Finally finished

Red Oak, TX

I just finished my green house... Just in time for winter here. Thank the lord, it's in the 30's today.

Thumbnail by Truetropical77
Columbia, TN(Zone 7b)

True that looks very nice! I like those circular raised bed you put your plants in.


scio, oregon, OR(Zone 8a)

What a wonderful oasis!

Red Oak, TX

Looking good , maybe next year you will have fruit on your banana plants, maybe a lovely bunch of coconuts on your coconut palm tree. (good looking dirt)

Red Oak, TX

Thanks, It was a long process, but i'm glad it was done right. I do hope bananas are in my future.

Lindenwold, NJ(Zone 7a)

You did a great job. Your plants look so happy. This looks like a great place to hang out for the winter.

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Very neat.. It's like landscaping inside. I would like to see a picture in a couple of months when the plants have grown a little.

What plants are in the hanging baskets in the upper left of the picture?

Evergreen, CO

Very nicely done!

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

True what did you make your circular bed out of, or did you build your GH around an existing flower bed.

Red Oak, TX


The first plant in the hanging basket is a pitcher plant "Nepenthes copelandii" and the second is a White variegated monstera.

2 pug dogs,

The walls of the garden are hand mixed cement. Talk about a process, i never want to mix a bag of cement again! evarything in the green house is new. The path is some green turf that a local church was getting rid of, so i thought I'd use it... it worked out nice don't you think?

I know all the plants look small but the greenhouse is 13 ft and most of the plants are already 4-5 ft. i'll defiantly post again in the spring when everything is huge!

Thumbnail by Truetropical77
(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I would really like to see more pictures of your GH it is so neat. What brand is it?

Red Oak, TX

i bought this greenhouse last spring from FarmTek it is a clear span green house. Here is a pic from the front.

Thumbnail by Truetropical77
Red Oak, TX

I bought the kit so it came with the heater, 2 vents and 2 circulation fans.

Thumbnail by Truetropical77
Red Oak, TX

The cement walls were done by my brother and i. we used some hard board as the form and some cut pieces of wood for the stakes.

Thumbnail by Truetropical77
Red Oak, TX

I have the black 55 gallon Drums on the east and west side of the greenhouse. the dimensions for the house are 26x36x13.

Thumbnail by Truetropical77
(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

It is truly a very nice GH.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I like how tall yours is truetropical-I want to make one that is about 25' high and about 40 or so long and 30 wide and just plant tropicals in there in the ground.

But I am confused how you have the heater, fan, intake shutters set up. Usually the fan and the shutters are at opposite ends of the grhouse so that when the fan comes on and starts to suck air out of the grhouse-it pulls open the shutters which then allows new air to come in and come across the grhouse. How does yours work-where the shutter is right below the fan? I have also never seen a heater in front of the fan like that too.

Red Oak, TX

Tigerlily, I still have 3 vents two put up those are just the ones that came with the green house, and the problem i find with Texas winter is it is cold for one day hot the next. so i don't really open my vents very much during during the cold days and on the hot ones i just open the doors and prop open the vents, so far it's been working great ( although i do have a problem with mites...)

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I think the way it works is that if the fan comes on-it will open your vents, and only as long as the fan is on, will the vents stay open. They automatically close when the fan shuts off. The fan pulls the air from the grhouse and thats what opens the vent-but the vent has to be on the opposite end of the grhouse than the fan. On cold days, the fan may come on, depending on what you have the thermostat set on, if it is a sunny day. I know it can be 30 degrees outside, but with the sun in the middle of the day-the fan will come on periodically in my grhouse, because these larger grhouses that are out in full sun all day can heat up fast.

I am assuming that you have the fan rigged up with thermostat wire and a thermostat? If not, you may want to look into it-it makes life so much easier to have it all done without you having to remember to open and close the door :)

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

I am so glad you showed a view from the front.. It gives me a much better prospective on how big it is.. Wow!

I just got a start of a pitcher plant from Equilibrium... ! I am trying to baby it.. Hope I can do it justice!

If I had a greenhouse that big, I think I would just set out there a lot and just enjoy.

Dallas, TX

Truetropical77, Your heater is it gas or electric? Hope it's on and heating! Cold front is here and temps falling fast! Great looking greenhouse! Hope yours is better and cheaper on the heating bill than mine. Jerry

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