Pic #2 of our geraniums AND my suprise pepper

Algonac, MI

This shot shows the other geraniums, but the front pot is of my Mutton pepper which suprised me by letting peppers AFTER I dug it up and brought it into the house.
For the last several weeks, the room which they are in has been at an almost 50 degrees F. All we do is turn on the bulb light a couple of hours a day and keep them moist.
I'm fixin' tuh go grab on o' those li'l critters and check the SHUs. I'll let you know my opinion.

Thumbnail by LostIndian
AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

How lucky that your peppers are still producing! I brought in about 4 of my big geraniums but I cut them all back and kind of let them go semi dormant for winter. I only give them a drink once a month or so till spring. I don't have room in a nice sunny window like you have though. I actually pulled up a lot of my geraniums, cut them back and piled them all in one big pot. :) They're doing fine though and putting on new leaves.

Algonac, MI

Loon...do your geraniums bush out to a larger plant from cutting back?
Ours do during the summer, but they still look a little small towards others we have noticed.

AuGres, MI(Zone 5b)

Yes, cutting them back forces more new growth at the bottom. It helps to rejuvinate the whole plant. You can take the cuttings and root them if you wish to make more plants.

Algonac, MI

Thanks again, Loon. I will pass this to my wife.

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