Weight Loss Challange Dec. 22 - Jan. 5

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Can you believe that last date up there? Our next weekly challange will begin in 2008!!!! How many of you remember the Y2K scare that bilked millions out of billions of dollars, had people all over the world terrified for their eternal lives, etc.? I didn't really put any faith in it because of what the HOLY SCRIPTURES say, but managed to get all the laundry done, the dishes all washed up, had enough drinking water, etc. on hand to last for a week or 2 anyway. I remember I was sitting at the computer logged onto DG, waiting for a last load of laundry to dry when I looked a the clock and realized that it was about 10 minutes past midnight. So much for the scare of the decade and the end of the easy life as we know it in the U.S.. So off to bed I went and got up the next morning to an easy day.

My eating has fallen down the past couple days. Holly bought and baked a wonderful ham. I got down there the other night while it was too hot to cut into so I just stayed until it could be. Kyle loves ham so much he just kept trying to tear or cut off pieces and getting his fingers burned in the proccess. They finally got a bunch off and sent some home with me. We all think it was a bit salty, but oh so good. I finished off my piece for breakfast just now along with ww toast and p. butter. I had a couple small(that word can mean a lot of sizes to different people) pieces of chocolate fudge yesterday at work, then a good but small meaty taco/chef salad, some scalloped potatoes, and a few bites of other veggies for lunch, and only a small serving of mashed potatoes & gravy about 6 for supper. I ate some mashed potatoes with chopped ham and cheeses when I got home, then some junky snack bars before drifting off to sleep in the chair 'watching' TV. I finally went to bed about midnight and fell right to sleep. I hadn't slept well the night before so I was really tired.

If the LORD is willing the high speed internet people will be here this morning to connect Kyle & Holly & I to a satallite internet system. We will no longer be tied to a landline for our internet. Same price I think, not some of the services of the dialup company but so much faster. Of course my computer is so slow that I really need a new tower. Most packages come with monitors and printers but I just bought those so all I need is an upgrading on some of the computer components themselves. Like processor, hard drive & motherboard (that seems to be up in the air depending on which of the boys one is talking to). There seems to be plenty of RAM & ROM but they are outdated technology so getting parts to go with them can be iffy. I guess a whole new tower will be the best route to go. It will have to be after the first of the year when I get credit cards paid down a bit more. LOL. Then I'll watch for sales and go to Staples every time I go to town. I just called Staples, some towers going on sale tomorrow. I'd have to borrow money from the kids(read farm account)if there is any farm money available to do it now. But if the internet speed is better I can probably put up with the slowness of my PC for a while longer.

Eleanor, I haven't noticed any posts from you lately. Are you ok? Did you find the help you need with your DGS? I pray you did. Like me, sometimes you just feel you have to do some things even tho the doctors warn of dire consequences if we do.

Kim, where are you? You and Howie use to be the backbones of this challange. Now we seldom hear from you and miss you both so much. I know your lives have taken turns in other directions which I have always felt are very good for both of you but we still miss you.

Vic, Anna, Pepple, Ally, Debbie, Sue & Susan, & anyone I left out by accident and memory loss, I'm thinking of and praying for all of you. GOD bless and keep each of you.

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