ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 71- Mother Nature is confused!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Them is pure canvas sided jump boots...Best nursing shoes they ever made...I went thru 4 pair in 7 yrs....Only problem wiff em izzzz.. when ya take em off and put on yer six inch stilletto red velvet high heels wiff the rhinestone bowes that ya clip on the front to go dancin'....Yer ankles tend to wobble and ya walk like yer drunk...Course ya may be, but that didn't count.... ROFLLLL

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

LOL I hear ya!! You get used to all that lovely support..Then it's nuttin but air! Course I don't wear too manly stilettos these days.. Those darn boots ruined my dainty ankles..sigh.. ah well.. the DH likes em anyway.. :)

Time for BED! sheesh I am going on 4 hours of sleep here..can't believe it!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Heyyyy Bons... I was wonderin where ya were this mornin....

YES!!! Isn't it Wonderful??? I have 2 beautiful new daughters...and I DO mean beautiful!! I will leave it to Rob to post the pics, tho I do have them...Between them and those two hunky KY boys of mine, I'm in Hawg Heaven!!!

GrandFather and I did our Smoke when I got home...Everyone is well covered....then I did my de-stenching...Some nights, I absolutely cannot bear to smell myself in the car on the way home and have the windows down as cold as it is...

Today was an exceptionally horrendous busy day... We have a group from a retirement home descend on us once a month.. today was it...and after Mike...I made it through it, and managed to get out of there by 9:15...

MissyLissa!!! The dining room is closed Sat from 12:30 till 3 pm for the Santa and Kids Christmas party...I have NO CLUE what I'm doing or what at this point , so stay tuned...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Okayyyyyy.. I'm off to the rack....Hopefully to sleep...

Yall sleep tight...and Kimberley check in with a hopefully feel better report..

Huggggs to alll

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Dusty, and thank Grandfather for the smoke. I am glad to hear that things are all covered.

You mean that you actually enjoyed wearing those boots? Looks like torture to me. However, in the business world, I wore suits, and heels all day, 5 days a week. When I retired, I couldn't get used to flat shoes, and wondered if I could talk a shoe company into making me a "high heeled sneaker"!! I finally adjusted, got the calf muscles back in place, and only wear shoes when I actually have to. Even have recently asked the minister if we could have a "barefoot Sunday service". Au natural, my kind of attire!! (Feet only) LOL. Give the newbies a hug and kiss from their Aunt Bons!!

Off to bed now, hope all have a good night.

Columbus, OH(Zone 5b)

On the other hand.... $85.00 for an out of print book is a complement, just think of how many books end up in the $1.00 bin. You and Jim should be proud.
(I know I sound like Pollyanna playing the "Glad Game")

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi Guys.

Busy day yesterday. I needed to renew truck registrations for two of our guys work trucks so I left work a little early to handle that. Only had to wait in line for a couple of minutes. Headed to Tri-County Mall to return a sleeper I got at Disney Store for the youngest grandson. I got 3-6 months and he's 16 pounds and into 6-9 months now. Picked up the last toy for the 11 yr. old grandson and one more gift for my friend. Think I might be finished with shopping now. =o)

Ate at a new restaurant (well, new to me) in West Chester, Guenthers. Very good food. Nice little homey place. Will definitely eat there again.

Then a trip to Jungle Jim's to get raw nuts for brittle. Plus a bunch of other stuff....

Home, relaxed a few mintues and off to bed.

Now a new day, Christmas party at work tonight.

Sue, how did your closing go. If you said, I missed it.

Bonnie, sounds like a great time at your house. Good idea on the entertaining while the house is clean...almost seems like a waste not to do it more than once for a sparkling clean house. =o) I need one of those signs that says My house was clean last week, sorry you missed it.....

I got my book for $13.00, too. Can't wait to read it. I got notice today that it shipped.

JAZZY!! You da woman!! I'm so proud..... ;o) Congrats on your 100's. Can't do better than that! Now relax, and enjoy Christmas...

I'm starting to worry about Lana. Anyone have her phone number?

Robin, how did you get your DG name? Bonnie, Robin (dryad57) and Nora, her better half are the new kids in the family. You already know that George and his partner (do we know his name?) are the other kids...

Icky rain this morning. I was about 5 cars back from a rear-ender that involved 3 cars. Tailgating I'm guessing on wet roads. Glad it wasn't me...at least they all pulled off the road so there wasn't a blocked lane.

Well, I have to get busy...

Hello to all I didn't mention by name.

Good Morining
well i m feeling better. I didn't have physical ailments, just emotional ones to deal with . I have a situation of x-wife . I wont go into it. I have never been insecure, but with the weight gain and him gone this yr. Well I AM !!! so it was a rough nite for me . He and i talked and x-wife just has to "GET A LIFE " . I feel for her and always include her in my prayers ,but she drew the line on this one.
Dusty i hope all goes well in your christmas party for the kids , sounds fun. I love organizing those things. I used to do that in CA with my church. i miss it.
Defoe i m with you on the barefeet . Love it .I m always walking around in barfeet.
Garden i m going to look at those links a little better today
OH guess what santa brought me early ? a digital camera whop whop
ok i confess, Mrs Santa got for me early *wink * giggle . it was only a $100 for a 6 megathingy. can you believe ? i thought they where waaaay more than that . so i can do pics online now.
ijust have to figure it out now, HA . Between the vcr and thtis camera i got my hands full. i might need a beer. ?
big wave to you all
ps wanna see the cutest boy in the world ? !!

Thumbnail by

Joycet the closing went good. I shook as a wrote the check and wanted to barf ! lol :)
Enjoy your book Joycet .what book did yo get


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

SUE! What a cutie pie he is! Thanks for sharing.

I got the book that Dusty's husband, Jim wrote. It's about them and VietNam. Dusty says "fiction based on fact". Can't wait.

Glad your closing is over, you probably have writers cramp....

A lot of us have "dealt" with ex-wives...some are worse than others....works on "ex-husbands", too. May his soul rest in peace....

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

taynors, glad it isn't physical, but I can sympathize on the emotional thing. I don't have an ex anything, but I would imagine a human ex would be hard to deal with in the best of times. Oh, wait I do have exes. DIL's my DGD's mom and I didn't get along for about 2 years after their divorce, was in court about every 2 months over visitation and grandparents rights for that whole 2 years. Finally, we were awarded visitation under the grandparents rights, and I guess she figured that I wasn't gonna go away, so now we are not best friends, but have a cordial relationship.

Oh, Dusty, I thought you were speaking of dogs, when you mentioned new kids. Sorry folks for the insults!!

Jazz, glad that you got the grades you deserve. I can't imagine you turning in anything that was not perfect.

Melissa, hope you have met your deadline, and that you soon will be released from studying for a time.

Dovey, I think you just got a nickname Pollyanna, now you can help out with attitude adjustments here.

Joycet, glad that you didn't have a wait in line at the licensing bureau, and had a good meal to boot. Can't get luckier than that all in one day.

Well, I have been up since about 6:30, had my coffee and read the paper, and have been working since then to reduce the mountain of paperwork on my desk. I have it down to a small hill, so gonna go knock that out.

Will BBL

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey ORVGer's!!!!! Boy this is a a busy bunch, hard to keep up, and now I'm sleeping in later and later, I'll never catch up, I got a lot of reading to do, Dusty, a book? I really need to catch up.
Sorry to hear about your back defoe, this weather does a number on mine, don't know if it's the arthritis, or previous injuries, but , this cold rainy weather makes me feel like i'm wearing a vice on my spine or something.
Not much going on here , except, cooking , laundry, dishes, then work. Which they have changed my hours to double what I was working, 2:30 to midnight. YUCK, I really hate working evenings, I always have, no energy, nothing left of my day. But I have a job, so I'll stop complaining, as I will get cut drastically at the end of the month, one of the managers told me I was hired permanent, but no one has said anything to me so she asked me not to say anything. She said everyone is under that impression. ????
Geez, I'm always lost. LOL
i'm so clueless, I never know what is going on.
I wanted to stop and say I love and miss you all, and when I get this laundry caught up, I'm gonna read up! Like defoe I will BBL.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning Y'all...38 and raining here...Yech!!

I went out in it and refilled the suet baskets and the birdseed feeder and filled the squirrel pan...Gave Chootch a dose of pepto...She hasn't been feeling good the last 2 days, and she is getting that darn ear infection again, so I needed to redose her for that...

I have to leave early today..The knife sharpener guy took the 10 inch chef knife and left me 1 sharp 7 inch and the dull 7 inch, so I need to run by and get that picked up...Carole will have a hissy fit if that knife isn't there tomorrow...I wasn't too happy without it last night myself, but I managed...Fortunately I didn't need to whack a whole ham or a whole turkey in half to go slice it...but that will happen today, so I need to get it...

Congrats on your closing Sue.. I know that is a relief...Now you can really start to plan...

No Bons....It is Human kids this time...LOL What a joy!!!
Have fun with yer paperwork...glad it's you and not me..I hate that stuff...

Ric??? where are You ???

Okay.. Gotta get my coat on...Y'all have a great day and I'll see ya tonight..


Thumbnail by DustyDS
Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Morning all,
defoecat - no need to worry, no offense taken - LOL! I've been called MUCH worse!!! My partner Nora and I are the two happiest new Daughters.

YAY!!! 100's!!! YAY!!!!!!!! (more Electric Slide.......) Of course, that doesn't mean that procrastination is a good motivational tool.....however much I use it myself...

Sue, I would say cutest boy in the world, but I have my nephew to consider, you see....and it's not enough that the TV/cable folks are giving you tap dancing lessons, you HAD to let Mrs. Clause pre-gift you a camera, eh? They're not hard - with PCs today that "recognize" stuff when you hook 'em up, your computer should have the drivers and if not will probably go off searching for them on the internet. Let me know if you have any questions (I've already managed to destroy two digital cameras, and have two more working - now if they would give me the clarity of Nora's nice film camera - she's a black and white snob). And check out the camera forum, they are stuffed with advice.

I don't want to drag down everyone's hookup time with pics of the new daughters, I've posted my pic to my personal site - although it's a bit dark, I have to find a lighter one. I have posted a pic here of Nora on her 40th. We celebrated in New Orleans with two of her friends from a class she took at Oxford (back in the day when we were corporate goddesses). The one on the right (tall) is another one of Nora's OM's - one of the dearest Southern Ladies you will ever hope to meet (and talk about CONNECTIONS - those old families, man. Let's just say that you can see some of her property and her family in the wedding scene of Live and Let Die..., and one of her sons has a drinkin' buddy called Archie Manning). The one on the left is another native of the area (they both come from multiple-generations of N.O. residents) and a HOOT - day-trading on her computer is her hobby. And I feel somewhat responsible for that as I hooked up her first computer (I actually used to work in tech support - she was 75 at the time) and showed her how to use it, get online, send emails - except for the fact that the woman is a wizard with investments! You don't even wanna know how many roses she has come out smelling like in the past few years.

And I must apologize to all of you - I think my post about Kennedy and Reagan combined with an off day for many of us, and sort of put a damper on our chat. I'm truly sorry. Nora and I both have a tummy bug - confirmed by mysisterthenurse (Jean). I chatted with her last night (we're all we have left since our Mom died) about trying to figure out what to eat for Christmas, when to open packages - all the things that we're now in charge of since we're the older generation in our family. That is one thing they never warn you about when you lose the last of the generation before you in your family - and since I'm the older sister it's just a bit hard. OM - GF' smoke helped immeasurably yesterday, but it was still a challenge. Nora's still working on opening her mind - no problem with the heart! We're still a bit under the weather, so I think I'll do a bit of smoke here to see if it helps in any way. May Nora's bright smile in the attached help to brighten your day! (It certainly always brightens things up here!)

And mysisterthenurse Jean is officially getting a DG membership for Christmas. I've dmailed a few of you separately about her - she lives on 30 acres in Scottsburg IN. I waxed rhapsodic over DG last night on the phone when we were deciding that a peach pie would be a good gift for my D BIL as he LOVES those peaches. Told her about the forums (which, of course, you don't see if you're not a member) like, oh, farming, and posts that some people have put up about things like, oh, taxes on small farms and such. She BIT! Next up is to see if I can get her to ORVG - she's a very private person, so I don't know if she'll ever chat much.

Aunt Cookie - I sort of came up with my DG name a number of years ago (this was during my tech support days). Dryads are one of the nymphs from Greek legends - the ones who live in trees. When you "knock wood" there are two traditions - one says you are knocking so that the dryads can't hear you and come out and make mischief. The other says that when you knock you are calling for help - I couldn't imagine a better name for someone who was always being asked questions, and who eventually wanted to be a landscaper! The numbers behind it are because when I first registered with DG (I had a membership that lapsed and then was reupped a few years later) someone had the plain name - so I did what every creative person does, tacked my birth year on the end! Original as all get out, ain't it - ROTFL!!

Dusty - any time a book isn't to be found in the half-price bin, or stacked in a pile of "two-fer" it's a compliment. To find that none of the few copies of Jim's books that really are available could be had for less than triple its face price is a tremendous compliment to the writer. Albeit a true pain in the whosis for those of us who want a copy!! Good books are a true work of art, and their price on the open market when out of print is a reflection of that. Tell GF that Nora and I are proud of those prices!

Melissa, I'm close to one of my deadlines, but am going to totally blow the other. sigh, I had such hopes....

cheers to everyone I've missed!

Thumbnail by dryad57
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Robin and Nora, I was gonna say, there are far worse things to be mistaken for than two of Dusty's dogs...She treats them like royalty! LOL

I went to the coffee shop after my chiro appointment and read for a couple hours - Howie came up and had lunch with me (Quizno's is in the same strip). Then I headed home and spent from 3-7:30pm scrapbooking. Yes! I was really sore by the time I finished the project, but I got it done and scrambled in the store at 7:55pm to turn it in. LOL It and the other ten design team applicants' layouts will be on display at the store for a couple of weeks, and customers are going to vote on their favorites. No identifying information is on them, and we all had the same two photos and kits of paper to work with. The people with the top three designs will be the design team for the next six months beginning January 1. I'm not ready to scrapbook for hours just yet, I found...But I did have fun working on it. :)

Today I hit snooze for .... hours. You don't want to know when I got up. It was raining outside and it was so cozy snuggling under the covers with the dogs nearby. I just plain didn't want to get up, and I didn't.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

By the way, Lana's been posting elsewhere at DG. Maybe she lost track of threads and doesn't have a current one watched. I'll send her a link, tell her we miss her. :)

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

See?!? I did it again - poof goes the chat! Where is everyone today? Unless, as I suspect, all the stuff y'all have been doing is finally catching up and you're taking care of yourselves! (YAY gardenwife! Snooze as much as you can!!) Or, you're out in the real world dealing with all those irritable non-gardeners (crash _ was wondering how you were doing...good to hear from you)

I finally finished proofing half of a spreadsheet of deer-resistant stuff, and am not sure the poor dear who sent it to me really wants all my marks. I used to proof stuff all the time for peers in the corporate world, and we really tore the stuffing out of things to make sure it was perfect before the client saw it. Gonna close that project out tonight so I can get back to the drafting table.

Drizzly and overcast here today with some interesting wind gusts from time to time, somewhere in the high 30's. Nora is STILL out working in the yard each day, bless her, she doesn't like that I didn't clean some areas up (opting to work in the client yards instead) and she and the dogs are out there a couple hours each day when it's not raining. She's gardening, the dogs are on Squirrel Patrol (and trying to sneak birdseed behind her back). I think the weather shift today might finally stop her

(((((((((((((((hugs to everyone)))))))))))))))

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm not ignoring anyone on purpose. I've been cleaning, doing laundry, posting and reading freecycle....I think I found home for all three kitties and maybe even the mom cat! YAY!! We'd be back to 2 cats.

I also was really bad and checked out pogo.com DON'T DO IT!!! Shame on you Dusty for mentioning it.

I got one of the bedrooms, 2 kids share, completely ripped apart, cleaned, cleaned out the closet except for the top shelf, steam cleaned the floor, etc. Whew! And I'm still down to 4 loads of laundry!

Remember the soccer coach from hello? Now she's telling the basketball coach we said bad things about him. Geesh! High school is over, isn't it????

Oh, and hubby's big Christmas bonus fizzed out. All that record profit baloney and now they are only giving 10% of what they said. It won't even pay a single house payment. LOL Heck, it won't even cover a car payment after taxes. Bring on the depression.

I'll take the good things for the day. Laundry is almost done. We got a free pool. I found out where I can rent a tractor with a scoop for $100 a day to fix up the yard and level for the pool. 3-4 cats hopefully just found new homes. No one is sick. Okay, I'm not pushing it.

We are waiting for someone to pick up a kitten, then I have to hit the shower and go to a basketball game.

Y'all take care. :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh, sorry to hear about Craig's bonus! :( Good things will come to your family -- honestly, they will.

Here's the layout I did for the design team application. I made up a story about the pictures. Meet my husband Jerry and our son, Christopher.

Thumbnail by gardenwife
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Very nice! I love the colors.

I also just got stood up by the first person that was supposed to come for a kitty....Grrrrr.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I bet the people who stand you up are women whose husbands absolutely vetoed them bringing home any more cats. I've been in such a situation, but I checked with him first. LOL

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

They actually had two cats, a boy and girl, just a bit older than mine. One somehow fell into their pool and drowned. They wanted to get a new male right away. She was supposed to be here between 5 and 5:20 and had a fair idea where I lived and was calling for the details when she got close. Nada, nothing, zilch. Part of me wonders if something happened and part of my would like to give her a cybersmack! I called her twice today and left messages. I may possibly meet someone tomorrow that wants a Christmas kitty for her three year old but I'd have to keep it until Christmas Eve. The other person that asked wants some barn cats.

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello! all
Its been a crazy day here. We had to go to Mt. Sterling(about 30 miles west of us, where we used to live). To go to dr. and pharmacy and such. I then finally went to pick up my nephew Timmy's ashes. I had put it off for a few days now. I had never seen cremated remains. I am a bit wigged out. I had thought ashes were ashes, but not these. There are little pieces of bone in them. I don't mean to be morbid, but this was more than I can stand at the moment. I also got the glass fang pendents in the mail to put the ashes in(I don't know if I mentioned it, but he had a huge snake collection). I have no idea how I am going to fill these. I had made a special paper holder for transport of the ashes so I could just burn it after I filled the vials and put the rest of ashes in the white/memorial garden under one of Timmys fossil rocks from his home. I think I will have to shelf the ashes for the time being, for my own sanity. Wish me strength guys and gals, I will need it for this task. The stone that is being set by my mom and dads grave is also ready and we are to do a private family ritual and put his ashes between mom and dad. I had to ask to wait for awhile to do this. I have to do the flowers for it and again I just need a little more time. Enough of gloom and doom. I hope everyone had a great day and evening.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Yes, that is how cremains are...Sorry you had such a rude introduction, and with someone you loved. Awful to think about, I know. ((hugs))

Well, I'm turning in. Howie said I'll be up all night if I don't come to bed now, and I know he's right.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

George take it very easy and absorb this new step.
You will know when the time is right.

We've been busy getting ready for the Holiday's so I haven't been around here as much as I should. Sorry!
We're about back on track now.

Well is everyone ready for Saturday's Winter blast?
Stay well and stay SAFE!


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

George, Nora and I are holding your hand - we're dealing with exactly the same thing. In fact, Nora's like you - she's decided to deal with it when she can deal with it. My vote - no foul, no harm. Peace Bro.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Ric! Hi everyone!
Been busy here too, getting things ready for Christmas.
Yeah...trying to get things done before the snow hits Ric. You be careful down there!
Hugs and prayers for those that need or want them.
Off to bed here.....!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I will be back in a few.. Im home safe and sound but I need to deal with Chootch...It appears her ear was far worse then she has let on...It may be ruptured.. I'm not sure at this point , but I have a serious amount of drainage that is now caked to the side of her face since this morning, so I need to do a bath and further check.. I don't dare do an ear wash in case the drum ruptured until I can see in there better...

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

George and Nora, I am so sorry that you are both having similar trials. Why don't you wait until spring, and have a spring wildflower celebration of their lives? Most people love spring, and it is a good time to celebrate beginnings. In this case, the beginning of a life without your loved ones. Grieve all you need to, then celebrate that person's life, and be happy that they are in a much better place. November was the first anniversary of my DM's death, and it was only this fall that I was at the point I wasn't grieving. I have let her memory soar with the angels, and only have happy memories of times past.

I was super busy today. I tackled the mountain of paper on my desk. It is all gone, along with 2 check books I have misplaced. Tomorrow will be devoted to finding those missing items. Hope to the gods above, I didn't give them a toss with worthless items, while on a cleaning mission. Finished the Christmas cards, but this afternoon's mail brought another bill that needs paying and 2 more cards that I hadn't even thought of the peeps!! I want the mail suspended until after Christmas!! Thought of 2 more gifts that I need to buy. One a long time friend, who I always buy lottery tickets for, and my MAILMAN!! He is such a gem, always bringing those packages of plants to the door,in all kinds of weather. Need some more gift bags,(notice I am not wrapping this year), and a couple of "Special Cards". Then I am done.

DGD is coming tomorrow night, and I have all the gifts under the tree. Poor dear, her gifts are gonna be slim, as I ordered 2 collector dolls, and got a notice that they won't be here until early January. Had to tell her about that, and she is okay with it.

Ric, did you have to mention the possibility of winter snow here? My weather man is saying that we will probably be on the edge of it (all going north) and we may have a mix of rain/snow. Hope that is right.

Neal, and George, (Paulette already knows this), My sister lives in Flemingsburg, and that is just a hop, skip and jump away. They own Boone-Nickell Funeral Home there. If you ever get curious to see what I look like, just wander on down, and meet her. ( We are identical twins) and at the 1st RU we (my twin and I) attended a couple years ago, several people thought maybe we would switch name tags, and Connie would be Bonnie, and Bonnie would be Connie. We didn't but some probably think we did anyway. Have a gazillion stories to tell about the dating years, and the high school things, where we did switch identies!! No one was ever the wiser.

Well, gonna go check some other forums, and will be back to make sure Dusty checks in.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh dear Dusty, good luck with that. I'm always frustrated when our pups aren't well as they don't always act sick - and then BAM!

Ric, I am SO not ready for the weather heading my way!!! If you hear scrambling tomorrow that's me!!

hugs and sleep tight everyone

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah - I've tried to get Nora to try to find some peace with letting her mom "be" until Spring when we can do a proper Memorial Garden. Her mom loved pink roses, so I'm gonna get Nora a good pink rose that she can plant and tend and help her make that the centerpiece of her mom's Memorial Garden. She nearly had a grip on it, and then last month one of her closest cousins literally dropped dead after gastric bypass surgery, which left the whole fam-damily absolutely devastated. She was the one who was the spark of our generation. And while we were reeling from that, a week later another cousin's father died. So it's been sort of slap-shot after slap-shot for Nora this year. (I'm just perky as heck these last few days, aren't I? I better make myself some fudge tomorrow!)

This message was edited Dec 13, 2007 11:37 PM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sending major hugs for Nora. You are so good to think of buying her a pink rose for the memorial garden.

My mom' favorite was a red hibiscus, I bought her one, and she enjoyed it for 2 summers before she passed. I am making that the center piece of her memorial garden. Before her house was sold back in the summer, I went and dug it up and saved it for me. Also a hardy geranium, which I hope survives here.

Funny, how some plants take on sigificance as being someone's favorite.

Well, tapping my fingers, waiting for Dusty to come back and tell us how bad the ear infection is and fill us in on her day.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Go to bed Bons...no reports tonight...The ear is not ruptured, but the meds have finally done their job and cut everything loose... the warm bath and flushing it did wonders...She feels lots better and smells better too... I got her all dry, and she was ready to go out to potty, and now we are headed to bed.. I have to be back to work in 11 hours...I would like to sleep 10 1/2 of them...not gonna happen... LOL

Love you!!!


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Hi, quick check in. I got up at 6, but one project finished, presented and turned in. One to go. I even managed to study a little bit at the wrestling match last night. Son won both of his matches so it was a good night, even though he wrestled like crap.

I picked daughter up late yesterday afternoon, and got to the wrestling match about 7. Daughter said she'd just come out and check on "Flow" (her fish) because people would think she was crazy carrying a fish in...... I said, nope, I brought a tote bag for her.... and yes, we took the fish to the wrestling match. I wasn't about to leave it outside in the car, it's a tropical fish of some kind, and I didn't think she needed to see how cold she could take it. She's got her in a mini aquarium, so no one even knew we brought the fishie with us.

Dusty, you'll have to tell me what to do for ears. Our beagle is constantly scratching hers, they get so red. I take her to the vet, he gives me drops and it goes away for a little while then comes back. I keep telling son that I'm going to get her ears cropped like a dobies.

{{{{ Hugs all around}}}}}

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Whew! I admit I was hanging around to hear about Chootch's ears. Off to bed - sleep tight all.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I am gone too!! Hope each of you have a good night, and wake refreshed tomorrow morning.

Good night John Boy

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Night Momma :)

Oh wait, I'm not going to bed.. I'm at work.. (on break so I am not really being bad)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Melissa, my MIL's beagle/wiener mix Hannah has recurring ear problems like that; with her it's yeast and they itch, but when she scratches them or anyone unwittingly rubs them, she yelps because they hurt. She also licks and chews between her toes, and that's an allergy thing, we hear. Our girls don't have such issues, knock on wood.

Howie's cold just drags on, and the poor guy was awake coughing much of the night. I finally baled and went into the living room to sleep on the couch. I've caught a cold, too, with the tightness and yuck in the chest and beginnings of a cough. At least I'm off work already, so I can stay swaddled in blankies with the dogs! I have to go to the chiro's at 9:45am today, so at some point I need to extricate myself from my nest and get in the shower. My hair looks like the bed heads on the Hampton Inn commercials. LOL

If you haven't seen them, the ads are cute. The agency who did them is Draftfcb, and you can watch one of the ads here: http://www.draftfcb.com/flash/index.html Click to enter the site, then click "What we've done" and then "Clients A-H". You'll see Hampton Hotels there.

P.S. Looks like there's a whole site with them: http://www.hamptonbedheads.com/default.aspx

This message was edited Dec 14, 2007 9:09 AM

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning y'all...

I feel like a zombie this morning.. I was awake and dehydrated on and off all night...sucking down water like crazy...

If your dogs have wet ear, you can use Dr. Scholls foot powder to keep them dry...If it's yeast, you can purchase in the ladies dept the very same stuff sold for humans, and you need a 10 day regimen...If you have cats that go outdors, or out door dogs watch for earmites, and you can buy that med in the grocery in the dog food dept...It needs to have Pyrethrin in it...
I use Bio-Groom ear wash which helps remove waxy build up...and isn't as strong on a sore ear as pure alcohol is...

MissyLissa... the dining room will be closed tomorrow from 12:30 to 3pm...Santa and Rug Rats will be there... I will find out today what if anything I am going to be doing...Carole will be there till 1 and then it is supposed to be me alone till 3 when it's over...Also supposed be snow in the morning as well, so you be mighty careful driving up here...

I have to be there at 11 today, and I'm dreading it...I prepped as much as I could do last night, boiled more potatoes for home fries, and made a huge pot of vegetable soup, and baked 4 dozen biscuits...Made 20 # of hamburgers and sliced a whole ham and a whole turkey, and we have plenty of tuna and chicken salads so if shes in a bad mood today when I get there, tough...She needs to retire anyway...all she ever says is: *I'm sick of this place* and after 22 years, I guess so ...

I was at the meeting at AmVets last night late, but I got more *dirt*...There is a meeting with lawyers today, and we will know more after that I guess...But Orville had a twinkle in his eye when I said I didn't know how on earth we were going to come up with the money to do it...So he knows something I don't.. He said it will be about 3 months and we will be in there...so we shall see...

Okay ... Gotta get dressed and ready to get out of here...

Y'all have a great day, and stay warm...


Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Have you tried Zycam for colds? They've got those nose swab thingies and such, I swear they work. They can't really stop a cold, but they do reduce the symptoms and shorten the duration.

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