American Dipper

Wasilla, AK

Marilynbeth this is the fellow who goes under water that you asked about.

Thumbnail by akdoug
Hebron, KY


Wow! Thanks for posting a photo of him! ;-)

I was watching a PBS show around 1997 - 1999 on birds (don't know which show and the guy who was the host) and one of the segments during the show was filming the Dipper (out West) that went underwater. I couldn't believe it! ;-)

From the Cornell site, these two things (besides in going in under water) about the Dipper stayed in my mind;

# White eyelids obvious when it blinks.
# Constantly bobs body up and down.

Also, I remember this about the Dipper from that show (taken from Bird Web site:

"the flashing of the white upper eyelid, may be visual communications that are important because of the loud environment that American Dippers tend to inhabit."

Thanks again Doug, for posting the photo! Neat and interesting bird!


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