
Bexleyheath, Kent, United Kingdom

I live twelve miles south of London, England and as with many of my age I didn't know what I wanted for Christmas. I settled on nine various hedychiums. What I would like to know is do I plant them or pot them and can they stay out all winter (we get frosts but no snow)?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

PtheP..The Chinese Garden in Portland Oregon has some H. coronarium that stays in the ground all year...it is growing in a corner that gets lots of sun and they mulch it heavily in the winter when it dies back (or they cut it...don't know that part). Seems to me you could if you were careful where they were planted...and if you mulched...and kept them fairly dry in the winter when frosts would come.... You could try one or two and keep the others in pots...just to see if it works...


Plant them in a warm protected position near a brick wall for extra warmth, and do the mulch thing in Winter like Aloha Hoya says good luck (ps ...lucky you:)

Bexleyheath, Kent, United Kingdom

Thanks again, Chrissy, how can you say lucky you, I've been to Oz (Victoria). So I know who's the lucky one!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Pete, and welcome! What a great Christmas present!

Bexleyheath, Kent, United Kingdom

Hi There, Braveheartsmom.
It was when my wife and I were in Ohau that I first saw Gingers growing wild (in Weimera Park) sorry about the spelling! Over here by now, all those plants would be in vases on peoples mantleshelves. Such is life.

Bexleyheath, Kent, United Kingdom

Hey Chrissy & Bravesheartmom.
They tell about the Funnel Web, they tell about the Red Back. But why does nobody Talk about The WhiteTail
Have a very happy Christmas to all and make 2008 the best year you've ever had.
Happy, Happy Christmas!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

pete, saw this thread and was wondering if you knew which USDA hardiness zone you are in? I'm in zone 7b and have a few hedychiums in the ground, but many more to put out next year cause I got them in the fall. I would probably store the rhizomes dry like you would any other bulbs if there's any threat of frost and wait until spring to plant them (anyone can disagree here, I just dislike losing my plants). I'm also unsure of how hot it gets in your exact location, but I don't usually see much growth from my gingers until late spring/early summer when the soil heats up. It's tricky to give someone advice in a totally different location, as it gets REALLY hot here in the summer but also can get quite cold in winter also.

Which hedychiums did you get for Christmas? Maybe that's what I should have asked for..

Bexleyheath, Kent, United Kingdom

Hi There, Tropicanna. Sorry, I don't know my zone hardiness.
My hedychiums are as follows:- Greenei, Dixter, Maximum, Ellipticum, Forrestii, Densiflorum "Assam Orange", Devon Cream, Griffithianum and Coronarium. The last two were freebies because the garden centre was late in sending the others. Any help? Regards Pete.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Not sure of where you are exactly but this might help, you're probably in 8b or 9a. It might be best to hear from someone in the upper zones, but I would still probably store them and plant them in spring.

In your zone off the top of my head you'll definitely be safe with coronarium, Greenei, Ellipticum, Forrestii, Densiflorum "Assam Orange", Griffithianum as far as hardiness when they are planted out. I don't know about the rest but I use this site for reference a lot.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I agree with Trop. Plant them in the spring, you'd be assured of survival. Mulch, mulch and mulch!

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