache, and a sore throat, so immediately took some ibuprophen, and a ziacam. Hope this knocks it

DGD wants to go out to eat tonight, but I think I would rather just stay in and eat something I prepare. We will see about that.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Do you roast your veggies and such before putting them in the stew, Bonnie?

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

hmmm I typed out a response last night, but it's gone. Oh well. Velnita, the goals/ resolutions are neat... I don't do resolutions, but if I did, I think something along the lines of what you do would be a lot neater than resovling to lose weight or quit smoking or whatever.

Jazz, I do notice a difference in how I feel, just not how I look other than pants being too loose. Hubby says he sees a difference but I think he's supposed to say that.

George, where do you get your energy? I think maybe you should spend a day around my husband before labeling Jeff the Dr. of potty.... it's a constant battle with my hubby, I beg and plead for him to clean it up, it helps for day or two, then it's right back. He uses them as adjectives, verbs and nouns, often in the same sentence.

Joycet, I agree, leave the bedroom, so many more uses for it than just a bedroom... you can always build a breezeway to the pole barn. :)

Bonnie, my hoophouse is just made out of cattle panels, but this will be the 3rd year I've used it, so it's served it's purpose. Don't bother setting seed 2 weeks behind like you can do with beans... the tomatoes will catch up to each other. I know that just goes along with what the experts say about starting too early, but it's true. If you start one set of the same type of tomato in January, and another in february, they'll both bear within a week of each other. What you could do is plant equal numbers of late season/mid season varieties to make sure to break it up, or plant some determinates that are late season and mid season...

I normally start 400 - 500 too, and haven't had any problems with keeping them in the house... you can always top them if you need to... but I like my plants to be taller when I set them so I can stake them at the same time--- just seems to work better for me. I start them in flats and then transplant to 20 oz solo cups, and this year am thinking about starting less I'll only grow about 250-300 of them in the garden... the rest I give away, and I didn't give away as many last year as I normally do, so some went to waste. I'm also more prepared for drought this year, soaker hoses will go down when they're planted, so I'll still get a decent crop even if it's as dry as it was last year.

I think I"m going to make some caramel corn. Have a good day everyone.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

When you use soaker hose, how often and for how long do you water? I never feel like I'm doing it right with mine.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey all!
The place looks great. We cut down about 10 trees, cleaned out the whole line in front of the creek, The semi shady garden will now be filled with sun, my farm friends got about 10-12 nice 10 foot pole for their fences and I got all my support poles for my arbor. They cut up so much, they have to come back tomorrow to get the rest of the poles and their share of the firewood. There was only a few causalities. A huge walnut broke my birdbath, my willow chair clematis trellis is toast and Dustin(farm friend) did cut his leg, thank god not bad. I keep medical supplies on hand(animals and kids you have to) I gauzed and taped him up and he was as good as new. The payment(dinner) was good. Good thick chicken and dumplings, chewy sweet corn(my corn fried pudding), cornbread and English toffee chocolate truffle at the end. I am tired, but a good tired. Tomorrow if the weather is good Dr. pottymouth and I will set the arbor poles. I am very excited about this season. I lived in a very challenging garden for 7 years and here the soil is so rich and easy to dig in , I can't wait to see my new things come up and grow. Well I am off to check some other forums.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi all, we did indeed go out to eat. Went to Applebees, and it was a bit of a disappointment. Usually we enjoy the food, but the steaks were on the tough side, the baked potato was only warm, and the mixed steamed veggies I ordered, were not!! Just plain old steamed broccoli, usually it is a mix of broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, etc, So it was fair, but if I were filling out a restaurant survey, it wouldn't have gotten top marks.

Kimberly, I have a great beef stew recipe, that all the work is in the prep. Just peel and cut up your veggies, whatever you want, I usually use potatoes, carrots, and onions, sometimes, some peas and celery. Then brown your beef, and put it all into a dutch oven, along with 2 large cans of whole tomatos, sort of just give them a squish, salt, pepper, a dash of sugar, and 2 Tbsp. tapioca, Put it in the oven at 300 degrees, for about 3 hours. and a salad, some rolls or cornbread and you have a meal.

Melissa, I will have to do some research to see about the later types of tomatoes. Usually, I just start them at the same time, and I get what I get. I have a pending offer from a friend to go in halves with her on a farmer's market, selling plants. Cabbage, broccoli, pepper, tomatoes, some annual flowers, and maybe a few herbs. She has the greenhouse, and I have the know how. So we need to get together and talk this through, she is in one county, I am in another, so we could do 2 farmers markets. Maybe even later do some jams, and jellys and some breads. Course that would take some further certification for that. May even throw in some daylily increases.

Feeling much better today, I think I got the ziacam started soon enough, cause the sore throat and headache are much better, my mood is definitely much better.

George sounds like you have a dilly of a day. Doesn't it make you feel good to get that much accomplished? So now, how much new garden space will you be adding? Oh, hide the seed catalogs, or just let me get my orders in first!!

All of this talk about loosing weight. I say, go for it, only do it sensibily. No fad diets, just cut the calories, and make better choices. Add a dash of exercise, and it will come off, maybe slowly, but it will come off.

Well, got some paperwork for the church to do before tomorrow morning. We have tickets to a gospel concert tomorrow night, and am looking forward to it. Nothing planned for New Year's eve. And then we will be celebrating our anniversary on Jan 2, would you believe 43 years? Don't know if that is devotion or lunacy? LOL

Talk to you all tomorrow.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Kimberley, you'll have to run it and see how your soil looks/feels. I like the soaker hoses over the oscillating sprinklers because the water stays where I want it, instead of flying willy nilly all over the place, and the foliage doesn't get wet--tomatoes don't like wet foliage.

We put down the soakers when we plant. We run field fence down and the tomatoes are staked to it on either side. The soaker hose goes under the field fence, so it can water both sides. When I used soaker hoses for my flower beds, I did the same thing, laid the soaker hose when I planted, or early in the spring, wind it through so the bed will be watered where I want it to be, the mulch on top.

Bonnie, tomato fest shows seeds by seasons, and I think some others have too, but that should help you determine if the seeds you have are this or that season. http://store.tomatofest.com/varieties_by_season_s/7.htm
I've thought about selling plants, but wouldn't have the first clue about what to charge for them. Plus, so many are just oblivious to heirlooms, and since that's all I grow, I don't know if there'd be much of a market for them.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Evenin y'all...This extremely tedious and very looong week is finally over for me, and not a split second too soon...

Jim finished the editing required on his book for the new publisher Thursday night, and I have had to proof read all of it...very difficult for me as once I have read a book, I can pick it up 3 years later, open it in the middle and tell you what the next chapter is...so I have had to try to squelch that, and reread every line of this...They are hoping to have it released by the end of January...and back in print soon after...The contract is enroute...I am very happy for him, and hope it will sell well...

Geo my loved Son....Just ask Cookie who the Professor of Potty is....She is far enough into the book to know first hand...Jeff couldn't hold a candle to the old me...It seems when I shed that persona...99% of that went with it...but I do still hold my 1% in reserve for the occasional **Special Occasion**...Back then, I guess it seemed the thing to do to get the point across to the others who used it...I had never heard any of it before, and if I had dared to use it, I'm quite certain I would have had no teeth left in my mouth...Once I came back to the World...it was gone as fast as it appeared...

There is a young girl at work that just turned 18 a couple months ago and has been on her own for nearly 2 years in her own apt...I finally called her on her mouth a couple weeks ago...I asked her if she was that uneducated that she had such a serious lack of vocabulary that she felt those words were necessary to fill in...or was she just trying to fit in with those she associated with...and if that was the case, she needed new associates...She is fine with the customers...but on her smoke breaks, her mouth couldn't compete with the sewer much less the potty...She is well on her way to a very hard life...drinks waaaay toooo much...is always hung over when she comes to work on Sunday mornings...I know...She was my Sunday waitress when I worked those first few Sundays, and she cashiers the rest of the week...She is always talking about how drunk she was when she did this or that...and I'm positive nicotine and alcohol are not her only vices...Such a shame...

Bons...Happy Anniversary mah deah...It is definitely Lunacy...LOL

Cookie Sis...Give me a call when yer up in the AM..If you get no answer, that means I'mstill in bed and don't hear the phone... Not that that will likely happen as the dogs will NOT stay in bed past 9am no matter what...

I am off to my rack to hopefully have a hot date with the Sandman...

I will try to check in in the AM....Later that is...LOL


Dusty, congrats to Jim for finishing his book! What's it about? Just curious. Writing a book is such a big undertaking.

I'm guilty of having a potty mouth at times. Usually at work. I've worked in factories for years and it's just "normal". The short periods of time when I've worked in other fields, the potty mouth just vanished on it's own. As soon as I went back to working in a factory it returned. Hubby took a job in a factory a few years ago and within a couple of months I was shocked at the change in his language. But when he left the factory, it mostly faded away. Neither one of us would ever cuss "at" anyone--we just use unnecessary adjectives and exclamations. Twice I was counseled on two different jobs for my language in a factory. Both times it was for using the word "Dear". It's a bad habit of mine to call everyone (male or female) "Dear". Phrases like "Thank you, dear", "Good morning, dear", or the classical "Yes, dear". If anything, the habit has worsened over the years and now I also say "Darling" (again, to both men and women). I consciously try to curb it when I'm in a meeting or with upper management. My current co-workers don't seem to mind. In fact, if some of them greet me first, sometimes they'll say my usual "Hello, Darling!". In our politically correct world, I'm sure that someone will be hired who will complain again. Strange how I've never been counseled for the bad language--only the endearments.

The description of the 18 year old could have described me anytime through my 20's. It took me a long time to finally settle down, but it happened. And hopefully it'll happen for her too. It just takes some of us a while longer and a little more heartache. She isn't sharing her hang over stories with her customers, is she? That definitely wouldn't be very professional.

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Morning folks! Just wanted to stop in and say hello.
I want to thank all of you who have sent well wishes, it is because of the kind words, and gentle hearts here at the ORVG, that I know everything is going to be ok.
I was feeling much better Friday and was getting ready for work, when I became very sick feeling, even broke out in a rash, very odd, because I haven't done anything differently. Still don't feel like myself, but better anyway.
Jeremy has been home, he lifted something wrong at work. Occupational Health says he has a lumbar strain. He seems to be resting comfortably.
I don't expect him to try to go back to his temp job, Monroe called and said they had painting coming mid January, and would he like to come back.
Venita, I like that story, funny how folks take terms of endearment the wrong way, I catch myself doing that often, especially now that I am working with some much younger people, I think I even called a girl "sugar" the other day! That's what I call Abby sometimes!
One time last week , I bit the inside of my jaw, these youngun's I work with are just plain nasty, the newer you are the worse the treatment. Barking at folks like dogs.
I ask a girl last week if she wanted to rephrase herself. The manager ask me what the problem was and I told her , "The next 18 year old that gets nasty with me might get a surprise." The manager grinned and said, "That is the second time I've heard that today, from two different people". Then she went on to explain it was the girls last day.
So I bit my jaw instead of leaping a counter, to staighten out a lippy kid! LOL ( Well, at least that what I wanted to do ) lol
Welp I'd better go see how the big guy is feeling this morning. I hear him coming down the stairs, very slowly. Love you guys, Thanks for listening.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey venita
I have been "corrected" about using the phrase Honey. My mothers family start I think every sentence with "honey". It just became a habit, then when I worked for Goodwill they were very cautious of all politically correct ways. We could not even say Merry Christmas, it had to be Happy Holidays. We never could exchange Christmas gifts only "holiday gifts". They were so scared of being seen as a Christian organization. I also have been told not to use the term "children". My grandmother always said "now children lets go do this or that". It did not matter if you were 50 or 5 she still said children. I still use it , just because I think its a sweet endearment.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sorry to be AWOL yesterday.
We did my Family Christmas deal up in Kettering.
Left early got home late.

While we were up there we went to the Trent Arena for a basketball game.
My Nephew Tom plays for Fairmont's Freshman team.
They beat W. Carrolton 48-24.
WC players were outmatched so were hacking and pushing all game.
Tom didn't have any points but did set a 'pick' that cleared out two players.
One flew into the official's table.
Totally legal and perfectly executed, ref right there..
They had to pull him out of the game. They were afraid of retaliation.
But amazingly the hacking and pushing ceased...LOL!

For those of you formerly from Fairmont HS (or FE or FW)...
that new arena is state of the art.
Plus being 55 we got a 'Golden' discount!!!
1/2 price on the tickets LOL!!

My phrase is Sir or Mame.
I use it w/ people of any age... NEVER had a problem.
Little kids love it. Teens kinda blink then smile. My age and older... take it as respect.

As for a mouth...
well let's just say I've worked warehouse, as a bartender/bouncer and in construction all my life.
I do though know when to use what language...
My Mother wouldn't even let us get away w/ darn......
She thought the song Summer in the City by the Loving Spoonful started w/
Hot Dam*.... not Hot Town....
and was scandlized ..... until I showed her the Album Lyrics lol!

Well off to the Plantroom!

That is why i moved to Ohio , Being from CA you have to be sooooo politically correct . Eveyone gets insulted at even the tiney tiney thing.
I train my kids to have respect . They get lippy and they now what the cost is . No Nintendo or another privege is taking away. My oldest used to have this, but now that she is with her dad in Ca . Boy is she a potty mouth, i finaly told her "when you can talk like a human and not a jerk, call me." so far no call. :( I guess being a jerk is more fun. ?
Crash i could see you lungeing over the counter to grab that kid. lolol :)
glad your feeling a bit better too, sorry to hear Jeremy got a sprained back , that is not fun
well things are slow here . I wish some sun would come out . we havn't had sun in 5 days. ! yukie
Dusty glad to hear your week has ended and you got some time to recoop. :)
Defoe glad to hear your feeling better. I know you've been busy. We are headed to the Newport Aquarium in KY and Bass Pro Shop for a mini vaca. but DS is sick hope he gets better soon :0
Garden if you roast your veggies before you will get a richer taste in your stew . it is very good. Roasting is one of my fav cooking styles
well DS needs some Motrin and a nice cold juice
talk at cha later

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Sue ~~~~~ as you go BY!!!
We're minutes from Newport.


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good afternoon folks. Did early church, came home heated the beef stew, made some cornbread, went to check on DMIL, and now I am ready for a nap. We have a gospel concert to go to tonight, and I want to be rested so that I can enjoy it.

Not too talkative today. But will be back later, if nothing else to lurk.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good afternoon y'all....31 and sunny here...Yayy!! No Gloom...

Velnita...Jim had his book published back in Oct of 2003, but the publisher bit the dust...He has been trying to get a new publisher this past year since we finally settled..He was accepted last month, and they have requested some editing be done to the book...He has been hard at it for the last 2 weeks, and finally finished the editing...It is about he and I and how we met in Vietnam during the war...As I told Cookie, if you read this book, you will know more about me than you probably will ever want to know...LOL

Speaking of Cookie....She and I are off for a day of Play tomorrow at Jungle Jim's...I repeat...I am leaving my checkbook at home...ROFLLL
So you see Sue...Now I have to do everything today, that I normally do in 2 days off...No rest for the wicked or the weary...LOL

Speaking of which, I need to get moving out of here...Off to Dollar store to get cleaning and laundry stuff, stop for dog and Ozzie food, get back here and get 3 poodles clipped, and get my cleaning done, while the laundry is going...LOL I also vowed to finally get my drapes and pictures hung up in my bedroom...We shall see if I make it or not...My get up and go, got up and left town...LOL

Y'all have a good rest of the day...


Sounds like a great book Dusty can't wait to read it. Or should i say "can 't wait to see the movie " !!!!
your the busy ,busy lady you are. have fun at Jungle Jims.
what is Jungle Jims ? if you don't mind my asking :)
catch ya later folk's

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Dusty make sure you hit the Asian Veggie section....
That's where the EE's are.....
Have fun!


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Ric Bro...I think I'm gonna pack the wheelchair...From the sounds of Cookie this morning, I'm gonna Hit ALL sections... LOL
I have EE's growing in the tub with Lana Lily at the moment...I dunno if I want anymore right now...Knowing Cookie and her evil ways, I doubt this will be my last trip to JJ's...She has her ways of making me go south on Sunday's... LOL And if she is gonna get moved to the other house by the end of January, I'm guessing my next few Sundays are going to be busy...
How goes the plantroom??? We need progress pics...

I needed today to recoup from this past horrid week, and I'm hard at it with the laundry going while I try to get these Poos cleaned up...not to mention this nasty house...I decided I needed a reward so I stopped at UDF and bought 2 half gallons of Blackberry Chip ice cream...It sounded good a few weeks ago, so I got one...now, my name is Dusty and I am addicted...LOL

Okay...I'll check in later on.. Back to tha Dawgs...

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

One to eat now and one to hide from James.... ;o)

You just THINK I'm making up this stuff about Jungle Jims... (International Market, Sue) I'm not even sure I'll be able to get you out of the wine/beer/cheese section! Okay, so the beer won't be a draw, but the other stuff will!

They have black olive hummus there and I can't find it any place else. So that is on my list!

I have to admit that I usually skip the asian veggie aisle. I didn't KNOW that they had EEs there! Do they eat them?

Ric, my mom was like that too. I couldn't watch Saturday Night LIve. All my friends would talk about how funny it was, but I didn't have a clue...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Now I KNOW I'm old...I was in my own apt when SNL was on...I remember one night, I had been in the OR for a 16 hour day and thought to myself that if I had the stitches that were put in that day I would have ruptured every one of them over a Tim Conway and Ruth Buzzy skit...and Lily Thomlin... snorff, snorff...(adjust bra strap here) Is this the party to whom I am speaking????

1.5 little Poos done.... Half of Boo and one Monster to go...3rd load of laundry done...Sheets to go...yeck...at least I don't have to fold them...they are going right back on the beds...

And Noooo Miz Smarty...I aint hiding that...I got him the banana strawberry ones so there!!! ;-P ...I don't like that and he doesn't like my Blackberry so we are kewel...I brought home some Blue Cheese the other night...added it to my drawer.. he says ** Got enough cheese??** I said in the Immortal words of the Duchess of Windsor, Wallis Simpson, **You can Never be too rich or too thin** and **In my case, I am RICH in Cheese....Thin...we won't discuss**... ROFL and yes, I am a cheeseaholic with the exception of limburger, there is NO cheese I won't eat...and don't crave...Poppa loved limburger but the smell made me sick as a little bitty kid, and still can't stand it to this day...Probably tastes great, but stinks to all get out...Nasty stench...

Ummmm Cookie...EE's are Taro root.... RofLLLLLLLLLLL

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi, everyone! Thanks for the info on the soaker hose, Melissa. And Bonnie, I will have to try making stew in the oven like that; I'll roast the veggies first, too. We have a bunch of veggies left over from a relish tray we took with us to a gathering last night, so maybe Howie and I can make some stew.

I'm having a jammie day. I slept insanely late and am not far from heading back to the comfy bed to read. I'm reading a really interesting, beautifully-written novel by Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale. My friend Amy loaned it to me and it has usurped the stack of library books in my attentions. I'll catch up with William Lashner and his wonderful Victor Carl character when I'm done with this treasure. :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Heading off to the concert.

Dusty glad to hear from you, I was beginning to get worried, you have either been so busy, or in such a bad mood that you have been scarce here.

Have fun at JJ, and hope that you don't go in debt with what you pick up.

Check in when I get back.

Theres an international market ? !! .... let me at it :0 just dont tell my Dh im on the way . lol :)
big wave ric ~~~~~~ back at cha when i drive by. :)
have fun at JJ Dusty and Joycet .
Made chilli today in the crock pot , my other fav way to cook. But it got a bit burned :P bummer
Garden you sound like you had a nice comfy day, my kind of day on a sunday. Sounds like a good book. :)
take care all

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