ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 71- Mother Nature is confused!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

dryad, I use the Ziacam all the time. At the very first sign of a sniffle, I am on it. Seems to help with the severity and the duration. I have also used that Airborne, but you have to take it before you go out in crowds. So I don't do that, cause I never know that far in advance of going, that it is impractical for me.

Having camera problems, and called Canon this morning, couldn't trouble shoot over the phone, so my camera is packed up ready to go in the mail to the factory service center. Ain't this a heck of time to be without a camera? Guess I could get a couple of those disposable cameras to use during the holidays, but really would like mine back.

Okay, I have procrastinated long enough, gonna head to the shower, and get ready to go to the post office and library.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

OMG! I need to rant about online shopping! Things are selling out before you can pay. Or you go to pay and a bunch of stuff disappears. Or you put a bunch of stuff in your cart, walk away and it's empty again. I finally got through all of that and got to the pay part, and it tells you items will be delivered between Dec 28th and January 2nd. Grrrr. Shopping online used to be so easy! I called Kohls, spent about 7 minutes on hold and the phone went dead. Dialed again and waited 22 minutes to be told they are having shipping problems and are telling people 10-15 *business* days??? That might be nice to know before you shop. LOL

puff blow puff blow. I think I'm done now.

Can't get this thing to bold. LOL

This message was edited Dec 14, 2007 2:39 PM

Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've posted.

Last Thursday I slipped on ice in front of our house and twisted my ankle so badly that it popped. Twice. Went to ER, they said the foot is sprained, and both ankle bones are fractured. My knee was twisted but no major damage there. One fracture is bad but the other one isn't. They splinted it up. Went to an ortho doc on Tuesday who took more x-rays then put another splint on. The bone is moving around so he scheduled me for surgery this coming Monday. He said it would be 8 weeks before I could begin putting any weight on it. So it looks like I'll be out of work for a while. That's not good.

So the bone is still NOT set and it HURTS! I probably sound like a wimp, but I just can't stand it and I still end up crying at least once a day. I'm so tired of being in bed staring at the ceiling but I've got to keep it elevated and I just can't stand the pain of walking on crutches (or even being vertical). My balance on crutches is very bad--I teeter-totter and start to fall over. I'm eating the meds they gave me but they aren't helping at all. Shifting bones are not a happy thing.

On a positive note, hubby deserves a "Hubby of the Year" award. He's been so patient and sweet. He had to take off work twice this week to take me to the doc and he's taking off Monday too. He's made a table next to the bed so I can have anything that I need close by. He heats up soup every day and puts it in a wide-mouth thermos so I can have a hot lunch--plus he packs me a lunch and puts it on the bed. Every morning he makes sure that I have a stack of plant catalogs to look through and this morning he even brought in coloring books and crayons. Once it got light out this morning, I noticed that he took a shepherds hook and hung one of our bird feeders on it outside my window so I can watch the birdies from bed.

Okay. My time is up--I need to get back to bed. This is the first time I've went anywhere besides the bedroom and bathroom all by my self. I hope that everyone is doing well and I'll be back as soon as I can. Hubby is thinking about setting up the puter by my bed. That would be nice. I miss y'all!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I am so sorry to read this. :( Being laid up for 8 weeks is awful especially on top of the surgery and pain. I really, really feel for ya and hope you recover quickly. Hopefully your hubby will get that computer moved so you can at least chat. Stay away from pogo.com ;)

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm so sorry, Velnita... Your hubby is very very sweet. :-)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Velnita, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident! My toes curled at even the thought of loose bones. Isn't there anything that can be done sooner for you, sweetheart? Oh, gosh, I feel for you! Your husband sounds like a gem. Do get your computer over there. Maybe he can get you a wireless keyboard and mouse so you can use it more easily in bed? (((hugs)))

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

velnita, I am so sorry to hear of your accident. Quite a bit of damage done. Hope that Hubby gets the puter set up for you, as that would help you stay in touch. Hugs to you, and hope your surgery Monday goes well. Tell them to give you major pain meds to take, so you wont be in any pain.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Velnita....hang in there girl....


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

oh Velnita - MANY ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))). My mom fell and broke both feet so horribly the doc said he never wanted to see x-rays like that again. Surgery on one foot, twice on the other. Here's what we learned - LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR - don't try to get up too soon as that will set you back, no matter HOW boring that old bed is! And when you're up and in therapy, do what they say and you'll have yourself back to normal real quick.

One thing I enjoy when I'm laid up is to listen to audio books I've checked out from my library's online site. If you have a library card check your library online to see if they have audiobooks you can check out. If they do, you can listen to them on the PC, or transfer them to an MP3 player. (Some even allow you to burn to disk, but it's usually something like 15 disks - LOL)

Mom said the first two weeks were the worst for her pain-wise, so hopefully you'll be getting some relief soon!

Big Cheers For Super Hubby!!!


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Velnita!! I'm so sorry!

I did something similar when I was 13. Most pain I've ever had in my life. I feel for you. 1979 I was in the hospital for a week.... doctors can do so much more now than then... I was in a cast for 8 weeks, and a walking cast for 8 weeks.

You don't have to do crutches... they have these little wheely carts now, you put your knee in it and slide yourself around instead of crutches. Any medical supply place should have them.... you might be able to rent one.. do they still rent stuff like that?

I've been a slug all day, I just couldn't wrap my brain around school. I did 5 loads of laundry, dishes, cleaned a little, made fudge and put UP the Christmas tree! No ornaments yet, but hey, I'm getting there!

Velnita you don't sound like a whimp . Your someone in pain !
I hope you get a quick recovery. Sounds like you 'll be on the other foot for awhile. :(
take care of yourself.
well i m in a electonic nightmare. grrrr
vcr will be fixed and hooked up not until the 27th. grrrr. I bought a digital camera, HA .
I bought a digital photo frame for DH to take to China, Oh boy what a ordeal. Now i want to put music in with the pics, holly cow. I don't know if i m that mentally stable sheesh.lol:)
Well this isn't electronic but im soooo lost in my check book,lol :(
I know it is all menopause but every little thing is bringing me to a mental breakdown, i m in tears half the days. Its like i m crazy
I guess i have to go back on my hormones yuck. I have to spit in viel then send it in. then they send it back to my pharmacisit. hmmm well i guess it is better than a cry baby all day long
hey catch ya later

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Velnita sorry to hear about the slip.
I agree 100% w/ making sure you follow ALL your doc's instructions and following up on the therapy.
It WILL make a World of difference.
Hope the surgery goes well and you don't go stir crazy.

Well we'll either get nothing but junk tomorrow or 2' of snow.
The forecast is changing SO fast I'm not even bothering to look at it.
I figure looking out the window tomorrow will probably give me a better idea of what's going on.

Dusty I can see you now...slapping the Elves into shape! LOL!


This message was edited Dec 14, 2007 8:55 PM

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Velnita....so sorry to hear about your ankles. Sounds something like when my DIL broke her elbow in two places. I hope you heal fast, and that that nice hubby of yours moves your puter in for you too. Big hugs from here!!
Chele....I feel for ya about the shopping online. Believe me, it's not much better in the stores! Thought I would never get home today. Never have I seen it so busy!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, my DGD is growing up. She came about 6:00, I told her that a friend had called, and she returned the call. Friend wanted her to go to a movie with her, so she was here about 45 minutes, long enough to eat, change clothes, and she was gone. I am expecting her soon, I am sure that they had to get something to eat after the movie, so I am predicting she will be here between 10:30-11:00. I don't want to go through that worrying thing all over again!!

Chele, I have a similar situation. I ordered DGD a collector doll, in October, and just got a letter saying that it wouldn't ship until about the middle of January. I had to tell her about it to see if she wanted something in place of it, and she is okay with that. She has a few other gifts, but this was the major one. I think the problem is that more and more people are shopping on line, and I think some companies are just not equipped well in their shipping operations to handle the bulk of orders that this time of year has.

Ric, I have been watching the forecasts all day, and depending on which channel you are watching you get one thing, another channel says something else. However, I think we will be on the snow/rain side, and further north will get the fluffy stuff. Either way, we are good, well stocked, and no place that we HAVE to go. I am just so thankful that we have gotten the rain the last several days. This is gonna go a long way in putting us back almost to normal for the year. Shame it couldn't have happened soon enough to help the gardens.

Melissa, you deserve a break. Take a day or two, and relax, and then you can get back into school mode. At least you got something accomplished, that is a start.

taynors, please get back on the hormones. This is a very rough time, and since you have the responsibility of taking care of the whole family, you will need all the help you can get. They will surely get the mood swings under control. Electronics sheesh, I think I have reached my maximum capacity to learn anything new concerning all those gadgets out there. The cell phones are even getting too complicated for me!!

Well, gonna go check some other forums, and will bbl.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Evenin y'all...Down to 30 degrees so far, but nothing else...They are saying freezing rain here now rather than snow, and icy roads...

Velnita...I am sooo sorry to hear about your fall and impending surgery...As the recent recipient of a broken bone, I can comisserate with you completely...Your hubby is the greatest...Thinking to move that bird feeder for you was just pure love...What a doll....

Not me Bro...I am seriously debating hiding in the walk-in til it's over...I prepped 50 mini 4 oz burger patties tonight, gathered the buns for them and the 50 hot dogs, and reset the steam table configuration to put everything in when I get there...I will have to clean off the grill and get the burgers cooked, and then put them in a pan on the steam table...I am told Carole will be staying til its over, and we will be taking grill orders for the parents, so one of us will be on the grill, and the other will be doing the kids meals...I have already decided that if I have to clean the grill to cook the kids burgers, I'm going to stay on it so I don't have to clean it again... :-P With any luck, the weather will be hideous, and the show will be over before it begins...

I'm going to say good night, and go crawl in my rack...Maybe I can stay concious long enough to look at my book, and if I'm really lucky, I may even be able to read a paragraph or 2....LOL

I'll see you in the morning... Love and Hugggs to all...

ok Defoe your the boss lololol :)
man o man i m crying as i type and laughing at the same time lol :)
my poor kids don't know what to think. hahah
good thing DH is comming home in 9 days .
monday i will make an apt to go to my dr. then i will hit the pharmacy (compound pharmacy) natural hormones.
i just hate spitting in a small vial eeewwwww. i hate spit ,drool or anything relavent to saliva ick
Hey Bad sorry your having a bad experience online shopping.
Ha i ordered a few things and spent extra on second day mail on two of the items, the other two where ground and guess which one came to the house first . yep the ground . HA . :) how crazy is that.
Garden what is your dog food like ? he could have allergies ? i use to be a groomer and did many ,many ,many ,many dogs with ear problems ,that where really food allergies. Corn being number one.
talk at cha later.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hanna's my MIL's dog. She eats the same as Emma, Purina ONE. She may have allergies. I don't know if Nancy will be willing/able to spring for expensive natural foods for her. At least she's a small dog and doesn't eat very much. I'll talk to her about it, see if she wants to try a corn-free food for a few weeks and see if that helps. Thanks, Sue.

Here's what they're saying for our neck of the woods:

1012 PM EST FRI DEC 14 2007






Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue, I learned a long time ago, that if the hormones are out of whack, mama don't feel good, and thus nobody in the family is happy. So, if nothing else do it for the family!! You don't want to be crying the whole time DH is home do you? And at such a happy time of year. Do it girl.

I am getting very interested in the Drs who specialize in practice of the idea of hormones controlling everything. My DTS went to an internist recently, who has studied the effects of hormones on many diseases. She has a friend who is diabetic and went from 5 shots a day, down to 2, now, and the Dr. is saying that she can get her off all the insulin shots with the compounded meds. My DTS was recently diagnosed with fiber myalgia, and she says that she can compound for her, so that the pain is gone. She has also been on synthetic hormones since she was 18, and had to have a complete hysterectomy, and she also says that she can get her off them too. The Dr she sees is in Lexington, Ky,where is yours? Since I don't know what the specialty is called, I call my DTS's Dr. a witch doctor!!

Well, that was too much information, when I only meant to encourage you to get back on the hormones!!

Good night.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Evening all.. It seems that we are all in for some weather, One way or another! I need to call the DH and make sure we have the appropriate goodies for being snowed in. I knwo we have TP.. that is usually all I care about! lol

I have taken the opportunity to read a book by Cesar Millan. Very interesting. I am about done with it and want to read his more recent one abotu being the Pack leader. it's good stuff.. Dusty.. for some reason I thought of you when I read about how he interacts with dogs.

Hope everyone stays safe and warm over the next few days.and if it's going to get nasty I hope that it happens after I get home today and BEFORE I have to come back! lol..DOn't want to be snowed in AT work!! aaaaaaaaaaaaa

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Life just isn't fair. Take a really lazy person, have them work retail during the holiday season, It's like some sick , twisted science experiment. Abby is doing it too, we are both whining and belly aching, I'll let ya know if we make it! LOL
I think I'll call in dead.lol
((((Jazz))))) I love Cesar, I watch him every chance I get, scoot don't care for him much, haha
I'd talk more, just too tired.................send help!!! lol Gotta get the kiddo to work.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Badseed - there was something cool in the paper today about gifts for people. We had someone "give" us a sheep last year through www.heifer.org - they give donated animals to need farmers in other countries to help them keep themselves and their family going.

Another "gift" is an e-book. www.simplegiftsfarm.com lets you "buy" and download gardening books - the article says if you sign up for their newsletter you may get a book for free.

And yet another that I like is Oxfam America. www.oxfamamericaunwrapped.com lets you actually buy a can of worms for a needy farmer! I think that's kinda cool!

Of course, the people these gifts go to must be of a like nature, and be able to take the gift to heart and enjoy it there (it's much easier than on the hips!).

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I'm at home... the rest of my family is in Kettering or on their way. Hubby took the truck, and there isn't enough room in it for everyone... and since I have so much to do, he kinda decided that I'd stay home.... I'm not real happy about it... but I tend to freak out when the roads are like this.... so I guess it makes sense. I just hope everyone makes it home safe tonight. Keep them in your thoughts. :)

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Well, "it" is here. The snow started about 8:00, and we are now up to about one to 1 1/2" of the fluffy stuff. I started to keep a path plowed until I realized we're supposed to get freezing rain on top of it, so stopped. I'd much rather shovel snow topped with ice, than deal with just plain old ice. Except for that back yard - have to keep an area clean for the little pup (she doesn't like things tickling her behind when she's out there for a reason...LOL... so we actually shovel snow off an area of grass for the little dictator). Also finally took down our little shade sail. I hung a triangular shade thingy under our wisteria arbor so we could sit there and not get "bombed". I figured I'd better get it down before all that weight got to it.

hugs everyone, keep warm.

Dusty - take care of your wrist!! That's a Daughter's Order!!! Do I need to cluck at you to take your vitamins and drink plenty of water??? I have MANY years of experience clucking at Moms! My mom had over 35 surgeries in her life, and ALWAYS tried to "go back" too soon...causing difficulties down the road. (Did you think Moms cornered the market on clucking and worrying?)

Sue, honey - try adding some soy stuff to your diet for a while, that seemed to help some friends of mine who were having hormone problems. I won't go into my history here, but I've been on them for over 20 years, and know all the risks - but you and I really don't want me to be here without them. I'm literally not the same person. Soy additives helped me when one of my docs panicked a few years back and yanked me off - I switched docs. (I also found that a certain PC game that let me battle the masses helped sometimes too!)

Crash - try B1 and B12, and add some protein powder to a store-bought shake for some extra energy. Those hours and the frantic pace and the hysterical people will really take it out of you. Hang in there, you'll make it!!

(edited for typos)

This message was edited Dec 15, 2007 10:09 AM

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Robin it satarted about one hour later here.
The snow line has dropped WAY south though.... I'd say Bonnie may be getting snow now....

Here's a shot from 9:30. There's maybe an inch more now and it's still coming down hard...

Mellisa where in Kettering?
There's a ton of Fairmont grads here....

Thumbnail by henryr10
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Son just called... he's seeded #1 waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and I'm not there!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Ric, they're wrestling at Trent Arena, Fairmont is the Host school. We go back for a tri meet with Fairmont, actually at Fairmont HS next month. This is a HUGE meet... one of the best in the area. Son is wrestling a kid from Stebbins first.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I just got my hillside driveway cleared and salted...Here is my view so far, but it's really coming down now...I cannot believe they arent closing that joint today knowing full well it's only going to get far worse by tonight...only 27 here now....

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Fergot the pic..

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

You are wrong Ric, we are getting sleet and freezing rain. Yug, rather deal with the fluffy stuff. They have been out salting and scraping, but I am not going out till later.

Melissa, that is so great about son, but sorry that you are not there too. There is always a next time!!

Don't know what I will get into today, not good weather for outside, and I have inside things to do but don't really want to do them. I have more Christmas cards to address, so that may be the first thing on the list.

At any rate, everybody stay safe today.

Ric that is just pretty, post card pretty ooohhhh :)
Garden funny thing about dog food, yes the good stuff is more expesive, but you will find that you feed less. I used a really expesive dog food with my G shep and believe it or not he ate two cups a day, one in the morning and one at night. I did give him also a raw diet and made a soup. A 40lb bag lasted me a month !!
let me see if i can look up the soup reciepe i will post it for you when i find it. :) its cheap ,but will take some time to make if she wants to do that. People like it too hahaha :) no one knew *wink *
Defoe yes synthetic hormones are not the best choice for women. Our bodies tell us what we need ,not DR's !!! hahaha IMHO.
Your right i got to kick this in the butt soon before my DH is home. Got to COWGIRL UP .
If people knew where those hormones come from THEY WOULD DIE !!! and say " HOLY COW I AM PUTTING THAT IN MY BODY?? "
i m glad she is finding a compound dr. that is good. Amazing that we forget the old saying " you are what you eat " food really plays a roll in our lives and how we operate .
Dryad i love those sites i did that one yr for my SIL and Bro but i got them a goats for a family in Africa. i wish i could rember the site.
ok its saturday
Mellisa i hope you family is safe on that ride .
talk at cha all later

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

It's stopped here. We don't have much but an icy slush, but we're further south than Ric is...
But, not further than Bonnie. Weird. The road is covered, but I'm going to have to try to trek out, I'm almost out of cigs... and as a lot of you know, running out is NOT a good thing.

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio

still snowing here in Degraff
still in my jammies and so are the kids.
man i wish i could get my quad out and go boogie in the snow.
Mellisa do they talk much about Graham HS wrestiling ? my DD went to Graham and they are supposed to be really good . I don't know much about it, just curious. :) or is that out of your area ? i m still learining the areas of Ohio.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa, I went out yesterday and stocked up on the cigs, after hearing the forecast. The ad for Camel applies here, would walk a mile for (not a Camel) but a ciggy!! Have plenty of food, and TP and all the necessities, so probably won't be moving farther than from the house to the mailbox.

Everybody stay safe.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

ROFLLLLLLLL MissyLissa...I stopped and bought us each a carton last night...No way are we running out...I had a $25 gift card in my paycheck last night in lieu of the Turkey & candy we normally get...That's a crack up...Can only use it at Dots, so they get it back anyway... LOL
I'm gonna blow mine on Jims beer and some wine for me...I KNOW they don't make much profit on that ...LOL...Shame on me....NOT!

I'm soooo sorry you missed your trip and seeing him make #1....I was hoping maybe after the match you could come by and I'd feed ya...

Gonna leave here in another 10 minutes, but it's really coming down hard here now...Thankfully the van is in the carport and I don't have to clean it off too...I just washed the inside windows, and put more Rain-X on the outside...I have a can of de-icer if I need it tonight...and I lubed all of the keylocks...even tho it has a remote lock.. better safe than sorry...

Y'all have a good day and be careful out there...


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Sue, Graham is one of the best wrestling programs in the COUNTRY, not just the state. They come to son's school meet/tourney every year, I'm not sure if they're at Trent or not... they are a smaller school than my son's school, so it's not often that they wrestle at the same meets... I think they're Division II. son's school is a Division 1 School. Wrestling is different than most school sports... they have one league meet every year, which is what determines who wins league, and they have to wrestle all the schools in the league at some point in the season but just one time. Usually they do it where there are 3-5 schools there at once. Wednesday night it was us, Goshen and Batavia.

The rest of the wrestling schedule is made up of invitational tournaments. Most schools have their own invitational, and they choose the schools they want to invite. They all try to get schools that are going to help their program... meaning, they want their kids to be challenged, not just pin everyone they wrestle easily. This is the first year that son's school has been went to the Kettering Tourney. They used to go to Franklin, but dropped out of it to go to Kettering instead.

Son called, he pinned the kid from Stebbins in about 30 seconds. Of course it's not on tape because hubby is stuck on 68 because of a wreck closing the road down.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Maybe next month Dusty. I am so bummed.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Here's a pic of our backyard about 10 minutes ago - we had a break, but it's coming down a little more now, and the flakes are bigger.

Thumbnail by dryad57
Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

And here's the front. As soon as we get enough to be sure it covers my grass (which, of course, is too long), I'll be out there making a snow angel!!

Thumbnail by dryad57
morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello! all
The animal sucker here! I went to a Christmas party last night at my friends house that have the farm. It was really fun. It was a "white elephant" gift trading and dinner party. Jeff got a pair of american peace keeper dolls and I got a scary dead cat fur covered raccoon and baby. I really did not like my gift. I think I will bury mine. We put in the pile a big blue Viagra clock( with the Viagra pill as the second hand)and old pencil sharpener. Well as we where getting ready to turn into there driveway I saw a small black animal slinking in the grass. I thought it was a possum or something, then saw that it was a small beagle type dog. We pulled into the driveway and she started to come to me. Then there dog took off after her and ran her up the road screaming all the way. I went in and of course being a lover of beagle/hound type dogs talked about her and how I tried to catch her and if she had been around there place and did she have a owner, etc. They said she had been around for about a week and seemed really timid, like she had been abused. Well I get a call this morning early and they had caught her! I said bring her over and now we have a freshly washed black and white with cute freckled beagle/mixed with something new addition to the family. Her name is Suzie. She still is a little freaked out. but already found the comfy doggie pillow. The other 2 dogs are not happy at all, but they will get used to her. Here is my new Christmas puppy!

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Here she is on the pillow.

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy

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