My wish list for 2008 plants

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Let me know if anyone finds a good bargin when plants come out this spring:

Green Envy & Coconut Lime Echinaceas
Fairytale Veronica

The garden books are arriving but I've only seen Jung and Burpee and the pots are 3 inches for $11
which I won't be buying for that size plant. They will be pricy (echinaceas) since these are fairly new. But you never know what the warmer zones will have.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

co-op!! ;)

wish i had them too!

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Sam's had some boxes of things, Agapanthus, dahlias, coreopsis and I'm pretty sure that I saw Echinacea as well. Don't remember what kind though.


crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

I second a co-op!!


Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I got some echinaceas last year form Lazyss an online company that I like to deal with. They have a pretty good selection. You might try them. I was pleased with the hardiness and price.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

windy, can you give us a link on the company you mentioned?

i'm in for a co-op however....i would prefer late summer/fall shipping as coneflowers sometimes go dormant here when it's real hot...then i water them to death.

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Territorial seeds have both of these, and I think they are 9.95

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

How can we get a co op going, I would love to get in on that one!!

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I didn't see the ones mentioned there. But it is a nice place to dream about plants. LOL

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

First we need a grower with nice size plants. That's the first thing. Any suggestions? I'm game, duh, for doing one with good helpers.


(Cathy), MO

I would LOVE a coop for echinaceas!!! I'm trying to get a bed of them going this year.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

who has experience with perennial companies who sell good size plants?

(Cathy), MO

I've ordered 3 times from Forrest Farms, and the plants were always huge. But I don't know if they do echinacea. Will have to look

(Cathy), MO

Hey Kathy I went to the Lazyss webpage. They have several to choose from and they all come in qt size. A little pricey, but they might discount for a coop???

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

The new varieties will be very pricy. I'm seeing $10-$18 per plant for these new guys. I'll check tomorrow with a few companies and see if they will go for a co-op.

Anyone else have suggestions?

(Cathy), MO

Ouch! I just looked at Lazyss shipping costs. Double ouch!!!

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I just check too. Cathy - you and I are flipping the internet pages at the same time. The positive news is - depending on how it could work out - they are 160 miles from me. I know gas is crazy but it could be a nice day drive and we are familiar with many areas near that town - just not that town.

I emailed them - we'll see what she says. I didn't even ck shipping costs. But I asked for a price for 50 then 100.

I found 5 I want: Tink Touch - orange, Razzmatazz - pink, Ruby Star - hot pink/red, coconut lime - obviously greenish white, twilight - vivid red

Let's wait and see what happens. I'll also contact a local grown and see if he can price me something better that I can get in 1 mile - actually they get plugs and grow them into pint ponts, etc. The plugs are often under $1 if we only had a proper condition to keep them - let me check on that one. Even if she can get the plugs, raise the babies and I get them 1/2 mile from me - we could easily afford to pay her $4 each for keeping them warm.....I'll see.

(Cathy), MO

Shipping costs are out of this world. $20 something for 2 plants.
Hope something works out. And I really would help! Just let me know what you need

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

I have ordered things from a couple of companies with higher shipping, but these were the companies that had plants that survived.
Lazy s's Not sure how to spell that, has nice well rooted plants and I bought several shrubs from them and a double decker echinacia the spring before last. Everything is continuing to not just grow but to thrive. I am going to go with them for anything I need in the future.
If something doesn't appear healthy and grow for me, I just don't order from them again.
I also order from Plant delights just because they ship great plants and they are also great packers. You won't find any of the plants crushed or broken when you get them.
I find that if the shipping seems high, it is usually because they are packed very well. I can always take cuttings to make up for the shipping prices by making "free" bonus plants.
I don't join coops because the shipping is usually twice paying from the company to the organizer and again from the organizer to the individual. Don't see that saving much and I would think it stresses the plants out too.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Windy - what size was the double decker echinacia? 4 in pot, etc

Co-ops pay off when - there's free shipping or a huge discount. Or if I can drive to get them and just pop them into a box etc. and ship once.


(Cathy), MO

Kathy, if you end up driving to get them, you need to add your gas money to the shipping costs!!! (It ain't cheap nowadays!!) Divided up between the participants, it won't be that much, and you shouldn't have to foot the bill yourself.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

if someone wants to lead a co-op walters garden and terra nova nursery both have newer echinaceas. these are small plants though and i would hate to get them in texas in the spring.

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

I dont know how to go about doing that, Or I seriously would.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Let's wait and see what info I get after New Years from the places I emaild.

Yea, it would have to work out for me to drive but - you just never know how cheap nurseries will go this early in the year.

We'll see.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

hope you here soon-im itching to order some!!!

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I contacted Burpee about their plants since the new catalog came and they SAY their plants are sooo healthy and I've never tired their plants. But was willing to see if they would do a co-op for coneflowers - no - they won't.

I'll talk to my friend Theresa tomorrow.

Kyle, TX(Zone 8b)

Terra Nova sells only by the flat (72). Most of their stuff, not all, is patented. I bought 4 flats from them last year and the material is top notch but you pay for it. If the plant is patented, you have to pay a royalty and buy the really nice tags to go with them. I have Heuchera 'peppermint spice' and a few other things from them. They do mostly tissue culture and specialize in introducing new plants. Gene of Ivy's Country Pride Nursery.

(Cathy), MO

Geneivy, is that the one that only sells wholesale? I got a catalog today that had lots of cone flowers in it, but don't know anything about them. Roots & Rhizomes. Anyone know of them? I'm going to go check them out on Garden Watchdog.

Kathy, Forrest Farms doesn't do coops either.

(Cathy), MO

Ok I looked them up and they don't look too great. Scratch the above post! LOL.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

and i am curious about something...has anyone EVER seen a clump of these newer echinacea? do they not grow well?

(Cathy), MO

I'm just now trying to get into them mamajack, so I have no idea. Hopefully someone will chime in who's had them for awhile.

Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

here in texas i have tried growing them in pots thru the summer as i do most of my plants as i like to put things in the ground in the fall. most of the time these newer ones go dormant and then i seem to water them to death. this year i am going to put them directly in the ground and see what happens. i have already spent a small fortune trying to get some of these started.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

I don't know how "new" you want the Echinacea plants to be for feed back to be useful, but I'll tell you my experince with E. Sunrise, Sundown, Harvest Moon, and Summer Sky. I purchased them last spring on eBay. The price was right, and they were said to be growing in 3 inch pots. They arrived here in very good condition. When I went to plant them, I pulled them from the pots and saw that they had been plugs that someone replanted into the 3 inch pots. When the dirt fell off during replanting, you could see that the root systems were concentrated in one area and had not yet moved into the added dirt when they repotted the plugs into the 3 inch pots they were sent in.

I put them in their permanent homes before the weather got really hot here, and in spite of a hot and somewhat dry summer, all plants florished, blooming well for me. Several were still blooming when we finally had our hard frost in early November. Spring will really tell the tale though, as to how or IF they survived the winter.

I would not be afraid to buy plug sized plants again, as long as it was early in the growing season and the plants had all summer to get established. Just my two cents...


Fate, TX(Zone 8a)

i am just beginning to think that they are not going to like texas. i haven't given up yet but this year is my absolute possibly might be the last time i try. lol.

(Cathy), MO

LOOL. I'll cross my fingers for you mamajack

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

I have both double decker and razzmatazz in full sun. They do great for me! I got them local (about 1.5 hours drive time from me), but they were excellent and not expensive either. I do remember they were in 4 inch pots, but CAN'T remember the darn price. I do know they were not no $10.00 or I would not have bought them. LOL!

(Cathy), MO

Does the place you got them from do mail order flowerjunkie?

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

No. She is new, maybe been in business for about 3 years and is totally afraid of computers. She is not a big nursery. She is busy though and only has one other person helping her.

Let me call over there to see if she will be getting more in.

(Cathy), MO

Ok, thanks!

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