A bird in the hand is worth...

Danvers, MA

A thousand pictures!!! lol

After the snow on Thursday, the Birds at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary are hungry!!! We went there this morning intending to take pics of the pond with snow on it and we were bombarded before we even had the seed out!

This is my favorite picture of the day. We've never had one land on us before today.

White Breasted Nuthatch

Thumbnail by Shan71
(Pat) Kennewick, WA(Zone 5b)

WOW!!! how cool is that? Thanks for sharing your picture.

Danvers, MA

WBN again

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

WBN again... BF got a great video of the WBN "enk"ing at the dee's that were trying to land on my hand, defending his territory.

This message was edited Dec 15, 2007 6:54 PM
Here's the video!

This message was edited Dec 15, 2007 7:58 PM

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

A Tufted Titmouse.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Another TuTi.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Black-Capped Chickadee. The poor things were starving! I would go to leave that area and they would just keep coming. BF got video of them flocking around me, taking their turn.


This message was edited Dec 15, 2007 9:28 PM

Thumbnail by Shan71
S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

Isn't that great? I've had Chickadees hand feed, and DH had a Titmouse. I've yet to try a Nuthatch. Very Awesome - nice pics!

Danvers, MA

MMMMMM Seeeed!

Thumbnail by Shan71
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Cool Photos!! I'd love to get my birds to hand feed!

Danvers, MA


Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

"You're a little bit scary to me."

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

He was wishing we would throw the seed on the ground.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Mr. Cardinal. Didn't see Mrs. at all today.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

Cardinal again

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

White throated sparrow. They kept a good distance from us.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Marlton, NJ

Wonderful photos Shan!!!

Thanks so much for posting them!


Danvers, MA

Pine Grosbeaks. From what I was told, they haven't wintered here in years. This isn't a great pic, they were through the trees. There was a Purple Finch around them, too.

Thumbnail by Shan71
Marlton, NJ

Shan, Are you going to upload the videos somewhere and post the link here?

Hope so!! :-)

Danvers, MA

We took a ton of pics today, most of the dees. It was hard to choose which one to put up. Maybe I'll post the others at another time.

Bye bye birdie!

This message was edited Dec 15, 2007 6:54 PM

Thumbnail by Shan71
Danvers, MA

OK Pelle... I've got BF here to tutor me on the art of posting videos. Stay tuned!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Wow Shan, looks like you and the birds had a fun day. How cool to have them eat out of your hand! Great pics!

Wasilla, AK

Isnt it an amazing experience. Thanks all for sharing

Danvers, MA

I didn't know that BF was in video mode... I thought he was focused on my hand. A dee landed on my hat and I was trying to get him to take a pic of that instead.


Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

Beautiful day and beautiful photos!

Marlton, NJ

Very nice video Shannon! That looks like so much fun!

Thanks for posting it!

Danvers, MA

Thanks Pelle,

The other videos are edited in to the coresponding posts up above. I had such a good time today. That is the one place that I can really go that I am in the moment, not thinking of being somewhere else.

Thanks everyone!

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

What a treat, having feathered friend hand feed. Good job.

Hebron, KY


Fantastic pics and videos! How do (did) you get the birds to come and eat out of your hand? DH and I have never had the birds eat out of our hand, but would love to.

What a wonderful and beautiful day you and your BF had! Thanks for sharing with us!


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Hi Shannon
I was about to start a thread to upload my pictures when I spotted your lovely (and very similar ones).

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Red Breasted Nuthatch

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Chickadee again

Thumbnail by Lilypon
Marlton, NJ

You captured great detail on the birds Lilypon!

Danvers, MA

Lilypon, We didn't even see the RBN. You're lucky! Is the RBN as picky as the WBN? They would sit on my hand and pick up and put down about 10 seeds before they would find the right one. lol all the while defending his territory against the dees.

Marilyn, you may be able to hand feed at home if the food is scarce, but I did this at an Audubon wildlife sanctuary a few miles from my home. They have people around all the time and are used to them. As I said, they flew right to us before we even had the seed out of my pocket. I had one land on my shoulder when I put the seed away to try to walk further down the path. They are hungry now, come summer you don't even see the chickadees at all there.


This message was edited Dec 18, 2007 7:12 PM

Hebron, KY


Thanks for the info!


Nice pics of the birds in your hand! So adorable and sweet they are! How do you get the birds to come to your hand and get seeds?


Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Shan, and Marilyn, I read once that to be able to get the bird to land on your hand, You can use a poster board of a human figure or make a dummy with hand sticking out, and let the birds get use to that, and eventually replace it with yourself. (won't have to wait so long) Or stand by the feeders with your hand stretched out, and wait. I was able to do that once, with Dees. But be prepare to wait a good while.

Hebron, KY


Thanks for the info! I think I read what you said in the Birds and Bloom magazine I get awhile back. Thanks for mentioning it, I had forgotten.

How long did you wait? "prepare to wait a good while"


S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

My DH who is very patient had Dees and a Titmouse hand feed at home, but too cold for me to stand for an hour outside. I go to a local park where it is done frequently and the Dees fly at you as soon as you get there - either in Winter, or early morning any time of year. Good luck if you try at home!!

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

The Dees were familiar with me going to fill the feeders, but it still took about an 1hr or so, they kept circling around me, wondering whether or not to trust me. I had to watch not to make sudden moves. My leg got really tired from standing still.They finally did land in my hand to grab a seed, and then rush up to a branch to eat it. They came back a few time after that. But what a feeling that was.

Hebron, KY


That must have been exciting and thrilling! ;-)


Thanks for the information! ;-)


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