The helicopter ride

Coffs Harbour, Australia

The weather was not too bad, a bit windy, but no rain and very hot and muggy. DH had no idea we were going on a helicopter ride, so it was a great surprise. We flew up the coast and saw a pod of dolphins in the surf and spotted plenty of local landmarks and some interesting areas we were not aware of.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is our house. We flew over it twice and I took heaps of shots. We have so many trees it was hard to see the whole place at once!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

I took pictures of the neighbours houses aswell, and I printed some out as gifts to them, (no thanks as yet, is it just me?)

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

The whole area was just beautiful and very park like.
Merry xmas you lot, I'm off line as of now!
Over and Out

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Awe sorry I missed you Sue, that looked like a lot of fun and very pretty too. I am scared of heights! and never been on a plane
good on you mate have a safe and happy Christmas journey ...catch up in the New Year ...much great excitement then!

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