Bayer Tree & Shrub Insect Control

Danville, IN

I recently learned about this new product. Has anyone had any experience using it. It came to my attention as a preventative control of Emerald Ash Borer, which is spreading into Indiana. I have some really nice ashes on my property and would like to know if it really is effective. Also, has anyone used it on other shrubs or trees. Would it really control scale on euonymus shrubs/vines, which is a big problem in the Midwest? I would love to hear from anyone.

somewhere, PA

I have used it on my tropical hibiscus & cistrus trees (kept in the greenhouse over the winter).
I had a terrible outbreak of scale and just couldn't get rid of it ... tried all sorts of organic
solutions but couldn't win. The Bayer product worked. THis was for containerized plants and
I've not tried it in the landscape.

I hope you get your answer.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

I have used Imidacloprid (the main ingredient in your Bayer product) on shrubs to control scale successfully. Read your label carefully because it takes some time to distribute throughout the tree, so you need to use it before the problem becomes critical. I know it is labeled for Emerald Ash Borer, but we don't have those here, so can't help you with that.

Danville, IN

Thanks for the "testimonials". I'm really happy that it's worked on scale, and that Tammy has used it on greenhouse potted plants. I bet it will work on euonymus scale here in the Midwest. Happy gardening!

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