Spectacular 2007 Cottage Garden Seed Swap #5

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

We came from here:

I have a new idea for a quasi coop/swap sort of deal for a Cottage Garden Secret Christmas.

It will cost $11.00 or maybe $12.00 a person and would be limited to 15 people. Let's say $12.00 because there is a lot that can be done with that extra dollar x 15 people!

I was going to have people go through the Stokes seed catalog or website and pick out 2 or 3 varieties flower/ornamental seeds they'd like to have if they didn't have to pay the per pack price and the $6.50 minimum shipping and handling. Give me the verbal description and the order number. It can be anything from a certain kind or color of Petunia to Electric Blue Penstemon to Bellis English Daisy Habanera Red with White Tips. Even something really, really expensive like the Trailing Ivy Geraniums would be possible, I think, as long as people would be happy with a few seeds. The things we don't want are the gigantic things like Hibiscus where 50 or 100 plants would take up an acre. Or mixed Marigolds or Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm' or other things that show up in our very own swap. LOL!

Here's the link http://www.stokeseeds.com/cgi-bin/StokesSeeds.storefront



Everybody does this and dmails me with what they would order and I tally them all up and see where we are on money. I already know we can't afford to get all of your choices, and it will be whittled down, but I am expecting some people to actually want the same things, so I believe it will all work out.

I would be ordering the next size up for the single package, or even the one up from that if it's cheap enough. If there is money left over, I would add something(s) splittable, and then place the order with Stokes. I am spending ALL the money on seeds, and only reserving $2.00 (85c for inbound postage and $1.15 back to you for postage) which should be plenty for postage, but maybe some discussion the 75c delivery confirmation would be a good idea.

When they come, I would split all the packs 15 ways and mail them out to you. I will use my own envies (the small ones from the CG Swap LOL) and the whole thing could be paid for with Paypal or by sending me a check using just a regular envie. I would need people to be sort of agreeable in their general nature and have generally sunny dispositions, because if you get 1,400 seeds in a $9.00/ pack, I am not counting out 93.33 seeds for each person! It will be close, very close, and I do have a scale if it would work for this kind of operation. Not sure. The one thing I will promise you is that I will take pot luck on the seed packsike everybody else, and not pad one with a few extra seeds for myself.

If you only have a blue & pink garden, then you might not be happy with this swap because any one of the 15 people might order brown and orange or something. If $12.00 sounds like a whole lot of money, you also might not be happy. BUT for somebody who would like to get a nice little Christmas package for themselves, a Stocking Stuffer if you will, it would be sort of fun, and Stokes carries a lot of single colors of annuals and perennials, so it is stuff you can't pick up just anywhere.

I am a little hesitant to suggest it, but if you want to order F1 hybrids, you would really be getting your money's worth, BUT the resultant seeds those plants throw wouldn't be as good as other ones (for swapping next year). I guess you just have to think about it.

I'm going to give everybody who still has this thread on 'watch status' a heads up and an extra few days to look at their catalog or their website or even order a catalog before starting anew thread for it :)) That's because I LOVE YOU!

Ho ho ho!


and then this was added:,/i>
I look at it this way -- on a round robin swap you get everybody's leftovers -- Rudbeckia fulgida, Hollyhocks, Four O'Clocks and have to pay $4.95 plus 75c del confirmation to get rid of it to the next person. If you're lucky, you get 5 packs of seeds you maybe sorta wanted.

For 2x that money, you can get cool, named things and a lot of seed that you know will germinate and come true.

My kids will both be home after Christmas and I think I can con them into doing some dividing with me as we chat about the things they're doing at school that I don't want to hear about. LOL!

Maybe a Martin Luther King, Jr. delievery would be more likey, tho.

Here's the link [HYPERLINK@www.stokeseeds.com] We already have 5 people signed up and they are thinking about their choices.


edited to change President's day to MLK Day. Ooops!

This message was edited Dec 10, 2007 1:59 PM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Here's a list of some things that you don't see in many swaps that I thought looked interesting. The list is JUST to narrow down their catalog some. No one is restricting the list to these, it's just something for you to click on if you have to go through the website.

Annuals listed first, Perennials and biennials are listed second:

Annuals of note from the Stokes catalog

426 Alyssum ‘Navy Blue’ – Early dark purple strain. Pack $2.25; ¼ oz $5.80; ½ oz $9.35. (60,000 seeds per oz) Best reselection of ‘Oriental Night’

Matsumoto Asters. 24” tall, come in 12 different single colors from Apricot & Apricot through Rose, Red, and also light blue through to dark purple. Blue & white bicolor. Includes a pale yellow. 1000 seeds $3.28

Dwarf Coreopsis. Pure Yellow or one with Brown Eyes. Only 6-8” tall. 1/16 oz for $6.00. 3500 seeds per oz.

Celosia Triangle Mix. (Cut flower; you plant these out 3” apart because they have a small footprint) 40” needs full sun. 1000 for $7.88. Or solid red called ‘Prestige Scarlet’ 18” tall. 1000 seeds for $6.10.

Chrysanthemum Painted Daisy (the one with the colored rings) 24” tall. Dunnettii Choice Mixed ¼ oz for $4.55 Also single mixed 24” same price.

Miniature Chrysanthemum Painted Daisy – Snowland. 10” single white daisies, annual. 1000 seed for $3.52

Cosmos ‘Sunny Red’ 250 seeds $4.10; 1000 seeds 11.09 14” double orange-red.

Dahlia Stargazer or Harlequin. Both 12”, or others.

Dimorphotheca aurantiaca hybrids (African Daisy) 12” ornage, buff, yellow daisies with dark center. ¼ oz $7,50

Erysimum – Citrona Orange or Citrona Yellow. 250 seeds for 19.40 They call this the “bedding plant of the future”..Fragrant. 11-12 weeks to get a salable plant and they bloom one week sooner than pansies from seed. Cool season annual.

Heliotrope – Fragrant attracts bees. Marine Lemoine Strain 24” Lots of seed for $5.45

Helichrysm – Porcelain Rose Shades. 8” strawflower for containers or mixed baskets. 1” blooms 100 seeds 7.10 or 500 seeds for 25.70.

Dwarf Sunflower – Solita 16” tall. 6” flower 100 seeds for $7.55.

Tall Sunflower – ‘Magic Roundaout’ – 60” tall. Creamy lemon with dark red tips, dark center. 100 seeds $9.15

Nemesia ‘Sundrops Mixed’ – 10” this is red, orange and yellow. 13-15 weeks from seed to bloom. Grow cool

Nemophilia & Nolana – little blue flowers on short plants. They come true from seed.

Petunias – F1 includes Tidal Wave cherry, silver purple or hot pink.;

Easy Wave: Blue, Coral Reed, Mystic Pink, Pink, Red, Rosy Dawn, Salmon, Shell Pink, White

Mini Flowered Petunias: Fantasy.10 weeks from seed to bloom. 8 different colors.

Double Petunias – Double Cascade and Pirouette. Blue, Pink Burgundy, Orchid Mist, Soft Pink, Violet w/white edge, Red with white edge, Rose with white edge.

Phlox Dwarf Annual mix – fragrant. Blue, Scarlet, White, Crimson, Salmon, Yellow, Pink. ¼ oz 5.20

Schizanthus Star Parade ot Hit Parade.50,000 seeds per oz, 1/256 of an oz 10.05; or 1/128 oz 14.05

Torenia ‘Dutchess Mixed’ 8” Shade plant. 5 tricolor blend in pinks, blues & whites. 250 plleted seed for 11.55

Verbena New Tuscany series. Lavender picotee; rose with white eye; violet with white eye; Peach; Pink picotee; white. 500 seeds 13.15.

Zinnias Dasher and Magellan 12-14”. Lots of colors.

Chaenarrhinum Summer Skies 8” 500 seeds for 12.10. Blue & white eye. Hanging basket trailer or spreader. – Read about it.

Trachelium – attracts hummers & butterflies. 30” good cut flower. The flower looks like a short Joe Pyeweed from the photo. ‘Devotion’ Blue, Burgundy, Purple or white. The white Is sort of dirty looking. 100 pellets for 10.95

Perennials and Biennials of note from the Stokes Catalog

Anemone pulsatilla – 1/32 oz (10,000 seeds peroz) 4.55 Purple drooping lfower in spring; had large attractive seed pod. 8”. Bloomsin 6-7 months from seed.

Aster – Michaelmas Daisy) Alpinus Mix 12”
Wartburg Star 24”

Bellis Habanera White/red tips 500 seeds for $7.70
also Tasso Mix BIENNIAL

Campanula carpatica ‘Divine’. Blue Lavender or white. Pricey. 100 seeds 8.55 or 500 seeds 33.70.

Chrysanthemum ‘Crazy Daisy’ 24” or ‘Marconi’ 36” – Blooms 2nd year. 2 packs would do it at 4.00 for 800 seeds.

Tons of Delphiniums

Felicia 'Spring Merchen' – 8” mostly sky blue daisies (but they say there will be some pink and purple, too) they have yellow centers. 500 seeds 12.15

Hardy Phlox – New Hybrids Mixed 20” 1/16 oz 6.60 (2500 seeds per oz) Mixed xolors, but looks like all are in the pink-purple range.

Penstemon – Rondo or Electric Blue 1/16 oz 3.55 and 1/8 oz 5.70

Primula – 3 basic kinds: Malacoides 8” looks like Sweet William; Acaulis – the 5 bright colors with theyellow eye. These are 5-6”; Obconica – Not sure which this is. Primula need summer shade.

Poppies – Nudicale improved ‘Partyfun’ BIENNIAL 250 seeds for $4.00

Veronica ‘Sightseeing Mix’ in Purple, Blue, Pink, Rose and white (mix) 1/128 oz for 8.10

There is a ton more on the website/catalog.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh... those ivy leaf geraniums sound really yummy... I'll be taking a good look at the catalog this week! :-)

The Torenia do come true from seed, if anybody is wondering... did anybody get them from me in the swap? LOL, having trouble remembering what made it into my package in time! I do save colors separately, but sometimes I get different colors... however, as teeny as the seeds are, that's more likely to be due to operator error than because the seeds have crossed, I think. This year, I believe I just gave up and mixed my seeds together. :-)

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I'm still in!! No matter what colors.. I'll find a place for them!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Suzy, you're nuts and I love ya! Another great idea. how could I pass it up? Karen's picks are all beautiful. The only problem I have with them is that they are all annuals except for the primula. I would want at least some perennials. I can't put that much energy into annuals, but I love carnations, dianthus and violas...just would prefer the perennial varieties. I'll start looking at the site.

(Zone 7a)

Ditto everyone else - great idea. May I make a couple of suggestions?

I'd love to see everyone's lists of wishes here. Even though Chance will ultimately rule what members of this group aquire, to see what others are interested in will help me to plan around this swap.

And my other question is: I reallyreally would love to have some seeds of Dianthus Dynasty (any color/mix fine), but absolutely can not afford to pay the minimum of $22 for 250 seeds. Suppose only a few of us want it - could we chip in extra bucks for it? that would go for any other type of seed, too

Here's my wish list moved over here from Swap #4, but divided into #1 & #2 wishes, with asterisks by the ones I don't mind as a mix -

#1 Wish List in Order of Preference -

Viola Penny Purple Picotee #1742J p75 The smaller flowers of violas seem to make clouds of flowers for me, and the subtlety of this one's contrasts makes the cloud all the more luminous

#2 Wish List -

*Browallia #714 Silver Bells mix p88 (any kind fine)

Dianthus species:
*Dianthus #P1818 Dynasty Mix p64 (any color/mix)
*Carnation (Minispice) #767B white or 767C peppermint p88

*Geranium (Trailing Ivy) Summer Showers #948Q Burgundy

Impatiens #1855F Fanciful White p69

Portulaca Sundial #1239F white or #1239J peppermint p80

*Primula #1253A Orion Blue p96 (any hardy primrose fine if not this one)

Am not limited to the above

Thanks for doing this, Suzy - this is what winter breaks are for - scheming! Did you know there was a time in Europe during the middle ages when it was frowned upon to gather wool too much? It gave women time to think - hence "woolgathering" as shady, unproductive behavior.


Edited to hopefully make things easier for Suzy & group. I made the first choice inexpensive. The 2nd choices are just there in case anyone else is interested - if not, then whatever the group decides is great with me.

Let's prioritize my choices last for this group, because, after 30 years, my garden is "clothed". When it comes to the types of dianthus already chosen on this board, Wrightie's cheddar pinks have an infinitely better cottage garden presence, with the way they make a tight, silvery low carpet/waterfall on edges - not to mention the strongest perfume and charm of pinked flower - than the ones I chose. If I had no dianthus, I couldn't begin with a better one than the cheddar pink.

This message was edited Dec 11, 2007 7:18 AM

(Zone 7a)

Oops Janet - another cross in cyberspace - variety's what will make this interesting

(Sheryl) Gainesboro, TN(Zone 6b)

Ya'll are *nuts* - I'm trying to figure out where and what I'll do with everything I have now!!!

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

It's too tempting to pass up!! Include me in - have to go look at Stoke's website.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi Suzy, this is my official entry! Thanks for everything! (I'm off to drool over the catalog)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Okay, kids -- If my count is right, we are up to about 7 or so. Pagancat, I obviously sent you too many seeds in theswap (Note to self: Don't send PC as many seeds next go around!) :)))

Dryad/Robin -- Glad you posted. Hey everybody, meet Dryad57/ Robin who is also from Indianapolis and only lives a short distance from me! She came over today, in fact, and we had what we call in Indiana, "a nice visit". I meant to pull out the homemade Christmas cookies and Eggnog, but then I forgot. Er, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Gram, the Dianthus says it's a hardy perennial -- I looked it up to see why it was so durn special.


I'm just going to hang tite while people get their bearings with the Stokes website. As I recall, you have to sign in, and then all you see are the broad-category Latin Names, so you really have to do a lot of clicking. The paper catalog is a lot easier, EXCEPT I had to go out and buy a new pair of cheaters to read the little print!

Have fun shopping!


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Count me in! Thanks!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Hi Suzy,

I would also appreciate being added to the list of participants.

Thanks so much!


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

count me in too :) ....I'm swamped w/ finals at school for the next two weeks...I'm sneaking in seed shopping... I have quickly looked at their catalog twice so far. Are we supposed to just pick out the expensive ones? so far, I liked the:

> annual coleus chocolate mint

> summer showers burgundy ivy leaf geranium

> royal tapestry alternanthera

> crossandra tropic yellow splash (firecracker flower, blooms continuously)

> anise

> magdeburgh (chicory)

> 924 chaenarrhinum summer skies

(I tried c. summer skies this past summer and got no germination from 30 seeds)

This message was edited Dec 10, 2007 10:18 PM

This message was edited Dec 11, 2007 5:36 PM

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

Okay, here's my list (subject to changes up until the deadline):

Caerulea Alt. Name: Cupid's Dart
Latin Name: Catanache caerulea
(18 in./46 cm). A few smaller blooms the first year - lots of larger blooms the following years. Semi double 2 in./5 cm, light to mid blue papery blooms have unique sculptured overlaid petals. Thin 8 in./20 cm leaves, wiry stems. Blooms Aug./Sept.

Cheddar Pink 880B Cheddar Pink Alt. Name: pinks
Latin Name: D. gratianopolitanus
(Gratianopolitanus 12 in./30 cm). Tufted evergreen type foliage forms a dense carpet. Small single 1/2 in./1 cm deep rose pink, fragrant flowers will bloom all summer. 20,000 seeds per oz./28 g. Packet contains 150 seeds.

Blue Angel
479 Blue Angel Alt. Name: Italian Alkanet
Latin Name: Anchusa capensis
(10 in./25 cm). Ultra marine blue flowers on mounded, heavy blooming plants. Biennial zones 3-8 - Packet contains 50 seeds.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Okay, we're really rolling along!

Teri/Roses R Red - Not sure if you've been following along on the other swap, but make sure you step up and don't let the cloven hooves run over you! ROTFL!

Wind -- not the most expensive exactly, but mebbe. It's a bulk purchase to split 15 ways and some will be cheaper than others. Likewise, some will be more expensive than others. LOL! How does that sound?
They do have some expensive things, and yes, I'll probably have enough money to buy one or two of them. The ivy leaf geranium in burgundy is sounding very popular, and it is certainly an option, but we can't afford for every item to be that expensive unless we only get 3 seeds each.....and that's not enough, because I'm not that good a seed grower!!! The possible need for container/hanging basket/window box items is something to keep in mind. ~I can't find all your choices in the catalog to look them up, so I need to toddle off to the website. .... alternanthera, alternanthera, alternanthera -- I don't even know what that is LOL!


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Suzy... I'm going to be your easy girl.. here's my list:

Anything you get!! :)

...But it's fun to look at the lists.. I might head over there and look around.. Wow.. I'm going to have stuff growing all over the place.!! :) Good thing I have a well to water right now.. no outdoor city water right now. :(


(Zone 7a)

While I was editing my post above, Susan posted the same thoughts - so many ways to say something, aren't there? But Susan, where is "over there"? Are we putting lists someplace else?

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

"over there" to the stokes web site and see what they have to offer! :)

(Zone 7a)

lol - Mrs. Magoo here had that list memorized before Suzy posted this swap

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL - it WAS a nice visit Suzy - thank you! And, I know in reality those cookies were just too hot, having come right out of the oven....

And sorry about those nose prints all over your windows - it was really hard to tear myself away from drooling over your back yard at first!

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

I think I may be easy, too. Everything sounds good when someone posts.

I like ALL of wrightie's choices.

As far as dianthus goes...I like 880 Ballad Blend (D. plumarius - 12 in. Fully double. Blooms are large, lightly laciniated in a full color range. All have darker centers. Pkt contains 100 seeds. 1.95. This one is perennial. I think I've gotten to the bottom line of the one Karen picked, P1818 Dynasty Mix, which I also like...it's biennial. But if everyone else prefers the cheddar pinks I'll be perfectly happy with those. They are more fragrant.

the burgundy ivy leaf geranium is looking better and better to me. it's beautiful! I bought some pink ones this year. might as well grow my own LOL

I really like the chocolate mint coleus if we decide to get it, but would be just as happy with $1 coleus seeds from Park's sale stuff or whatever like I got last year.

Hardy Phlox – New Hybrids Mixed 20” 1/16 oz 6.60 (2500 seeds per oz) Mixed colors. This may be a waste of money, because there are phlox seeds for trade...you tell me?

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Here is my list:

First a web-link to show you what I am trying to create:


So the first things on the list are "must haves" and I will be happy to add the cost of them to the $12.00 if nobody wants to share, but I will need half of each package, since I will be making four hanging baskets.

P1341 Duchess Mix (Torenia)
Latin Name: Torenia fournieri
(8 in./20 cm). Replaces Clown Mix with a similar F1 hybrid. Well branched dwarf plants are ideal for 4 in./10 cm pots. Great for shaded window boxes. Blend of 5 tricolors, white, blue and pink shades - all with yellow throats. Pkt. (25 pellets). (I would like an entire package for myself, so I will add the cost to the total I owe. @ $2.25 for 25 pellets ( I would need lots like maybe half the pellets, so maybe just order an extra packet for me, and I will add the cost to the $12.00)

P973A Silver Mist
Latin Name: H. petiolare minus
Foliage type (8 in/20 cm) Round/oval silver leaves 1/4 in/0.6 cm in size on silver stems 18 in/45 cm long. Plants branch and spread well without pinching (unlike vegetative species). Silver foliage appears greenish under short spring and late fall days @ 25 seeds for $6.10 (again I will need half of these, so I am prepared to pay the entire cost if no one else wants to share them).

Other things I would be interested in:
1252M Supercascade Blue (petunia)
Latin Name: P. x Hybrida
Super sized 4 3/4 in./12 cm blooms, specially designed for containers or hanging baskets. The Supercascades are a vast improvement on the original Cascade type. Plants are 3 days earlier and are more suitable for hanging baskets or outdoor bedding. 2.25 USD/Pkt

1252J Supercascade Lilac
Latin Name: P. x Hybrida
Super sized 4 3/4 in./12 cm blooms, specially designed for containers or hanging baskets. The Supercascades are a vast improvement on the original Cascade type. Plants are 3 days earlier and are more suitable for hanging baskets or outdoor bedding. Pellets available $2.25 USD/Pkt

1483F Profusion Coral Pink (Zinnia)
Latin Name: Zinnia hybrida
F1 hybrid - An abundance of very early, small flowered, 2 in/5 cm single coral pink flowers on dwarf bushy 12 in/31 cm plants. Tolerant to powdery mildew.

sorry - off to class to run a final exam. I will return later to post images of the plants.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Edited to say - I don't get it . . . the link posted is the one specifically for each plant - but somehow you don't get directly to them. Sorry.

Here is the link for the first seeds I want - torenia


Here is the link for the next seeds helichrysum Silver Mist


Supercascade blue

Supercascade lilac

zinnia - profusion coral pink

Hope other folks like these :-)

Oh rats . . . . . none of the links work . .

This message was edited Dec 11, 2007 12:06 PM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Okay, that brings up another point. When I posted this Sw-op (Swap/Coop), I didn't know Stokes was having free shipping, soooo if there is anybody *in the swap* who wants to tack on a pack or two or three to their total, it's okay with me. I might dmail you and ask if I can take a few seeds, tho. Hmmm better clarify that to be less than 10%. LOL! My cloven hooves are showing.

Keep in mind that Stokes has paper envelopes and your postage out to you will be 26c higher.

The other thing is the ivy leaf geraniums. I've done the math, and 100 seeds would give us all 6 seeds, plus some of the packs would have 7 seeds. (Long story here, but there is a person we need to thank from the far north, and I am sending her a pack of whatever number we end up with on these) That would take 40.45 out of the approximately 165.00 I have to work with, which should be fine. We'll say each seed is 40c, but participants need to know these are very slow, and need to be started under lights probably, and in JANUARY.

There are going to be some people who do NOT have the skill, patience, or physical layout to start these, so I will deduct $2.00 from the $12.00 of your share, making the total $10.00, and then split the remaining seeds around. I'm sure that math doesn't work out, BTW, so the person(s) dropping out will still be paying a little toward our geraniums. Let me know who you are, either here or in dmail.

On the dianthus, or any annual, where people are groaning about planting out, there will probably be enough seeds that you could actually try to direct sow them. Probably not throw them out like bird seed, but if you find a patch of ground that doesn't get shaded by bigger things, I think it could be done. Just a thought.

I need to run out today, but I'll be back to see if I missed any questions from this morning.

Happy shopping :))

P.S. Seandor, I love them all, so if nobody takes you up on it, I'll split them with you....oink, oink!

This message was edited Dec 11, 2007 10:40 AM

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Sounds great to me! I REALLY want to make the hanging baskets

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

I have those wire basket-hay bin things...Not sure what you call them, but think of them as a hanging basket on legs. LOL!


Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Huh? not sure what they are. . . do you have pictures, Suzy?

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

I would be interested in the following:

any or all Easy Wave

P1341 Duchess Mix (Torenia)

Primula #1253A Orion Blue p96 (any hardy primrose fine if not this one

Viola Penny Purple Picotee #1742J

1252J Supercascade Lilac

1252J Supercascade Lilac
Flowers-Annuals:Petunia-Grandiflora:Supercascade Series ................ yes, this is a petunia.. Sorry I didn't clarify.



1375A Sightseeing Mix (veronica)

This message was edited Dec 12, 2007 7:00 PM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Seandor, Kinda like these, only unpainted, and I hope, a little richer looking.


Roses -- Got 'em. Is the Supercascade a petunia?

Everybody -- Are we ready for a full blown thread? Maybe tonight?


This message was edited Dec 11, 2007 2:07 PM

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

ohh my goodness.. so now we have a co-op/swap/buy all you want/free shipping to Suzy thing going on here too!??



Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL - in reading everyone's lists I keep thinking "OH, I want that too!" I'm going to have to revisit my list tonight to make sure that what I want "goes" with some of the things that others want.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

SGL, Yup, that's what I'm saying, for the people *in the swap*. I might have a hole in my head, but I doubt throwing a few extra packets in somebody's stack will be that taxing for me to do. I won't have to open and count out to fill 15 packs, so it isn't time consuming, and at 15, there aren't that many people.

Dryad, The one thing I am *not* seeing are oranges, reds, browns, golds, and yellows. I think you'll be safe if you stick with the burgundys, wines, pinks, blues, lavenders and purples.

Correct me if I'm wrong and there are some hot color people here!

Here's the current list. I want to make sure everybody is on who wants to be on before I make a post with a subject line that other people might read. :)

1. Illoquin
2. Soulgardenlove
3. Wrightie
4. Bluespiral
5. Grampapa
6. Budbloom
7. Dryad
8. Seandor
9. Roses R Red
10. Wind


This message was edited Dec 11, 2007 4:19 PM

Southern, United States

Oh Suzy great idea! I'm in! I'm heading out to look! thanks for the dmail.


(Zone 7a)

Suzy, Critter seemed interested in joining - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/p.php?pid=4281157

Southern, United States

hey, did anyone notice free shipping over $55.00 until Dec 22? That makes our deal even better!!!

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Okay, I'll put Critter on and she can let us know later, after she's had a chance to look at the website.

Fran, Yes I just found out last night when I did a trial order on the website to see what shipping might be if the order climbed over $200.00. I had no idea when I started this that it was free shipping, tho. Their shipping is usually a flat $6.50 for orders under $200.00, and that's terribly high if you just want a few packs of seed.

New revised list:
1. Illoquin
2. Soulgardenlove
3. Wrightie
4. Bluespiral
5. Grampapa
6. Budbloom
7. Dryad
8. Seandor
9. Roses R Red
10. Wind
11. Bloomheaven
12. Space Holding for Critter

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

.....I like yellows, oranges, reds and browns....I just tend to go burgundy crazy when I see it ;)

Metro DC, MD(Zone 7a)

I like all colors, too!

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Suzy, I'm going to let someone else take my place for this one. Right now I'm concentrating on a cutting garden for next spring, so I'll be buying kind of ordinary types of seed. Plus, I've got so many seeds from the swap I don't know where I'd plant any more (also considering all the bulbs I bought in another DG co op). I was just being Miss Piggy - wanting more, more, more!! Since there's only going to be 15 in this one, I'll just wait til the Feb. swap.


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