Biodegradable bag sources? and questions

Independence, LA(Zone 8b)

My mom collects coffee grounds at her office and would like to use biodegradable bags to put them in. Does anyone here use them on a regular basis? I have a couple of questions about them. I'm also looking for a good source for them. Any stores carry them? or is this something I should look online to buy? If buying online we would like to buy them in bulk.

Btw, paper bags would not work for her. I already tried that suggestion. She would like to be able to keep from smelling up her new car, but hates to use plastic bags since it is so wasteful.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi pieohmy, I use these for my little thing in the kitchen:

Unfortunately, I don't have the box to give you any contact info on the manufacturer. I will tell you though, that these aren't exactly waterproof. The liners help keep my container from getting nasty as all I have to do is carry it out and slip out the bag, but it is always damp/moist. Not sure that would work for what your mom wants to do (with wet coffee grounds).

Independence, LA(Zone 8b)

That was what I wanted to ask about. She could always put those bags into something else though. I think she doesn't want to bother with having to empty each bag. Do they cut down on smell?

ohhh... I just saw the compost aerator. Now, that's what I'm wanting for christmas.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

oh yeah, that's a dangerous site to be looking at this time of year!

As for the smell, the container we have has one of those little charcoal filters in the lid, so that, I think, does the trick for us. We are NOT the good kids and take it out each day, so of course we appreciate that filter from time to time. My concern would be, if she can find a good resource to be able to get them in bulk, if they are porous like the ones I use, won't she have to resort to the old plastic bags again? Of is she planning on just putting the composter bag in the plastic bag, then rinsing the plastic for re-use? (well duh Robin, that makes sense!!!)


Independence, LA(Zone 8b)

I don't think we've thought it out that far yet. Either that or using some type of tupperware like container that can be rinsed out every week. She has a starbucks down the road too, so will be hauling some major grounds. I think she would take them out at night. She is very picky about her car. (Unlike her daughter who has coffee grounds from last week still sitting in the bed of her truck ~ I'm the lazy one)

I'm proud that she is finally getting into this. I went organic at the beginning of the year and all I heard was that it would never work. Now that she sees what my vegetable garden did this year she is a beleiver. I made her stick her fingers into my dirt last weekend and now today she is asking about compost bins!

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

I gave my husband a covered plastic gallon pitcher for the grounds at his work, he brings them home on Friday. For my car I have a plastic trash can with a tight lid in the trunk, it is half size of a regular can. Maybe one of these ideas will help?

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

That's an excellent idea cathy4 - I was thinking of one of those Coleman /Igloo coolers on wheels, but I like the idea of those smaller plastic trash cans, they can be sealed tighter than a cooler.

Independence, LA(Zone 8b)

Yes, tight sealing is the key. Great ideas, we'll have to make a trip to the store and check out what is available.

editing because a light bulb just went off.... I have gallon ball jars that would work well. I've seen similar large glass jars at the dollar store before too. Thanks for getting my brain working.

This message was edited Dec 12, 2007 5:38 PM

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