Daily Pics Vol. 42

Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA


Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

Redpoll with a prize.

Thumbnail by bebop2
Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

6 male evening grosbeaks eating and one female waiting on the roof.

Thumbnail by bebop2
Goldsboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh my goodness! I just love all these beautiful pictures! I really like the pic of the downy wp...very sweet.

Thanks for the welcome everyone!

Here's one of a bird that my husband says is a swallow (????) but I think its a juvenile blue jay.

Thumbnail by MrsKinsey
Goldsboro, NC(Zone 7b)

"Are you taking my picture?"

Thumbnail by MrsKinsey
Klamath River, CA

Mrskinsey the first pic looks like a Mockingbird to me but I'm a novice and very well could be wrong.

This message was edited Dec 20, 2007 2:39 PM

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

that's what i was thinking also, a mockingbird or some kind of thrasher. i have one that visits occasionally for the dried fruit i sat out.

Goldsboro, NC(Zone 7b)

A chickadee is sharing with another pretty bird (wren?) Speaking of which, thanks for letting me share my pics with all of you!

Thumbnail by MrsKinsey
Goldsboro, NC(Zone 7b)

A mockingbird huh? I don't think I've ever seen one before now. Here's another of that same bird.

Thumbnail by MrsKinsey
Goldsboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm pretty sure that this little guy is not the same bird that visited my feeder. He's smaller and always seems to feed off the ground. I could be wrong though. How did you guys get to be so good at identifying your bird friends??

Thumbnail by MrsKinsey
Goldsboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Last one. I love the way this tufted titmouse is looking at the other bird!

Thumbnail by MrsKinsey
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Mrs Kinsey; thank you, we're very happy to see your pics as well. Everybody is welcome to post. I'm sure some are taking inventories of the birds they see here, for study or recording ; where and when and what is happening. By being helped ourself, we might be helping others as well.

This message was edited Dec 20, 2007 7:16 PM

Klamath River, CA

An avid bird watcher......we had a power outage and I was sitting at the dinning table when I noticed Bum Cat sitting in the window behind the Christmas tree watching the birds. Those out of focus dark spots in view over his rump are birds (couldn't focus on both subjects)

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Marlton, NJ

First pic is definitely a Northern Mockingbird

Second (w/ chickadee) a House Sparrow

Are you taking my picture?- Tufted Titmouse

Little Guy- White throated Sparrow

This message was edited Dec 20, 2007 6:30 PM

Klamath River, CA

Hey pelle! I was right for once..............as they say..."even a blind hog roots up an acorn once in awhile".

Marlton, NJ

Lovely pics bebop!!

Marlton, NJ

LOL, Who are THEY adel???

Goldsboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Pelle, wow, thanks! I really enjoy watching and photographing them, but it is nice to know what they are. That way I can find out more about them and what they like to eat. Thanks again.

Adel, my kitties love watching the birds too...sometimes I think they like it a little too much! :)

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Sea gull from last summer

Ring-billed Gull
I was taking pics of the moon as night set in these birds, crows I think, were going around in circles in near formation, they would suddenly change direction and swoop upwards

Here's one of a bird that my husband says is a swallow (????) but I think its a juvenile blue jay



Klamath River, CA

Pelle.... I've always wondered who they were,,,If you find out let me know.

Marlton, NJ

Hi Guys

***kaperk will be starting the new Daily Pics soon***

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Gee thanks Resin, I didn't think they were big enough for crows but not typical of blackbirds either. Just don't look like starlings. too graceful.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Thanks Resin, on ID of the Gull (Ring- billed Gull).

Hebron, KY


You said.... "Marilynbeth, let us know if/when you get that new Fuji. I heard a review that mentioned "smart lighting", and good clear pics in low light situation. That, along w/ the 18 x optical and image stablization really got my attention."

DH and I just ordered it tonight!!! ;-) Big Grin!!!

FinePix S8000fd


Can't wait to get it and start using it taking bird pics!


Klamath River, CA

eeeeyow!!!! that's cold on the toes.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Klamath River, CA

Second shift.

Thumbnail by adelbertcat
Hebron, KY


Nice pics! Love the Towhee and Quail!

No. San Diego Co., CA(Zone 10b)

Here we go - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/798691/


Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

LOL Adel on your Jay pic.

Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Marilynbeth, I'm sooo happy for you! That must be your Christmas present?
Happy shooting!

I'm so enjoying all these wonderful bird images. The past few days have been way to nasty to even consider getting out with the camera. I did try shooting some Hooded Mergansers (they are gorgeous!) from the car, but these grey days are just not for picture taking.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

LOL Those Jays are too funny, adel! I gonna come get some of those cute quails, I'm telling ya! :-)

She was just sitting so pretty.

Thumbnail by nanny_56
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

Another from last summer. I watched this particular English/House Sparrow over a period of several weeks. His tail was unusualy short, making him easy to recognise.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by nanny_56
Hebron, KY

Nice pics everyone!

Tiger, Thanks! Yes, it's my Christmas gift! ;-) What camera do you use? I love the pic of that Sparrow!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I got a couple of shots of a Flicker on the suet feeder. The Sparrows are waiting their turn!! LOL!

Thumbnail by gardener105
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Here's the other one.

Thumbnail by gardener105
Tiller, OR(Zone 8a)

I've a Canon 30D. Nice camera, but I do have some issues w/ it. And it's huge, which doesn't take long to really agrivate my carpal tunnel.

Here's another image from last summer. I really miss these little guys.

Thumbnail by tigerlily
Marlton, NJ

Nice pics guys!

Unfortunately this is an old thread.

Heres the New One:


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