Ice damage

Fulton, MO

We got about 1/2" of ice here in central Missouri. Another 1/2-1" is predicted by tomorrow morning.

The Bradford pears are going down, predictably. Everyone of the 4 in my yard are severely damaged (don't say it, I inherited many of them when I bought the house and had already removed some on my own).

I am surprised that the River Birch trees have suffered as well. Each that I have seen, including a lovely multiple trunked 30 footer in m front yard, have broken off about 1/2 way up.

Any damage reports? Anyone noticed that the River Birch doesn't hold up that well?


Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Bradford pears aren't a surprise but I would figure the river birch would hold up better.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

It's an ice palace here today. My ice covered River Birch is hanging over the porch. Nothing has broken off so far, but I lost a big branch on my Corkscrew Willow. It was getting too big anyway. I wanted to prune it next year, but this was a little extreme.

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

We are having 80 degree days and 60 degree nights, but it is supposed to get cold over the week end. We spent four years in central Missouri, and we had some form of ice storm each year. For me, ice storms are the worst things to deal with. Of course, we are now in the midst of an extreme drought, and it is difficult to keep plants alive here. We love trees and shrubs, but there really is no perfect environment. Ice is terribly destructive. I wish you well.

Yes it's true, ice is destructive..5 of our large emerald green arborvitae have split branches and trunks. Sad little sight as they provided nice privacy along the privacy fence.

Stressbaby and Pastime~ I finally convinced DH that river birch would enrich the scenery of our backyard...hope they recover nicely for you both.

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

During that ice storm we ended up with an inch of ice on our trees and out of electrical service for 5 days. Our cottonwood trees by our pond are totally devastated...may only be able to salvage one or two out of five, and both of our European White Spire Birches have broken and will have to be removed. We have four River Birches and they came through it well.

Debs~ good to hear that your River birches survived with another yeah for river birches!!

We are having 80 degree days and 60 degree nights
Sigh, it will be a very long time before I see those types of temps again. No damage to any of my River Birch through three ice storms this month but then they aren't exactly mature specimens.

Equil~ another big yeah for the river birches, I'm looking forward to adding them to our landscape!

edited for goofy spelling! ;0)

This message was edited Dec 31, 2007 12:09 PM

Good choice garden6, I really think you'll like them. They are so pretty too. Love the bark and they make a striking photo when a Cardinal lands on a branch!

Equil~ thanks for the encouragement and Happy New Year!! ;0)

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Hey Equil, We are going to have "harsh" winter temps Wednesday and Thursday, below freezing temps, and I must bring in my Meyer Lemon for 2 - 3 days. The below freezing temps will only last a few hours, but they can cause problems for us. Please remember, You can have many plants that I can only dream of. We have not had a "normal" rainfall since 1997. Folk focus on the great deficit this year, but it's been a struggle for awhile. Hope all of you have a great, happy, healthy, gardening year. Peace.

Hey peony, How be you! You're right, zone envy rears its ugly head at this time of year for people up north. And I know y'all have really been suffering from lack of rain. You've been hit far worse than us up here.

Atmore, AL(Zone 8b)

I hear ya Peony! I'm only 50 miles from the beach and the low tomorrow night is 20°F, brrr. I will probably need to cover up my Gardenias.

Prattville, AL(Zone 8a)

Good friends of ours from our home state of Indiana spent last night with us on their way to Gulf Shores for their annual 2 month stay. I told them to weather the storm of the lowest temps we have had for this winter, and then enjoy their stay in this great state. Any time on the Gulf is a great time. We pass right by E-guy on the way to the beach. Have a great new year. I have learned so much from all of you on this gardening site this year. It's great to see VV, Resin, and E-guy talking trees on this forum again. Please remember those who are not nearly as knowledgeable. Peace.

Fulton, MO

It's great to see VV, Resin, and E-guy talking trees on this forum again.

I'll second that.

I'll heartily 3rd that! I learned so much from reading their posts when I first joined Dave's and I was a bit slow.. er shy to post. ;0)

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