Happy Trades from my Gardening Friends

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Here are a few of the plants I have received as Trades, in no particular order

Tradescantia zebrina from Sue (weed_woman)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Tradescantia spathacea from Sue (weed_woman)


Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Dwarf white flowered Dietes (possibly Dietes iridioides) from Sue (weed_woman)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Small Florist Kalanchoe "yellow" from Sue (weed_woman)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Plectranthus verticillatus from Chrissy (chrissy100) it came with three nice pieces of Epiphyllum. I think this was the parcel the Post Office lost half the contents out of, but I am not sure. Thanks to Sue for supplying a loaner in place of my runaway brain cell! LOL!

This message was edited Dec 21, 2007 9:39 AM

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Aloe juvenna from Sue (weed_woman)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Kalanchoe beharensis from Debi (Degarotty)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

I think this is the Aloe cultivar "Hummel's Black Gem" but I am waiting for it to get a bit larger before I confirm the name. This plant came from Lois (Garden4Grace)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Aloe cultivar "green Mamba" times two! from Debi (Degarotty)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Your plants with missing names came from Chrissy I suspect, as I received similar little darlings. The Plectranthus is P. verticillatus I think. (Creeping Charlie)
Nice to see everything is doing o.k.

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Agave americana from Lois (Garden4Grace)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty

Sorry about missing names ...I will try to be more organized in the future, Just couldn't get things ready in time and still make the post ...I must rush to pick up my hubby and his business posts each day and I just can't fit some things in, I was not too concerned as the plants are not rare and I thought you would recognize them.
*blushing* one thing I did learn was not to use post bags ...only boxes as kk lost some of the plants out of the bag ...being new to sending stuff I did not know that could happen, I am still finding my way and feel a little intimidated by you proper gardeners :)

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Dear Chrissy,
It's not your fault that Australia Post can't get a clue LOL! I have been in this building for a year and I still haven't got the postie trained properly, SIGH!

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Lovely Agave from Sue (weed_woman)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Agave americana f. marginata from Lois (Garden4Grace)

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

That's the lot for this week. I have some more plants to add to this thread, but I'll have to go home to wave the camera about and add more photos after Christmas. Happy holidays to everyone, KK.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia


Sorry I haven't visited for a while.
It's just that time of year when you are so busy.

It was great to see how the plants are doing.
It's so nice to know that the plants you pass on grow great for your friends.

I have a lge round tub (like you could bath your dog in) and I want to make a nice cacti & succulent garden in it and put it in the middle of this 5ft x 5ft front garden, sitting on top of the old stump from a tree, but it has lots of sun.

I do need some help in choosing which will make it the best there.
Any suggestions gratefully recieved from anyone.

Happy New Year, my friends,


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

First things first Debi - Does it have drainage holes? If not, can you make holes in the bottom? How deep is the tub - that will affect your choice of plants more than anything else. TTFN KK.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hello KK,

I have taken two pic's to try to give you an idea of the size of the tub.

It has a few little rust holes in the bottom, but I could put more in if I had too.

Have a look and give me you invaluable knowledge.

Pic 1

Thumbnail by Degarotty
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi KK,

Pic 2

Thumbnail by Degarotty
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hey Lois,

Have a look now at my cacti now!

It Has grown so much, do you think it might need re-potting or leave it alone?

I love it, it was my first one!


Thumbnail by Degarotty
Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Debi,
That tub is a good size, I would make more holes if you can and then put at least an inch of crushed rock or gravel in the bottom before you add any soil mix. Do you know what ingedients you are going to use for your soil mix yet? KK.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi KK,

Well the one I use now is spiecally made for Cacti and Succulents. I think it's called "Deba" mix.

All like little pits of gravel, very good drainage.

Or maybe the rocks then some good potting mix and then fill the top part with Cacti one.
I am not sure how to do it?

I was also thinking of planting two plants "Birds of Paradise" in the corner??


Thumbnail by Degarotty

D bird of paradise grow into very large plants and are really difficult to remove if you change your mind.if you really like them you could leave them in a pot and sink that down into the soil to have some control of size ...good luck with it all.

Thumbnail by
North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi KK,

The soil mix I use is called "Yates Premium Potting Mix".

The cacti one is called "Debco"

Seedling Raising mix is called "Amgrow".

I try to use the best I can afford on the Disability Pension.



Thumbnail by Degarotty

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