A question for Ginkgo experts

Plano, TX(Zone 7a)


I am looking to grow a ginkgo or two in containers as I am strapped for space. I am looking for a cultivar that is small or can be kept small (3' - 5'), but has good branching. I have researched the cultivars over the last few days, but cannot decide on which is the best for me.
I am wondering if the ginkgo experts and others can help me out. These are the ones I have shortlisted. Again, I am looking for small size and nice branching.

1) Ginkgo biloba ‘Chase Manhattan’
2) Ginkgo biloba ‘Jade Butterfly’
3) Ginkgo biloba ‘Mariken’
4) Ginkgo biloba ‘Witches Broom’
5) Ginkgo biloba ‘Troll'

Any help greatly appreciated. Also, are there any good online sources for these trees?


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Can't help you on recommendations since I haven't grown any of these, but I do know I've seen several different gingkos on Forest Farm's website, so you might check there and see what they have. I would also highly recommend getting a male tree instead of a female--again not knowing much about ginkgos I don't know which sex the above cultivars are but I'd definitely find that out before buying one (if you don't already know).

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Chris' Dwarf - Purported to reach 8' in ten years. The growth rate here in zone 5 has been about 4- 7 inches per yr. I've only had them for two years (I have two of them.) Both are low grafts. However, they are taking on different growth forms. One is growing a shoot straight up the from the top leader each year, extending the leader at a good rate, and has leaves clinging close to the trunk on very short side branches. Looks like a skinny telephone pole with leaves. The second one is decidedly vase shaped with a less prominent central leader and good side branching. Go figure! Sounds like you will have a very nice collection.

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