Hedge suggestions please

Marble Hill, NY(Zone 6a)

I’m looking to replace my hedge, I don’t know what that shrub is but it grows much to fast for me to keep up with.

But here is the problem – in the winter that area gets maybe 2 hours of direct sun, but in the summer it is baking in the sun all day – very hot and dry – and I can’t water it every day so those shrubs must be able to tolerate low water. Also wind is a factor, especially in winter. That area gets gusts 10-15 at least once a week and 20-30 during storms

My original plan was to use scale resistant Euonymous and alternate tall green ones (5-6') with one short variegated ones (3-4'). Euonymous seemed perfect -- evergreen, not much pruning and wind resistant. But the lack of consistent water during the summer stressed my experimental plants so much that they have developed uncontrollable scale, so now I’m looking for an alternative.

I’ve been thinking about Ilex crenata, but read somewhere that they don’t handle wind very well, Buxus sempervirens varieties but read that they are temperamental if competing with groundcovers (I have Ajuga and cert. plumbago growing under the hedge and would like to keep)

Anyone have any experiences or suggestions to share?

Thumbnail by jxmas
Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Do you like Juniper? There are wonderful strong, evergreen, every size and
shape possible to fit your bill.

There are kinds you can trim or not as you want.
just an idea!
good luck

Adrian, MO(Zone 6a)

i'm thinking either lilacs or perhaps roses, scotch, eglantine maybe.

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