Lets have a big welcome for. ilexwhite, from Detroit ...

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hello and welcome ...Hope you enjoy your stay here..it is a great web site..for sure.

Just travel your way...it will take some getting used too..it is big.oh my yes...If you need any help finding your way..just ask..we are good helpers...heheh and we share the best state too..lol...Smiles..again..and welcome..


Thumbnail by WantabeGardener
Plainwell, MI(Zone 5b)

welcome hoping for warmer weather soon!!!!

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Welcome Ilexwhite!


Detroit, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks, all. It's a pretty amazing community in here and I'm glad to have found it.

ilex, aka Holly

Jerome, MI(Zone 5b)

Hehe...Holly...you will love it here..so many places..and things to discuss..not only flowers..and stuff like that..but almost everything...I have been here..almost 7 years..and I am still..learning..and finding new things..hehehe..fun fun..for sure..we are a big family and glad to have you here...


Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

Welcome Holly I just know your going to love it here and dtto on what Diana said it is a huge garden with lots of very nice people

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