Show us your feeders Vol. 5

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Pelle asked me to start a new thread. So happy to do it. Here's a dee on my window feeder.

Here's where we came from:

Thumbnail by beclu727
Hebron, KY


Nice pic!

I was just going to ask Pelle if I or someone else should start the next thread on feeders! LOL! So glad you started it! Thanks!


Marlton, NJ

Nice pic; Thanks for starting the new thread Becky!

Hebron, KY

Since everyone will be moving to Vol. 5, I'm going to repost my pic from Vol 4 (it is the last posting).

Rose love that Cardinal! Nice pic! (from Vol. 4 Feeders)

Here's my newest feeder I had that I finally got hung up with Woodpecker Treat suet cake. Got this at Tractor Supply. Taken 12/17/07.

Also, can be found at Duncraft. Don't think I paid this much for it at TS.

Just realized that it can take two cakes! (from rereading this on Duncraft). I'll have to add another cake to it! I wondered why there was more space in the area after adding one cake to it! LOL


Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Marlton, NJ

Nice feeder Marilyn!

I've been thinging about one of them for a while.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

I don't remember if I posted this before. This is one of my setups.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

There's a Tractor Supply just down the road (about 8 miles, hehe). Now I have to go and check out their feeders! The online add says all feeders are 10% off! Thanks Marilyn... Becky

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Becky..Thanks for explaining how your pulley works. I only have 1 squirrel that I know about and he doesn't bother with any of the feeders. I don't know why...maybe because he has all the black walnuts he can handle. I like your window feeder and would like to have one of those too!

Marilyn...I need a suet feeder that the Starlings can't get to. They are such pigs and eat all the suet! have a nice set up and it reminds me that I must get my cedar logs drilled and hung.

Hebron, KY

Nice setup! Nice pic! Don't remember you posting this one before.

Thanks Pelle!

Besides the link I posted above (like the one I got at TS), Duncraft also has another squirrel proof suet cake feeder.....

It's more money than

Thought I'd post and let you know.

Here's another one Duncraft has

Here's a better view of my suet cake feeder I posted above. As you might be able to see, it has room for two cakes. I have to add another cake tomorrow.


Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

My goodness really are "Queen of the Feeders"! I didn't know they had suet feeders that are big bird proof! Thanks for the link!

Hebron, KY


LOL! ;-)

You're very welcomed! Glad to help!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Rose only one squirrel! We can't have that, I could send you a couple more!!! LOL

They are still trying to figure a way around the raccoon baffle.

Fixin' typo's! lol

This message was edited Dec 20, 2007 7:28 PM

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Marlton, NJ

Not a feeder but an extension pole to add another feeder on.

Next year I hope to get a second pole/baffle system.

Thumbnail by pelletory
Brainerd, MN

I'm glad to see that all the birds are getting enough to eat thanks to us.

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Burn - that is some set up. I need to get some poles with more than one hook. Multifunction looks good.

Marilyn - I like the looks of that suet feeder. If the squirrels find the one by my window I'll replace it with one like that.

Rose - I got the window feeder at Bird Watchers. They have similar ones at most birding stores. I liked the roof on this one. We have many many squirrels. DH had them trained this past year to stay away (bb gun, never hit any, but it scared them), but the new crop needs teaching...


Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Marilyn ~ between you and Tractor Supply, I'm going to go broke, LOL!!! I went to TS at lunch and bought that caged suet feeder; the starlings found my feeders last week and are eating like pigs :-( And of course, in addition to the feeder, I bought another double shep. hook. On a good note, they were both 10% off ;-)

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

I had a fun time watching this sparrow attempt to hang upside down and eat from the finch feeder. He did a pretty good job, but could only stay for a second.

Thumbnail by Mrs_Ed
Marlton, NJ

Thats a funny one Mrs Ed!

Hebron, KY

Rose, Here's a much better pic of that feeder I was telling you about and I now have two cakes in it!

Pelle, What are the bird treats in the blue dish? Nice pic! Love the extension pole!

Sadie, Haven't heard from you for awhile! Glad your here! ;-) LOL! You're the one who got me started going to TS! ;-)

Mrs. Ed, Nice pic! I see you got the sunflower chips/thistle mix like I do! Did you mix it up yourself like I did? ;-) The GF love it! What bird is the brown Sparrow?

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Hebron, KY

I don't have this feeder, yet, but would love to get it for the Indigo Buntings that come during the warm/Hot months. ;-)

BirdsChoice Nyjer® Forever Feeder

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Marilyn ~ I've been peaking in from time to time but so busy at work & home that I haven't had time to post much. The weather has been so dreary that I haven't gotten many pics lately either. I have been LOVING everyone's pictures though and see that some more great photographers have joined our "little" group :-)

Your right about that cage feeder, it'll hold 2 cakes even though the packaging on it says one 5 ounce cake, looks like they need to relabel it to me!

Oh yeah, I bought a different kind of thistle feeder at TS this past weekend, you probably have it, LOL. It's the one with the tiny screen body instead of the solid body with ports, sorry, no pic of it yet.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Marilyn ~ I also meant to mention that our TS also just started carrying the shelled peanuts! They're more expensive than WBU, but WBU is a 45 mile round trip for me so the gas savings more than makes up for it.

Hebron, KY


LOL! You mean this one? The copper top?

I'll have to stop over at TS! That's great! I hope our TS is carrying them too! It would be better than having to go to WBU to get the peanuts! It's about 35 miles to WBU for me.

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Nope, it's a small thistle feeder, I think it has a green metal top. I started to get that copper one the other day but the only one they had out was all bent up, the screen part :-( Probably could straighten it back out but I'd worry that the screen/mesh might be damaged.
I may end up asking them if they have another one in stock that's in better condition. I don't know why they only put out 1 of everything. I'll buy the only 1 of something and go back a couple days later and there's another's not like they don't have the space!
I'll try to get a pic tomorrow of the little one I bought, my finches seem to prefer the shelled sunflower hearts over the thistle right now, but I noticed today that they had been eating out of this new feeder.

Hebron, KY


Are either one of these the one? I've got 50 - 50 sunflower chips/thistle in both feeders. ;-)

Thumbnail by Marilynbeth
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Yep, it's the one on the right...I knew you'd have it ;-) I'll have to try mixing some sf chips into mine too.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Mrs. Ed, Nice pic! I see you got the sunflower chips/thistle mix like I do! Did you mix it up yourself like I did? ;-) The GF love it! What bird is the brown Sparrow?

Marilynbeth, I think that's just a house sparrow. I don't know my sparrows too well. And the mix I buy at Farm and Fleet.

Hebron, KY


LOL! Of course, I had it! ;-) LOL

My trip to WBU is about 35 miles one way. Meant to mention that in my earlier post (before DH needed computer). Don't get there too often.

I figured it was the one on the right in the photo. The GF love both Stokes feeders. Both have the sunflower chip and thistle combo.

This is how I made the mix....... I was in PetSmart one day recently and saw bags of Morning Song® Finch & Chips™ Wild Bird Food.....

Reading from the bag...... A premium mix of fine sunflower chips & nyjer (thistle) seed. I emptied the 5 lb. bag in one of those plastic pour and store containers in the bird food area then took some thistle seed and alternated with the Finch & Chips. Then, used my hands inside the container to mix it good and it was ready to go.

The bag was $5.99, I'm pretty sure and I already had some thistle on hand. Great mix of the two ingredients!


Marlton, NJ

Mrs Ed is right; its a House Sparrow.

Marilyn, The stuff in the blue dish is just crumbled up seed cake that got rained on too much and started to fall apart so I gave some to the squirrels and some in the blue dish.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I do my excercise dvd upstairs in one of the spare bedrooms that face the backyard. I am able to birdwatch & excercise at the sametime....and sometimes I take the camera with me just in case!! LOL

This is taken from the window in that room to show part of my view.

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Marilyn ~ Our Kroger & Walmart sells the sf hearts that are chips & pieces, I wonder if that would be fine enough to use in the thistle mix? The sf hearts from TS are mostly whole so I think they'd be too big for that fine screen. I think I'll give it a try, if it doesn't work, I can always pour it into one of the feeders with ports.

I did buy a different mix for the regular birds yesterday at TS, it was a Cardinal blend of BOSS and Safflower. I've started making my own mixes for the platform feeders now too. I use TS Fruit & Nuts, BOSS, SF hearts, shelled and unshelled peanuts, they really clean it up. Lately, since the starlings have been coming around, I use a lot more BOSS in the mix since the other is so expensive!

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

I am so excited. I was doing my pfw count today and a little bird stopped on the suet feeder outside my window. I thought it was a goldfinch at first, then it lifted the top feathers on its head and they were red!. It was a ruby-crowned kinglet. I had to look it up, but that's what it was. I hope it returns... I didn't get to my camera soon enough to get a pic.

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Congratulations!! I've spent a lot of extra time watching the birds this winter because I'm doing the PFW count too and it's so exciting to see a new bird!!

Marlton, NJ

sadie, I don't think its going to be small enough for a thistle feeder.

You need one of those mixes that has the" fine sunflower pieces".

Morning Song and Kaytee both make a mix of just thistle and fine sunflower seeds that fits in a thistle feeder. The problem is trying to find a place that sells it.

Have you called Petsmart to see if yours carrys it?

Mine doesn't. :-(

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Beclu, thanks for opening this new thread.
This was taken during Monday's storm, it's a bit fuzzy. Sorry, it's not very clear. It's another setup I have in my backyard.

Thumbnail by burn_2007
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

LOL Pelle, I don't have a Petsmart, I live in the boonies :-) It'd be easier for me to just buy the "chips and pieces" and give them a good smashing with the rolling pin, that's how I "chop" pecans & walnuts for brownies ;-)

I'll have to take a closer look at that feeder when I get home and see just how small the holes are.

Marlton, NJ

If its like most thistle feeders it has a tiny slit for an opening.

Be sure to let us know. :-)

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

It's not one with the slits, is a small screen body, it's the one on the right, in this post of Marilyn's

I looked at it when I got in and the screen is pretty fine but not as small as those slitted feeders. I'm going to crush up some SF hearts and put on top of the thistle that's in there and that way, I can tell if they're getting any out.
I'll keep y'all posted :-)

Hebron, KY

Try ordering it from PetSmart. Finch & Chips

I paid $6.99 at the store, but they sell it online for $5.99 ( I remember now that it was a dollar more than the online price ).

Nice view and pic!

Nice pic and nice setup of feeders!


Hebron, KY


Thanks for showing my pic of feeders! ;-) The GF's love both feeders and both feeders have my mix of 'Finch & Chips and Thistle combo! Love to make the adorable and beautiful GF's happy! They have no problem getting the SS chips out of the feeder on the right.

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