New to Clematis

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

I am a Clematis newby and am preparing my first clematis order. I am planning on ordering from Klehm as I have had good experience with that merchant on other plants. I have read the basics on clematis gardening and have some general knowdge but nothing in-depth. My question is, can someone give me tips for growing this plant in the south? Are there other southern clematis gardeners here? What about sun exposure? Anything that poses problems for this plant? Are there some varieties known to fare better than others, or some known to not do well here? Any information or tips relevant to our climate would be appreciated!!



Willis, TX(Zone 8b) exciting that you are going to start growing clematis as well in your gardens!!..They truly are a treat and my passion..Pruning group 3's are the easiest to grow and can take much more sun than the Pruning group 2's here in Texas...Just plant where they can have moist the roots like to stay moist not soggy...Jeanne

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks Jeanne,

Those are great things to know. I found many "Prune 3" clematis on the Klehm site that I really like, so I will follow your advice on that. I enjoyed your pictures on the other thread - you have a really nice landscape.Thanks for the help and hope you don't mind if I ask for advice from time to time.


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Steve, a new addiction! good for you.

Generally, I am not big on vines, but make an exception w/ roses and clems. I grow mostly group III, but may have a group II one here or there. I have most of them in full sun except Nelly Moser, which I have in part sun. All of them are well mulched at the base. Mine are not as fantastic looking or as fancy as Jeanne's, but they are getting there slowly but surely. Off the top of my head, these are the ones I have:
Dr Ruppel
Nelly Moser
Miss Bateman
One that I got from mamajack, can't remember name, doing very well

Also be sure & ck out Silver Star Vinery, a favorite seller on this website. Don't know if they're open at this time of year, but ck them out.

On my clem. wish list is a "double" clem but right now I am too enamored w/ bulbs (you know, it's that time of year) so not shopping for any clems right now.

I have gotten some clearance clems at HD/etc in those 4" pots, but they are high maint. because you have to really watch that the base is well insulated w/ mulch. With attention those little ones can make it, but better to go w/ Klehms or SSV.


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

I forgot to say that all mine are inground. I only have them in pots on a temp basis.

Greenwood, IN(Zone 5b)

Thanks Nery,

Well I guess we share another plant in common that we like! Please relay your experiences with this plant as you have them. I have an 8-foot fence around our place that would be ideal for this vine, or even allowing it to grow along the red brick sides of the house will be cool. I might put up a trellis or two. I will check out Silver Star as you've suggested.

My friend Magnolialover up in Wisconsin is a big clematis fan and I'll get some input from her as well, but the TX climate can be a difficult one for some plants and it is always reassuring to hear of others' experiences who have done well with them. The recurring theme here is to keep the soil moist and well-mulched, which I will do!!

I am looking at:

Cardinal Wyszynski
Polish Spirit
Crystal Fountain
Kilian Donahue

I like "General Sikorski" and "Fireworks" also, but they're Prune 2, so maybe I should avoid them.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Steve...I have everyone you mentioned except the Cardinal and Killian..I have 2 "Avant-Garde" will love them and Don't forget the Texensis..they are digenous to us you know!!..I had just planted both "Duchess of Albany" and "Princess Diana" this past October and the "Duchess" bloomed for me already!!..Since you love roses as we do can also considered companioning the Pruning group 3's with your climbing roses..I have tons of those combinations....
Here is Clematis "Ramona" with climbing rosa "Royal Sunset"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

And here was my first bloom on "Princess Diana"..

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Jeanne, I have one that is exactly like your PD but the blooms are blue. I didn't plant it, it just sprouted one day. I'm guessing it's a texensis but that's as far as could get. Any thoughts?

Athens, PA

I didn't think any of the Texensis were blue. Could this be an integrifolia?


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

hmmm. It could very well be. It certainly looks like this.

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