New Nebraska bog

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

I hope the picture made it, in the learning process. This is me in my newly dug hole and future bog garden. If the picture goes through, i will continue, otherwise i will work on the image part!

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Well, i got half of it! I started digging in late Sept. I wanted a deep hole, because i thought, in the long run i would be better off, as far it coming into it's own environment. Digging the hole was no problem, the soil was nice loam. But filling that puppy up, now that's another story and a half. I knew the gravel and sand would have to be washed. Pea gravel was fun. The sand was so time consuming. I wound up placing burlap over a 1/4 mesh wire basket, tray thingy, probably a foot and a half square. This seemed faster than trying to do it in a wheel barrow, i would put so much in it then rinse, dump and refill. I'm still not done filling it, close tho. I do know i will only have one "true peat bog". I think I'd rather dig 5 holes to washing sand! I'm ready to research the plants this winter, and curious to see how things are in a couple of years. Thanks for those who helped me along the way... Kathy

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

The picture works! Nice sized bog! Good going! Look forward to more photos in the future!

Hey Kathy, you should be proud of yourself. Washing sand is by far the worst part of the entire process. From here on out, it's all down hill.

Way to go!

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

I have collected some pine needles, was just going to put them on top couple of inches. I got a leaf shredder at a garage sale, used that to cut them up. It worked out pretty good. Lots easier them cutting them by hand!
The side that will get run off water is raised about 3 inches, the opposite side (behind me), is the low spot for the bog.
I did have a leaking problem, (had to add another piece of liner, since i made the hole bigger than my liner, oops!), I used bentonite in between the layers and between the soil and liner. I hope this will seal it, time will tell on that one

Ah, the 'ole hole bigger than liner deal rears its ugly head. I don't think there is a person out there who hasn't done the same thing or come precariously close.

Generally bentonite doesn't seal well when being used the way you are using it but being as how this is a bog and not a pond, maybe it will keep leakage to a minimum. Bentonite is mostly used for much larger applications... as in ponds that span acreage.

I really like the idea of shredding the pine needles. Glad you thought of it. I hate sitting down on my rear cutting those needles with a scissors.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Just looked at my post, only the middle third went through, don't know how i did that one..
This is the only "true peat bog" i will be making. Other bogs, with soil and peat are on my agenda tho.
Some may be wondering why i didn't fill my hole in some, or put a different liner down. At that point i already had a bunch of gravel (a bobcat load full), peat and rain water in it. I had pushed every thing to one side, so i could put the other piece of liner under the original one. I didn't want my DH to see me take every thing back out, actually i didn't want to hear any comments. After all "why on earth would you want to, or have to wash, already washed gravel and sand??" I just want DH to think i'm nuts, not way wacko (after 30 years of marriage, in my heart i know it's too late anyway!)
I am looking forward to next year, and crossing my fingers that i'm successful.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Any input about using superthrive on plants to get them going? I'm wondering if people here think it's snake oil, or wouldn't do without it. Thanks.

I don't know if you will laugh our cry after you're done reading that whole thread but to SuperThrive or not to SuperThrive is definitely discussed.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Superthrive = snake oil IMHO. It is NOT needed.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Yeah, I don't think I "need" this product. :>0 My daughter was down this weekend, and took some digital pictures of the bog. My computer doesn't have the needed program. So she was going to e-mail them to me. Hopefully I will have them by tomorrow, will share then. Although it's not very exciting-- yet!

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Trouble getting the pictures through e-mail. Will have her reduce the number sent at one time, to see if that helps. She works second shift, so will have to wait another day!

Ohhhhhh, bog pics! Bog pics at any phase of development are always great!

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Well, getting the pictures has been an ordeal. Now lets see if I can get something here... Here's my humble beginnings. The white pipe will be covered with a black one. DH had something around here that I wound up using to water it with. Edited to say, I now have the liner folded down, with sand and pea gravel all around it, hoping to get some petrified rock to finish it off, and hide the liner. All for now...

This message was edited Apr 7, 2008 8:13 PM

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

this is a close up of my mixture, I have since added more sand.

Thumbnail by 7oaks
Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Next week I'm expecting my newly adopted rooted kids to arrive. I'm hoping they grow like mad and become quite unruly! I'm nervous about the whole adventure yet. My main issue right now is a screw up at the very beginning. I had some old used rubber roofing that I used. Got way too happy digging, oops, now the hole is bigger than the liner. Trying to put dirt back on the sides proved fruitless, just kept falling in with no straight sides. So I over lapped more liner, by 2 feet, thinking that the pressure and time would seal it. I also tried used roofing sealer, could tell that wouldn't do it, so bought some bentonite and put that around the outside of the liner and in between the two. Well it's still leaking, a lot. Should have just emptied it and bought a new pond liner, at the time I thought it would all work out, plus DH just kept shaking his head and raising an eyebrow. Ever had that experience? Should have ignored it and did what I knew I should have. Now I don't know if, or when it will stop leaking. My well water tested 18 for hardness, and the TDS was 325. Plan to catch rain water, but what a pain that will be. More at another time. :>)
edited to add, I've been working with Thomas Hayes from Dangerous Plants. He's going to mail me a "bog in a box", so I don't know exactly what I'll be getting. He was just going to go around and pick out an assortment for me. I've been going through the nesting phase, trying to prepare for the arrival day, with the excitement of what will they be! I'm suffering (painless tho) from the same emotions as when our three children were born. How nuts!!

This message was edited Apr 12, 2008 12:36 PM

plus DH just kept shaking his head and raising an eyebrow. Ever had that experience?
No, never ;)

Lemme get this straight, your well water tested at 325ppm??? That's way too high for carnivorous plants. In a pinch it would be fine to use if you were out of another source for lower ppm water. During droughts, I've used my well water which tests out in the 200's and suffered no ill effects.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Yeah I was bummed with that high reading, knowing that it was too high. So I'll be catching rain water and collecting from the dehumidifier. I'd love an RO system, but the cost would be great, and my understanding is that you need good water pressure for it to work proper, our pressure is not that great. Plus there's DH and the reality of it for me, of how much I've spent, and when do you stop? :>(

You'll be just fine with rain water. Have your husband cut off a section of a downspout and run it straight down into a 55 plastic gal drum. I pick up some sort of affordable 35 gallon garbage cans and fill those up with water from my rain barrels to stockpile.

Yes, you need to have decent water pressure for an RO system.

Hint, do not tell your husband how much you've spent. Just bat your eyelashes and pretend like you're deaf should he ask.

Sump pump pit, you can collect water from your sump pump pit too.

Say, what plants did you buy to go in your bog baby?

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

I know it will be an assortment of sarrs, fly traps and what ever else he throws in. When they arrive, I'll post a list.
We did put in a pit next to the basement, but haven't had any water problems. I haven't looked in the pit for years. I'll have to take a gander and see if there is any. But now that I think of it, that would have dirt in it. So our system won't help any.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

A little update on my project. The water is leaking very fast. I'm doing what i should have from the very beginning, wish I wasn't so stubborn sometimes! I'm digging everything out. Even with all the rain we've had, a foot down is moist, and that's all. I have purchased a pond liner, ouch! Another concern was with the roofing liner. Although I used it for my pond, and the gold fish did just fine, snails always died. I think I know why now, the liner was not meant for ponds, mmmm.... Even tho it suits my needs, it's good enough for that. But, I was becoming concerned about the toxins hurting the plants over time. In the long run, I'm doing the best thing, just not what I wanted to do, poor hubby.... So I will be very busy the next couple of days, as the plants should be arriving soon.

I'll forgo comments about *official* epdm pond liner v. roofing liner right about now in favor of saying poor you. Right about now, you deserve the cp mommy of the year award!

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

OOHHH MMYYY GOSSHHHH... My husband is right, I'm nuts!!! I feel like the only award I should be entitled to, is one for not having any scruples!
So, is there not much difference in the epdm(?) between the two? I still had to do something about the water problem. If our well water would have been okay, it wouldn't have been a problem. But the way it was leaking, or rather draining, it would have fried come summer. I made a pool in the low spot, it was draining an inch a day.
I guess I'm putting my economic stimulus package into play. I don't have it yet, but I've spent it...

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Well, I have the bog back together, again. It's best if I don't know how much weight I moved around today.
Don't know if I should call my bog, Double New Bog or Economic Stimulus Bog. Any input?
I'm glad I did redo it. There was no water at the bottom. Summer would not have been good. Trying to be cheap, isn't always cheap in the long run. I got my new liner from Earl May. They're not used to me buying anything not on sale. Although I did have a 20% off coupon, that helped.
Came in to take a break. Need to get back out in the nasty wind. I'm burning a vacation day, so I want to get all that I can done.

I've had economic stimulus plans like yours. Humbling... very humbling.

Input on what to call your new Nebraska bog??? Geee, that's not hard at all! Try the "Quadruple Whammy"- first for the drain on your brain, second for the drain on your body, third for the drain on your husband's wallet, and last for the physcial draining of the bog!

Don't ask about my thoughts on the epdm pond liner v. the roofing liner right now... you don't want to know. It would only depress you.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Well Equil, there's only one thing I need to ask about the liner, WILL I BE OK? I like the "Quadruple Whammy", it seems to never stop. Oh I hope I didn't just make another huge mistake. I'll scream and cry, but you gotta let me know.
Since I burned a vacation day to work, I also cleaned my little pond out today. My body is "screaming for a hot shower and saying you won't be doing too much tomorrow!"

Think Chevy and GMC sport utility vehicles. They both probably come off the same assembly line yet one is marketed for the everyday driver and one is marketed as being heavy duty with a considerably bigger sticker price. Once you rinse off the powder on the roofing liner, I think you've got the exact same product as the epdm liner which costs twice as much. You'll be just fine but a little bit poorer for having bought the actual pond liner. I doubt very seriously if your snails died because you used roofing liner. Like I said, you didn't wouldn't want to know particularly with today being the day the IRS officially sucks us all dry.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Yeah, the good ole IRS. There's a few ways they could cut down on spending and save us some...
Well, I'm glad I didn't poison the bog. There's chances of rain tonight, hope we get some, to get water back into it. Still no plants, think I'll make a phone call tonight to see if I didn't misunderstand something.

Nope, you won't poison anything with the pond liner. Your pocketbook will be a little lighter but your plants will be fine. Poor you.

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Yep, poor, poor me! I called about my plants, a busy place right now. They should be mailed on Mon. I will then know what all I'm getting.
Thomas Hays also has a tree trimming and removal company.

This message was edited Apr 16, 2008 9:14 PM

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Hello, a little update. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have some pictures to share. Got my babies in, things we're looking good, then it happened--Hail--. Beat the crap out of the little guys. Traps were laying all over, pitchers were broken and shredded, sun dews and ferns took the same abuse. Boo hoo... Thank goodness they're tough little guys, they're trying to march on...
So thankful we have not had to contend with any tornadoes, (have no right to belly ache about hail). Our daughter and her fiance work in a Kearney factory. Last Thurs. tornadoes ripped through there. Fortunately they were unscathed, as was their home south of the area. Me on the other hand, wound up pulling or tearing ligaments in my little toe, caught it on the curved metal coffee table leg, hurrying to put something in the frig, so I wouldn't miss any thing on tv, or a call from our daughter. So Sarah was unscathed from the Kearney tornadoes, but mom, 3 1/2 hours away, wasn't. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it...
I am puzzled by something. We've had so much rain, the bog will fill up, water standing in my low spot, then it drops. I'm assuming the peat is still absorbing it, I don't see how though. It is a new liner now also...
Still working on the other part of the garden, trying to figure things out. Been going through old magazines (forced to stay off my foot), to remind me of things that were of interest to me. Then I'm going to pass them on and lower my pile!
Will share pictures when I get them...

Wymore, NE(Zone 5a)

Will start a new thread-Nebraska bog

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