Share type of camera used to take bird photos?

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

I really enjoy looking at all of the wonderful, clear, bird photos you folks share. I would like to begin taking photos of the many lovely birds visiting my backyard feeders, and would appreciate knowing some of the camera types you use.

I am a novice at photography, so any advice you birders can give to me will be appreciated. Do I need a special lens?

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi Granny,

I use an Olympus C765 digital camera. It has 10 X optical zoom which I really like. I can be fairly far away and still get a close up pic. I am thinking about buying one of the newer 18 X zoom ones though. I wish the 765 had image stabilization. That's important with higher zoom. Just get the most optical zoom you can afford and don't worry about megapixels unless you are going to print poster size. You can learn a lot in the "Cameras and Photography forum:


Marlton, NJ

Actually theres another side to having more megapixels.

The more mp's you have the better your photos will turn out when cropping.

GG, If your not going to get into a DSLR than check out customer reviews on zoom cameras over 12 x. Do try to get as many megapixels as you can afford.

There is also the Camera and Photography Forum where you can get more opinions.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Pelle, You're right. I forgot about cropping since I am way too lazy to ever do it. LOL.

Hebron, KY

I've using Fuji Finepix S5200 with a 10 X zoom, but I'm getting a Fuji FinePix S8000fd that has an 18 X zoom!

Here's info on the camera I'm getting! Can't wait to get it and start taking photos of birds with it! ;-)


Wasilla, AK

Im Canon fan. The kit has 5 different DSLR frames in it and way to many lenses. If I were to send you to Canon DSLRs it would be the canon Rebel Xti and a canon 100-400 L IS but you would have a good part of yer retirement in it. The Nikon series of DSLRs are also excellent. The D50 and D80 come to mind. The problem with all DSLR cameras is the the cost of frames but the cost of quality lenses.
Several of the reccomendations above are excellent
I might also suggest the Panasonic FZ 30 but even better yet the FZ 50. I see some excellent output from both and Im told they are very user friendly.
When your looking at Non-DSLR cameras dont get to wrapped around the Zoom range. Many have amazing what looks like wonderful zoom lengths. In reality they are digital zoom and the quality of digital zoom is suspect at best.
Try to find one that has both a viewfinder and an LCD. Always shoot through the viewfinder (Less Shake) and review on the LCD. I often see folks shooting holding the camera way in front of themselves so they can see the LCD. Shake shake shake. LOL
Good luck in your search.
Here is a trusted site that does lots of camera reviews.

Marlton, NJ

Heres a good page there.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I just got the Fuji S8000 and I like it really well and is very easy to use point and shoot digital. This is my first digital camera. I would also like the Sony DSC-H7 which has 15x optical zoom which is what counts!

I took all summer trying to muddle through all the information! LOL

Marlton, NJ

Thats what I'm starting to do today nanny,I'm sure it will be a long road.

I just got the Canon Rebel XTI w/ a Sigma 50-500mm lens.

Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

I use a Canon PowerShot S3 IS

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Thank you folks for the wealth of suggestions and information. A friend loaned me a Kodak P-850 with 12X zoom, with (option to buy). Geez, that has enough bells and whistles on it to keep this old lady guessing. So far, I have learned how to turn it on; the location of the lens; the viewfinder; and the LCD. I am working my way through the book, oh my!!
If I manage to capture a picture of one of my backyard birds, I'll share it with you. In the meanwhile, I am going to be checking out those websites you provided.


Marlton, NJ

Glad you got something GG! Best of luck w/ it!

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Our main camera now is an Olympus SP-55OUZ with 18x Optical zoom and image stabilization, but we (DH & I) have recently decided that we do NOT like the quality of pictures we get from it. Our previous camera was about an 8 or maybe 10 year old Sony DSC-F707 and until it broke, it took better pictures than the Olympus does.

The Sony was a great camera. We expected an improvement in over 8 years when we bought the Olympus, but the pictures are more frequently grainy and it especially does poorly in indoor lighting. At first we thought we just needed to get used to it, but we've had it about 9 months, and have fiddled around with it enough to know it's not us, but the camera. DH had done a fair amount of research before we bought the Olympus and it had come highly recommended from the big camera store (not big box store) in town. They have the coolest tag line: "If we don't know the answer, you weren't asking about photography" but I feel let down by them.

We had waited a pretty long time to jump on the digital camera bandwagon because we didn't like the way digital pictures appeared grainy but when the Sony came out, we were pleased that it could take pictures that didn't "look digital". Now we're back to digital looking pictures. I want a new camera!

Okay, my rant is over. Don't buy the Olympus.

Marlton, NJ

LOL; Did you hear that beclu??

I had talked to beclu about that same camera ( I have it too).

Hebron, KY

I finally got my Fuji FinePix S8000fd camera today! ;-)

We tried to get it at the cheapest online company for weeks. We ordered it at one co. and it was listed to be in stock, then we get an email from them saying it wasn't in stock and it was backordered! :-(

Second online co. was the same thing! :-(

Third online co. was again, the same exact thing! :-(

All three companies still show online that they have it in stock when you get onto the internet! :-(

Never ever dealing with those three companies! If they were listed in Garden Watchdog, I'd be giving them each a negative!

The fourth online co. was B & H Photo and Video. We got it there and got it today! No hassles, no problems, no BS! Just a smooth transaction!

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Here is one of the pictures I took with the digital camera. More to follow, provided I can get them to load. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Thumbnail by GrannyGrunt
Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Here is another shot of the same bird after I sneezed; apparently, I hit the button at the same time I sneezed. Beginner's luck?

Thumbnail by GrannyGrunt
Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

One more. This is a Downy Woodpecker, I believe, and a Blue Jay at the suet feeders. The thumbnail does not show the birds. I hope they will show up on the image when it is opened.

I welcome your critique and advice on the pictures I submitted. This is fun, even though it is a problem to keep the gosh darned camera warm!

You can be tough with your comments, this old bat can take it!!


Thumbnail by GrannyGrunt
Marlton, NJ

Hi GG, The bird on the right is a White-breasted Nuthatch.

Nice pics!

Does the camera have a sports mode for fast moving objects.?

If your not already using that you might want to try it.

Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Pelletory. Sports mode? Darned if I know. I'll ask my friend.

Thanks also for identifying that bird for me.


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Pretty good there GG! How close are your feeders to a window? Most of us photograph through a window, especially in winter!

Hebron, KY


Love your wooden feeder. Would you tell more about it? Nice pics! Love your Nuthatch and Downy pic!


Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Unfortunately, they are not close to a window! I am going to park my pickkup truck within distance of the feeders and let them get used to it being there for a while. Then, perhaps I can shoot from inside the truck (gas prices what they are, it is still worth it).

Thanks Marilynbeth. I now have The Sibley book so I can better learn to identify my backyard friends. The feeder is made from scraps. The sides, back, and bottom are made from scraps of T1-11 plywood. The roof is made up of a piece of luan plywood sealed between two pieces of left-over plastic laminate. (I don't throw anything away and it comes in handy, provided I can locate where I put it!) Inside, the house is a piece of plexiglas set at an angle toward the front of the feeder to keep the food directed to the feeder holes. The front is plexiglas set on a piece of cedar. The cedar looks nice and was easy to drill out for the feeder holes. The top is a friction fit, made wind-proof with two bungee cords. I ran a narrow band of pine around the front platform to keep the seeds on the tray.


Marlton, NJ

Just used a Christmas gift that was a gift certificate to buy this new feeder.

Its a Sky Cafe.

I have it pole mounted right now but its way too tall for me so I think I'll change it over to hanging once they go through this food.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Marlton, NJ

Sorry I just put this in the wrong thread; I'll post it again.

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