Immature bell peppers okay to eat?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

I have a red pepper plant ("Red Beauty", I think) that has survived quite a bit, including being yanked out of an EB by an overenthusiastic canine and replanted in a regular raised bed. Amazingly, it has actually set a fair number of peppers after all this! Now, unfortunately, we're getting cool enough temperatures that those small immature little peppers aren't growing any more, much less having any hope of turning red. Are they okay to pick and eat? They're maybe about half the size the mature ones got, if that.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Sure thing.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Thanks, LTilton! Temps are finally dropping into the 30's here, I think I'm going to go rescue them now and spare them from any more chillin'.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Even if they freeze, you can still use them for cooking, at least.

Tuscaloosa, AL(Zone 7b)

The bell peppers I didn't use this summer I put in the freezer. I just cut the tops off, split them down the middle, cleaned out the seeds and membrane, and froze them in a baggie. If you want to use them for stir fry, just slice them thin while still frozen. Easy as pie. If you want to stuff them, just don't slice them in half, stuff them frozen, and pop in the oven.

When thawed, they won't be crisp like the fresh ones, but used in cooking you can't tell the difference. I grew extra yellow, red, and orange ones especially to freeze for cooking this winter because of the high prices for them.


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Well, I picked 8 little half-size peppers, and we had some of them in a stir-fry last night. Definitely not as sweet or juicy as they should have been (probably b/c they were so little), but certainly tasty. They were an experiment anyway, so I'm not complaining! I'll have to try again this summer and do it right this time--and keep them away from the dog! :)

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