ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 71- Mother Nature is confused!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here : http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/795987/

The rose BELOW is Crested Damask 2006... ;-)

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I'm the early bird...Or maybe the nightowl. :)

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Night owl :) I recognize you because birds of a feather.... :) I sitll don't have my paper done.. extension runs out this am.. argh.. I am making progress but should have gotten on this much earlier, I am jonesing for something sweet and thinking about going downstairs and making cookies... or am I just procrastinating?

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello! all
Its been a wonderful balmy 70 degree day here. Got to play all day outside. Planted ALL bulbs I got from brentandbeckys. I had to look each one up due to ordering when Timmy died and just forgot what they were. They were all white except 2 bunches. The white garden is going to be awesome. I let all the little chickens out today to play also. They had so much fun and so did I watching them. The peahen hates them so they follow me everywhere due to her staying about 10 feet away from me. I filled the flower boxes with soil and planted some native fern(Christmas) for background in it. I also did it with other box and it looked really good. I started the digging of the second lower tier of pond in back. I dug up a lot of trillium by mistake and had to replant them. I also just spent time looking around at the gardens and daydreamed about spring. Then I had to start dinner and let my son watch it while I went to my friend Debs(tsuga) house to get wood for my Goat huts. Then it got dark and my day was over(pout). Melissa we need people with knowledge about special education issues. When we had all 3 kids for 3 years the middle boy is legally blind and has a learning disability. I spent a lot of time in IEP meetings and dealing with how to place and meet Joshes needs. Most of the time it went well, but he also has behavior issues and thats where we alway had to fight to keep him on track. I have to share a pic with you all of my creek that runs beside my shady creek garden in front of the house. It was so pretty and full after all the rain.
Catch up with you all later.

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Oh George..I would be living by that creek

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Jazz, Its one of the reason I jumped on this place when Neal said he was moving.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

How beautiful. Hey, do you have pictures of your house there? I can't remember if I've seen them or not.

Okay, I am going to bed.

Jazz, you are finishing your paper. Right? No cookies! I am the worst at procrastinating...Like that layout for the design team application. It's due by end of day tomorrow. Heh. Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow afternoon, even if I have to take darvocet to do it? LOL

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

I am home, safe and sound ((((Mother Bons)))), so rest well...Be at peace this night, the Smoke is rising, and my silly toothless GrandFather is beside me smiling with his gums...what more can I ask for??? When he is here, my soul is at peace and I know all is well with those I love....I had to send him on a quick trip to Farmington NM to visit a Clan member who just had a heart attack late Sunday night, but he was back home in a flash....Stents put in and she is fine...Home tomorrow...Creator is watching....
The name of the Book is *Spooks* by James P Slusser...Amazon still has a few copies now and then, as MissyLissa found...but do NOT pay more than the original $13 it sold for...of which we receive nothing... Some idiot in AZ had one a couple weeks ago for $39.95..I sent him a scathing email... LOL..Thou shalt NOT torque the Col....

I will have you all know...I am now the honored and proud Other Mother aka OM of two new daughters...Robin and Nora...GrandFather sealed the deal...Never heard this one but, he says as cute as two lady bugs a dancin'....I do know Nora is quite lovely as is Rob...Rob is also an extremely talented personage in the landscape arena...They rescue Chihuahua dawgs and they like Cats...there we have an issue...LOL.....
Can you honestly believe I used to show Gr Champion cats???
I cannot abide a cat in my house now...not that it would survive these predator Poodles...ROFLLLL
Okay... everybody cheer...Yay for OM...Yay for OM...The girls are finally gaining on the boys!!! I'm still 1 girl short of being even...LOL...I'm up to 7 boys and 6 girls now...WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I LUV mah Kids!!

Spring RU is gonna be more like a Fambly reunion for me...Bons Sis, Bro Ric, Cookie Sis and Neal and George Sons and their partners and now Rob and Nora...Yep...I am one blessed Momma... ;-)))

Now it is time for me to Crash and burn...I am going to drag this old carcass to my room, use the dawgs stepstool to get into my bed, and collapse...I think I'm beat....

I just checked and Jazzy and George and Kimberley posted.. I will have to respond in the AM...I am just too wiped out tonight...

Love to you all...and sleep well...


morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey! gardenwife
Heres the house. Remember its winter and it does not look its best. We are surrounded by hills in a little valley. I love it here. We are way off the main road and can let all our animals roam free with little fear for them. Most of the flower beds are in front, back and well on the side also.(Neal had 8 beds started and I am going to also maintain these and have added a lot more since I have been here. If you look on the front you can see the flower boxes neal painted and i repaired. They looked so good when they were full this year. He painted the door and outdoor things a violet/purple and i just think its a cool color. He thought I would want him to paint them back to the color before.

Thumbnail by daylilydaddy
Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

I was thinking tonight, yeah, instead of doing my project. That it would be so much fun to have a Christmas Party together. Just bring finger foods and cookies and candy. Sigh, maybe one day I'll hit the lottery (if I played) and I'll have a place big enough to do stuff like that in the winter. :) We could manage, I'm sure, but I'd have to clean for a month first, then Christmas would be over. :)

I'm about 3/4 done with the one that is due Thursday, with any luck at all I'll get it finished tomorrow afternoon. I think my daughter is going to have to wait for a couple hours for me to pick her up. I don't want to drive to Wilmington, come back home, then drive to Goshen where the wrestling meet is. I'll go to Wilmington, and then goshen.

Dusty, one of the books is on half.com for 85.00. Talk about a markup. Must speak to how good it is. :) I can't wait to get mine. I always have a stack of books to read for fun when I'm out of school... Jim's will go on the top of the pile... maybe If I'm lucky he'll autograph it for me. :) Son even said that HE would like to read it, and believe me, that IS something. For someone who reads as voraciously as I always have... who read to her kids in the womb, HOW I produced a child that loathes reading as much as my son does, I will NEVER know. I've survived school and being unable to read for pleasure with Audio Books...... youngest son loves them. Oldest gets in the car, groans, and puts his headphones on.

I checked, and Trent is 3 miles from Dot's. I believe I know where I will be going to pick up lunch Saturday. :) We go back to Kettering in January for a Super Tri meet too. (according to the revised schedule) I just hope this snow they're starting to talk about will hold off... or I may be sleeping 3 miles from Dot's Saturday.. ;{{{

George, if I can ever help with any questions you have, just holler. I'm sure you probably know as much or more about the IEP process as I do though. :) Unfortunately most parents don't, and are intimidated by the whole thing....

Jazz, get busy.... leave the oven alone!

George, I love it!

This message was edited Dec 12, 2007 12:47 AM

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

OK..sheesh already! (I actually remembered that my SIL gave us some shortbread cookies.. muahahahahaaa) I have more done on my project but I am not liking my work at all :( and i have to make a test too... then I am posting it and going to bed. Tomorrow i have to critique two other student's work..then I am DONE!

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

OK..finished the presentation. Now I am looking at the clock and wondering if I should just go ahead and try to knock out the two critiques as well since I am going to be shot anyway or crawl into bed and try to get some sleep... sigh.. voting for sleep

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

George! What a wonderful, peaceful setting. The stream is to die for! Lucky, you.

Jazz...I got sleepy just reading your posts at 1:28 and 4:30! Hope you get enough sleep to feel refreshed.

So Sis...I've got more neices?? Great. We are gonna have a GREAT time at the RU!

Hello to all....(Don't stay away so long Neal)

and oh yeah, Dusty, do you have time to share that recipe for the dip. It's at home and I don't have it.


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

What a cozy place! No wonder you love it.

I've got to head out the door -- chiropractor awaits. Later, taters! ":)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

YAY for me!! I just scored Jim's book on Amazon, too. I didn't know it was about "Dusty" and "Jim". I'm thinking there could be some fact and fiction in this book! Can't wait to read it. I got the last one for now...

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

oooooo George, that picture gave me goose bumps! It's so beautiful!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Dusty - here's a guy selling the book for a bit more than $35...

I luv ya and all that and WILL find a copy - but he's not gettin' MY dough....

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey Cookie :) Not sure about the refreshed part. I am hoping that I can knock out my two critiques today so that I am done! man I can't wait for that! three weeks of no school.. heaven..

Then I can really focus on ALex's last week of school this year ..lol..poor kid.. I also promised her we would do some cookies etc.. and I still don't have the tree up

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

joycet - so YOU'RE the one who got it before me!!!!! (My new aunt an everything!!)

So... I thought I'd sneak over to Amazon UK to see if they had one for international shipping:

Seems to me like it's OVERTIME for a reprint!!

This message was edited Dec 12, 2007 9:54 AM

This message was edited Dec 12, 2007 9:58 AM

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Ya gotta watch that Aunt Cookie..... =o)

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Jazzy!!!! WHAT are you doing up already?

Boy are you lucky I'm not there....

Waxahachie, TX(Zone 8a)

You know what I think makes that creek absolutely gorgeous? There's no trash! Even with our "Don't Mess With Texas" campaign, it seems like there is trash everywhere around here. I've seen some places in creeks and rivers that were not trashed, but I had to get WAY off the beaten path. Does Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana have anti-littering campaigns?

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

um not really.. other than normal do not litter stuff. Some areas get trashy..This one is on private property and that keeps the littler down I am sure

Hi cookie (grin) I had to get up.. got a kidlet.. her grandma is picking her up in a half hour to take her to the mall to wrap presents for the Christian school's booth. I am going ot stay home and try to knock out the rest of my assignments. Then I can be a blob for the rest of the day!! woohoo.. go to bed early. Then tomorrow I can be a blob with NO GUILT! But I have to work tomorrow evening so it would be super nice to get done today.

I am not super happy with my presentation but it's done for better or for worse..

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Having just moved to Indiana, can't say for sure (hey, we still have rousing brouhahas over the many coal burners here...) I can't think of any state that has done as good a job of getting the word out as Texas has - the combination of Texan pride, a great motto and Lady Bird, well....but you're right broncbuster, it is so wonderful to see something that beautiful without a beer bottle half submerged!

Jazz - so, did you get some sleep? Are you going to take it easy this evening??

Being stubborn, and having lost to Aunt Cookie by literally about 10 minutes on Amazon ;-) I decided to keep looking. The cheapest copy of Spooks out there right now is the $35 one. On another site it's at over $100. I just placed an order with ecampus, and it said the book was "print on demand", so we'll see if my demand registers anything.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Robin...I'll let you read mine, when I'm finished! If that demand thingy doesn't work out for you!

Okay, Jazz....I just don't want you getting so drained that you get sick again. That can be a vicious cycle.

Bout time for Sissy to check in...

morehead, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello! all
We are VERY picky about anything that does not degrade. We even don't allow cigarette butts to be thrown down(We both smoke and its still the law here in the hollar). Neal also did a great job of keeping the place "trash" free. Up the driveway a bit we do find from time to time remains of someones late night whatever they are doing, but get it cleaned up when we see it. I am going to do my "sneaky" thing and find this book of Jim's.
Catch up with you all later

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Tia Cookie - I promise to return it in good condition!! (I also was a librarian VERY early in my career, so books are cherished around here.)

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks Mom... ;lol.. OK I know you aren't old enough to be my mom :)

I am going to behave.. Kidlet just left with MIL so I have two precious hours of solitude to get my work done.. will she do it?? Or will she squander it playing on DG??

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

She will DO it , Or she who IS Old enough to be your Mother will come Kick your Behind up around yer ears!!! And I WILL be wearing the dreaded black boots!!

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning Y'all....36 and semi sunny here...

I have been sitting here giggling at all the hubbub...You guys are just toooo much...There is a place on that Amazon UK page for the Author to comment...Jim is on his way to do that here shortly...Outta be interesting...LOL

Yes Cookie...It is about us in Nam...It is considered fiction based on fact...There are some corrections being made to the new one that I should have caught and didn't...Some editorials being done, that should have been, and cleaning up his punctuation and quotes...That is part of what the new publisher requested in the instructions they sent...
There are copies in Scotland, Australia and New Zealand that were sent to him to be autographed...The book sold over 120 copies that we know of, in less than 90 days with absolutely no advertising whatsoever...so I guess there is a market for it...It took him nearly 3 years to write it as therapy after his open heart surgery....
Y'all need to wait till it's republished to get it...Don't pay those awful prices for it ....

George that view of the creek is breathtaking....I can't wait to see it in person...It is going to be spectacular in the Spring....and the house is beautiful too!!

Rob.. you absolutely must keep an eye on yer Aunt Cookie... she is vewwwwy sneaky... LOL

Here is the Dip:

Mix together

8 oz softened cream cheese
8 oz sour cream ( you can use low fat on both)
1 pack Taco seasoning mix
Add a little jar salsa (I use my own) to get a consistency that won't break your tortilla chips...spread in a dish or pan or whatever you want to serve it in, and then top that with Kraft shreaded Mexican blend cheese, and then top it with diced tomato, green onion and sliced black olives....

That is enough for me, so if you are planning to invite me, I suggest you double it if you intend to get any of it... LOL

Missylissa...I'm glad to see you are getting your homework done... Don't come to Dot's Saturday till after I take over at 1pm... Carole is cooking till 1pm, and you will get burned food...No joke...I prep from Noon to 1, and take over the grill at 1...So anytime after 1 is good...It usually slows down about 2 so I may be able to come out and visit for a few then...

Gonna go get dressed , and I'll check back later..
Y'all have a terrific day!!!


Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

If I'm not old enough, Jazz, I bet I'm darned close! I have a 13 year old biological granddaughter (and 2 steps that are 17 and 19!).

I'd be your OM any day!! Now get to work!

Hey Robin, I used to work in the library at school when I was in 9th grade. I was there when they announced that Kennedy had been shot....

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

ooooo - what a place to hear it, in such silence!! I don't recall hearing that he'd been killed, but I vividly remember the funeral cortege on TV, the horse, the coffin - wow, what memories! I was working in a garden center in Atlanta when they came over the radio to announce Reagan's shooting - I had to actually start yelling at people to shut up so we could hear. Then it became much like a library.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

RUhroh,, Too many volunteering to be OM's with mean glints in their eyes.. Hey Dusty..I still got my black boots too! so there! I think I am older that you all think I am.. I think Dusty might just barely be old enough.. If she was precocious.. hee hee

I have one analysis done and whewee did it make me feel bad about the presentation I turned in..This gal did a beautiful job!! I read the second presentation that I am supposed to analyse and it made me feel better.. lol..

Squirts been out almost all day which makes it easy for rme to get my work done. Course it also means she hasn't gotten any of her school done so we will be doing that tonight.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

OK.. My behind is safe at last!.. I got done a while ago and in the meantime I cleaned the fridge!! icko.. but it looks good now :)

Hey Gang
Im not feeling to well tonight so i m making it short :(
love the pic George, very calming .

Garden thanks for the links . Everytime i call TW my cell phone goes "lost signal " grrrrr.They are supposed to come out and bury a cable ,so why can't they come and hook up my vcr. ?
I just don't know if i have the right cables ?
oh well that is the least of my worries tongight
gonna get kids to bed

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey, I lost this thread for the rest of last night and all of today. I thought I had BO or bad breath or something, no one to talk to!!

Jazz, glad that you got your work all done, and now you will have some free time to do whatever you want.

I am probably the one who took the next to last copy of Spooks last night. I can't remember if is was half.com or amazon, but got one for 13.00.

George, I really really loved your stream. I have one on the property, but have to walk about a mile just to get to see it. That is one of my favorite, walk through the woods in autumn places. There is a tree stump, (someone cut a big old walnut) before we bought the place, and it is a good sitting and thinking stump. Sometimes I stay there for hours. And if I am really quiet, I see deer, squirrel, rabbits, wild turkey, and have seen coyotes and fox. Of course to be that quiet, it takes DH corralling all the dogs, and giving me a good head start before he turns them loose again.

Thanks for the dip recipe, but it was too late for my get together tonight. I had my Bible Study group here tonight, and I was hoping for that recipe before, but we had salsa and chips, potato chips and dip, sausage balls, barbequed cocktail weiners, a fruit tray, fudge and peanut butter cookies.

My friend came today and cleaned my house, while I cooked. Yesterday afternoon DS and his SO came and put up my tree, and decorated the house. So it all looked very nice. While I have everything clean, think I will go ahead and invite the neighbors, one night, and then some other friends and family, and get my entertaining over for the month.

Dusty, so you have some new kids? Okay, we need pictures of them. If everybody brings their dogs to the RU, we will be outnumbered!!

bronchobuster, do you really? LOL. I visited Texas for the first time last summer. I went to Austin, and did some sightseeing in the surrounding areas. I fell in love with "hill country". I want to come back in the spring and see all the wild flowers in bloom. Bet it is beautiful.

Taynors, sure hope you get to feeling better. Around here a stomach virus is making the rounds. Hope you soon get the necessary cables hooked up and you have some entertainment. Ah, a noisy neighbor, that sure sounds like a fun way to live!! Hope you can come to a compromise, and live in harmony. And pray daily that the house is done soon.

Hey, Joycet, and Badseed, and Kywoods, and Neal, and, and, and, everybody else. CRS is running rampant tonight. But just wanted to let you all know that I missed you all day, and glad I had sense enough to go looking for you and find you again.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Welllllll I'm a tad old...I was sitting on the tarmac of Runway 24 at Midway airport which was then closed except to private planes waiting to take off headed for Lake Geneva in my 1949 Beechcraft Bonanza Split tail when the Tower advised me the President had just been shot...My sister, also an RN graduate of the first nursing class in Chapel Hill , NC 1951, was married to the Neuro Surgeon that attended him at the time...They had an 8 yr old boy and twin boys that were 6 yrs old...They hounded them to death until they finally divorced a few years later...Anne couldn't deal with the pressure and cracked... big time.... She wound up in Parkland in the Mental ward for over a year...and was never right after that...

Do your boots look like these Jazzy???

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Evening all.. Well tonight as I was cruising around my online class I suddenly realied that I had analysed the wrong presentation for one of my required critiques. I quick went and whipped out a critique on the right one, which ended up being longer than the two prior and right after I uploaded it, my grades posted for my presentation and critiques! (she missed the fact that I had critiqued the wrong person..heh) Anyway I am thrilled cause i got 100 on both..woohoo.. now I can breathe

This message was edited Dec 12, 2007 10:28 PM

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Does this mean I can put the boots back in my footlocker??

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

For now Baby.. but keep em handy.. and Naw Dusty mine are solid leather.. We didn't get the cool ones.. But as an Optical Fabrication Specialist I could get folks the cool flight specs.

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