Today's Weather in Your Garden - 8

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Here's a shot of my bird bath this just can't take the Florida kid outta me, I guess..........LOL

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I always use McGregor when I am down there and need to go anywhere, even if it takes longer. I am glad you saved many plants. I had no idea about all the home invasions going on down there. Sad. I still hope to get down during spring training, but not if it is that cold. Patti

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Well, I hope you do get down in March, Patti, and if you do, let me know when you are coming. If you have time, maybe we can work in a visit! It will be easy to find house will be the one with the loud alarm going off or the line of sheriff's cars out front! LOL It was very hard to get Spring Training tickets this year....took me hours on the phone, but I did get two games finally. They have really cut the season here short - much to the dismay of our friends here who have season tickets!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Just don't remove the plug from the outlet where the alarm company put it. I did it once to use a vacuum and lost the system until I could get the installer on the phone.

How good it is to hear that most of the plants were saved!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

I hope my Fla friends who have "pull" have got me covered. Otherwise, perhaps I will stay home. No actually I want to go to Ding Darling. I will let you know if I come down. I think it is sad that they have cut the spring training time down. I would almost rather go to a spring game than go to Fenway. Patti

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Yes, thanks, Pirl! I'm very relieved!

I think the Alarm installers were on to me.....they put the plug behind the very heavy refrigerator in my pantry/laundry room. Smart call on their part. LOL

Patti - My DH and I also enjoy the games at City of Palms park very much. It is such a great way to launch into Spring. When we were only down here for 2 weeks in March each Spring before we retired, it was so awesome to see the palms swaying beyond the outfield, and to hear all the baseball sounds and see everyone in shorts enjoying a wholesome activity. My Dad got me hooked on baseball when I was 4 and he would take me to the Spring Training games. Hope you get to come!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Only about six weeks away from pitchers and catchers!

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

That's RIGHT,!!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Yes, Louise. New Hampshire DID have a record snowfall for December. And here's proof!

I'm glad you were able to save so many of your babies, and I hope that Kassia's BESV is all right today.

Thumbnail by Candyce
The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

If the photo looks cloudy or foggy, it's because it's SNOWING!!
The picture was taken on the last day of 2007. We got another 10 inches that day, and an additional 5 inches with which to celebrate the arrival of 2008. Sheesh! Will it EVER stop?

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Candyce, wow, that is a lot of snow. We had snow yesterday, but it is no more than a dusting on the ground today, all the trees are bare again. I think we are heading north to Vt so DH and DS can ski, but not me as I still think it too much for my knee. However, I could just stay here and read garden catalogs and be very happy. I could volunteer to eat up all the leftovers still in the frig and take the Xmas tree down if they let me just hang here. Mostly they would want me to go to keep the fire stoked so when they come down from the mountain the a house will be warm and toasty. Our Vt place must be buried in snow and so we will have major digging out to do when we get there before we can even get to the door. Always fun. Not. Patti

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Oh, My, Candyce! I can't imagine this continuing all winter, can you??? We do have some photos of the 1996 year (I think) when you could barely see our house for the skyscraper drifts at the farm. I'm so happy we shut down the heat there this year!

We're back to more normal temps here for the next week. I've had a relapse today with my cold - probably because of staying out in the cold wind to cover all the plants while I was sick - and my DH has come down with a sinus condition, so we're pretty puny right now. We did end up with lots of damage on our new wild cotton plants. I hope they'll come back. I think the Kassia BESVs are looking a bit better today. At the moment, it's 67 degrees outside with very low humidity. There are so many things I want to do outside, but will have to wait for the fever to go away. I made us some homemade 16-bean soup and our first pick of organic green beans were wonderful, so I should be on the mend very soon. Stay well up there everyone!!

Patti - If you go to Vermont, be sure to take your gardening catalogs with you for your fire-tending duty!! LOL Hope you find things in good shape in Vermont!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Candyce - don't lose contact with us!!!!!!!!!!

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Donnybrook, our neighbors just called and fortuitously someone who they know is looking for some snow removal work. So DH called him and he will get the snow off the roof and do some plowing tomorrow. Good thing.

I am sending in my seed orders in the morning. We decided to wait until next week to go to Vt. I am very happy about that. I am still recovering from the holidays. Glad you are back to some reasonable weather in Fla. We are expecting some warmer days too. Maybe I should find some bulbs to plant. Just kidding.

I hope poor Candyce survives the snow and this weeks zillions of political ads on TV. We see a lot of them here too, but nothing like NH gets. Another reason to avoid being with in TV range next week in VT of the NH stations. Patti

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Good decision, Patti. One year we had so much snow on our porch roof, the porch started pulling away from the house. Not a good situation!

All summer in NH we were inundated with political ads! I can't imagine how it would be there now!!

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

It's awful and such a waste of money.

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

I actually counted last evening. I guess I was bored, or my mind was traveling to distant places. Anyway, each commercial break contained one real commercial and three democratic commercials and three republican commercials. Yes - it IS getting very annoying! Thank goodness it will 'die down' after Tuesday. I plan on voting just so I can help shut them up!!!

The Monadnock Region, NH(Zone 5a)

Thankfully, Victor, the flagpole is still higher than the snowbank. If someone wants to use their cell phone, we can still go outside and hug the flagpole. It makes for a pretty good antennae.

I'll have to try and get a photo today of the snowbank left by the snowplow guy. It's a pain living on the corner. They seem to pile all the snow from the whole town right on our corner by the flagpole!! Makes visibility a bit difficult.

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