Received a Camellia bonsai !

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

My DS is going to college for architecture, and while there he made friends with another guy.
DS was invited to his friends house for the winter break and is Anchorage Alaska!

His friend just sent me the most gorgeous, alive, healthy, flowering, wired, fresh, clean,
beautiful outdoor camellia as a thank you gift for having such a nice son. amazing manners,
so refreshing!

I had already sent a gorgeous handmade crystal, antique bronze/copper bracelet to his mom
for allowing Dan to come there and she is also helping Dan pay for the ticket to go!!!

The Camellia sasanqua, its the bright pink with yellow/white eye and fragrant, some Japanesy
name. I will have to overwinter it in our basement, the temp down there without heat is 52F perfect
for the Camillia to winter over in. I will put it in front of the tiny south facing window we have down
there for light, and try to remember to keep the dear thing watered. Its so pretty.
the gift came from 1-800 flowers! Packed in huge box stuffed with peanuts, not a leaf or petal
out of place.

Its almost Christmas for everyone, where is everyone going this year? to your families or are
you hosting a christmas day?
We are Jewish, so we don't have any Christmas, but we celebrate Hanukah, which is just
a minor holiday for us by lighting candles. I love to look at all the homes decorated with lights.
Its truly pretty. and the Balsam trees some people have are overwhelmingly fir tree smelling,
so gorgeous!!!! Lou works on Christmas and everyone can have off because he is there. LOL.

Hope the snow stays white for xmas! dont get paper cuts from wrapping.

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Our real tree this year cost $50.00! I hate paying that for a 1 month pleasure! We keep it up til 3 Kings Day (January 6) but I still think it was too much money. We have to have a narrow tree for our tiny space, so that makes it cost more. I keep saying "Next year it's a fake tree." but oh, that will be hard when next year actually comes and I'm smelling the trees!

My dream is to someday have a large Norfolk Island Pine and decorate it every year.

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Why don't you buy a potted Juniper or something like that?
Then you can have your tree and the smell, and its alive?

Our neighbor has a nursery business in his yard and sells
mulch in the summer, firewood in the winter and xmas trees
during the season. His trees are gorgeous. He has those
beautiful Fraser Firs, which smell heavenly, and his trees
go for 20-40$. And they are huge, and there are all sorts.

I think a Juniper would be wonderful in the house.
Well, anyhow, Merry Christmas

Grand Haven, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks,Sheri! I love potted trees, and it would be ok in our house for a month because we keep it quite cool - around 60 degrees.

I have 2 potted junipers outside, that have been in the pots for 4 years and are doing well.

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