ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 71- Mother Nature is confused!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening, I have had a slug day. Didn't even stick my nose out the door. Stayed in jammies till noon, but DH cooked breakfast this morning, and did the clean up, and I started straightening the house, helping DGD with home work, and before I knew it, it was noon. This afernoon was devoted to reading, and then a snooze, DGD had a friend come over to play, she was here from about 3-9:30. They don't get to see each other often, so they had a good time. DS and his SO came late this afternoon, and I made spaghetti for the whole bunch!! We ate on paper plates, so clean up was a breeze.

Our weather has sort of gone back and forth all day, one minute it is raining, the next sleet. DH had to go out about 5:00, and when he came back he said the roads were in good shape.

dryad, good snow angel, and what a picture of Choo-choo. Bet she thought mama had lost her mind completely.

Melissa, Oh, are you doing a round robin? Gotta go see that, where is it posted? I think your DS sould be proud of his day. I don't think 3rd is bad.

Badseed, congrats on the dl registration. I need to go look at that one. When, and where will it be available? Just like I need more dl.

Jazz, please be careful out in this mess.

joycet, wow, all that baking, hope you have some left for Christmas. I really would like your casjew brittle, I make a mean peanut one, do you think it would work, just substituting cashews for peanuts?

Waving to Marcy, taynors, ric, george, neal, dovey, and anybody else, I may have missed. Just loved all the snow pictures, but am so glad that I don't have any to show you. Camera is in the shop for one thing, but not much snow to photograph.

Gonna go check some other forums, and will be back to see if Dusty checks in.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Thanks Bonnie, the Robin is here : http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/797667/

As expected, son isn't happy with the 3rd. It ended up weird... the way the brackets came down to the championship. The person who got second lost 2 matches prior to the championship match, and the person who won had lost 1. So, by number of wins/losses, son should have wrestled the other kid who lost only 1. Instead, the person who got first was 4-1 today, the person who got second was 3-2 today and son was 4-1 today. sometimes the brackets are weird, like the organizers just don't think them out before they print them.

I still feel like a slug. One particular question is bugging me, I've spent almost 2 hours researching it... and I'm no closer to an answer than I was earlier. grrrrrr

This message was edited Dec 15, 2007 11:22 PM

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello! all
From roadside puppy to this!

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Sorry everything was so convoluted in the wresting stuff; that must have been frustrating for him.

Looks like this major storm pooped out. What's new? LOL

Well, y'all, I'm turning in. My sinuses are bad, bad, bad. Hurts to breath through my nose unless I have something over my nose warming the air. I have a humidifier going all the time, so there's plenty of moisture. It's just a bad sinus day for me I guess.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, George, she knows which side her bread's buttered on. :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

A real General Store Pooch for sure!
George ya done good!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

She is certainly making herself at home George! She's a dollbaby!

She reminds me of my border collie, of course my collie was much larger. :)

It really makes me wish I could read their minds sometimes.... that little girl was probably all worried when those people "captured" her..... she no doubt thought she'd met her doom... .instead she's dry, warm, fed and loved! :)

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

That didn't take long! Spoilt rotten already, as she should be...as they all should be. Wonderful picture.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

She looks like royalty curled up on that burgundy pillow.

More snow is just now starting to fall here *grinning* Maybe I'll try a snow angel this afternoon too

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Looks like she's posing to be your next Christmas card picture! That little girl is no fool!

27* here this morning at 7:00, as of now (8:25) it's already up to 30. It started up overnight, so here's what my poor snow angel looks like this morning ;-) poor dear, you can barely make out the upper wings and lower legs. The little snowman to the left is the guy with the rudbeckia eyes and buttons - he's fine, just got coated on one side. It's coming down in very, very fine particles now, and the wind us just beginning to pick up for the first time. It's supposed to get quite windy today, so I'm not going to do much in the way of shoveling until that's all died down.

Thumbnail by dryad57

Mellisa thanks for the info on wrestling, i never new any of that. Graham is good ? huh . go figure lol :) i hope you boy gets his upper body back in shape . You sure now alot about wrestling. :)
Yep Garden i know some foods can be so costly . If she is doing good on purina ,why change, i agree. :)
Dryad thanks again for the hormones ifno
Bad your Dh is too funny, Just the SIZE OF HIM should scare off the boys !!!! 6'4'' i believe you told me ? yikes.
George BIG AWWWWWWW she is adorable, great name to. she looks like a suzie.
Jazz spam fruitcake lol :) i make a pretty mean chocolate fruitcake iwth figs,walnuts and dates in a bunt pan. drowned in bourbon iwth a carmael drizzle topping
IM SOOOOO BORED i got cabin fever.big time( ha no pun intended.)
kids are back playing Nintiendo . thank goodness for that. Never thought i would do it, but i got one for the winter.
i sleeped in till 9:00 pphhhttttt you can only clean a apt so many times ahhahaha
catch ya all later

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh yippee. 28 right now, *feels* like 12. Yuck. It's supposed to down to 17 tonight. It's snowing here again today. They canceled the high school basketball game yesterday and concerts for today. My 5 year old was supposed to go to a birthday party but that is canceled too. Hopefully they cancel practices as well. I think we are going to stay home and bake and make candy! The kids only go to school four days next week and get out an hour early on Thursday. We are not ready for Christmas in any way, shape or form. Grrr.

George, you have ruined that puppy already! LOL Nice fireplace. I SO miss having a fireplace.

Robin, looks like you'll have to suit up and hit the snow again. ;)

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Sue, you have to share that fruitcake recipe, I love dates and figs, so it sounds like one that would be perfect for me. A few years ago, I knew nothing about wrestling... but when your kid starts doing something, you learn quick. LOL

Not much here.... roads are clear, but it's just starting to spit snow.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

I second that... what is your chocolate fruitcake recipe?!?!

Matt didn't make real fruit cake after all... what ever he did make (Christmas Stollen) it had dried fruit and brandy in it...
Mom totally loved it, I'm still not convinced.
I bet a chocolate fruit cake would convert me.

Gotta go - I just asked Matt to take me to the Polaris Mall... He agreed!
That man must really love me *S*

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning y'all....24 here and snowing again...It rained yesterday afternoon, and cleared most of the snow, but everything is covered back up again...The wind has really picked up though...It's wierd how yesterday the snow was coming down from east to west and today it is the exact opposite...

I am seriously debating getting into my craft room today if my wrist is up to it...Other than laundry and a little cooking and a early lab appt at the VA in the morning, I have absolutely nothing else to do for a change...

George... I absolutely love that new little baby girl...What a blessing she is for the both of you !!

Robin...I Knew you were my daughter...Snow Angels were my most favorite thing to do when I was a kid back in the dark ages... LOL

Chele.. Congrats on your lily...I will have to have one of them...

Yesterdays party was a complete bust...Most of them called to ask if they could get a refund on their tickets...I cooked 25 hamburgers and 30 hot dogs and put them on the steam table...There were 18 burgers and and 27 dogs left when it was all over...Even our regulars didn't show last night, so Kellie and I were done and out of there at 7pm...

I came home and changed and got Jim and we went down to AmVets for the party there...We had an absolute ball...Jim can't dance and another Kelly can't dance, so her hubby Jeff, also Army, and I danced ourselves silly...We even did the twist!!!! I couldn't believe I could still do it...LOL The topper to my night was, Allen finally showed up late... He is an over the road trucker and his wife Diane does the karaoke at the post...He had dropped his trailer at home and came in his Bobtail...I told him I wanted to drive it so out the door we went...I drove it all over the parking lot, and he and I were laughing like silly fools when half the post came out the door to watch me...He asked me if I could do a donut and I told him of course I could...so I took it out nearer the street and slid her around in a perfect circle which was a piece of cake thanks to the slush...His is a 15 speed like my old one was so it fit like a glove...What a Riot!!! ROFLLLLLLLL
So needless to say, I had an absolute blast last night...Best Christmas present I could ever ask for...

Okay.. Cinnamon buns are done, so I'm off to get one before Jim eats them all...
Y'all have a terrific day, and I'll see ya later on...


Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued to here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/797783/

Sorry dial-uppers....I wasn't paying attention...


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