IO moth caterpillar found today

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Pentas? Cathy, I love those blooms, btw, they attract Tersa Moths, so be on the look out for them. I wished I live in a warmer zone like yours, so I can continue to see b.f. and blooming outdoor this time of year.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Kim! I didn't know that- there's one more good reason to have several of each color pentas in the garden. I like to think of them as different flavors for the butterflies!
I really appreciate it being January and I'm out playing in the dirt!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Cathy, Pentas IS actually the host-plant for Tersa caterpillars. I saw the moths feeding on the flower's nectar. And found the cat. (and raised it into an adult moth) last summer. With the help from various members on this very forum. It was a success. I was thrilled beyond words. :-)

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Oh yes, now I remember reading your thread on the Tersa. I will keep a watch out for the cats!

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