The Majestic Bald Eagle

Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

I am getting excited. No, I am already excited. The Bald Eagle is migrating and will soon begin the mating ritual and either start building a new nest or returning to the one they used last year. I mentioned on another thread that for the first 50 years of my life I never saw a Bald Eagle, except in the zoo. It is different now. It undeniably deserves the title "Our National Symbol". Ben Franklin wanted the turkey as our national symbol. Sorry Ben but I vote for the Bald Eagle. A "Thank You" goes to Thomas Jefferson.

Finding a Bald Eagle sitting still in a tree is easy to photograph but often difficult to find or too far away to get a decent photo. Photographing an eagle in flight can become a real challenge. Capturing a Bald Eagle plucking a fish out of the water requires a multitude of skills and just plain luck. But that is the ultimate. In the meantime, I take what I can get ......

Now when I see a Bald Eagle coming toward me, I feel the same kind of excitement running through my blood as I used to when a whitetail buck tried to sneak past me on the first day of deer hunting. The only difference is now I use a camera.

Here are a few photos taken within the last 10 days.

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #2 ..... Off in the distance they sit, too far away to photograph. You sit and you wait by the river until THEY decide to get some exercise or food. This photo shows eight (8) eagles sitting on one electric power pole.

Thumbnail by linthicum
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #3 ........ finally one decides to come my way. What a sight to see an adult Bald Eagle against the blue sky.

Thumbnail by linthicum
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #4 ....... he's deciding to turn, or dive. The sun is right. Going through my mind, is "don't blow the shot".

Thumbnail by linthicum
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #5 .... a photo of an immature Bald Eagle with fish in its talons, rising above the water just after the catch. I was close to the ultimate but must wait until the next time. I've been seeing lots of immatures. That's good. They tend to be wanderers for the first four (4) years of their life. They reach adulthood in their fifth year and by then have a white head.

Thumbnail by linthicum
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #6 - Here's comes another one, right over head. "Wow" is the only word that I can express.

Thumbnail by linthicum
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #7 ..... An adult Bald Eagle about to become airborne as he peers into the river below. He must see a fish from that height ! After all, he does have an "Eagle Eye".

Thumbnail by linthicum
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #8 ..... another Bald Eagle flies by with his "catch-of-the-day. Note the tail tucked away under his tail feathers.

Thumbnail by linthicum
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #9 ..... here he is, sitting right above me proudly admiring his catch. He makes it look so easy. He doesn't use a rod. He doesn't use bait. Did you ever try to catch a fish with your two hands ?

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Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Such wonderful pictures!!!! thanks for sharing,

Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #10 and enough for tonight ....... same eagle, different pose. He's looking down at me without any fear in his eyes. But, unknown to him, man IS the only predator of the Bald Eagle. However, his instincts must tell him that he has nothing to fear from ME.

I can't wait until my next visit into his paradise........

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Marlton, NJ

Wow, Outstanding pics Charlie!!! You must have been thrilled!

Thanks so much for posting them! Pelle

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

WOW is all I can say! Thanks for the great pics!

Hebron, KY

Wow! Fantastic shots! Very exciting day! I'm in awe!

Thanks for sharing!


Anchorage, AK(Zone 4a)

Linthicum, a very nice series. Makes me want to go down to the Kenai River and photograph some, up close myself. The Eagles concentrate along the river during the winter, scavenging salmon carcases. The problem is too little light, less then six hours now. The sun is so low on the southern horizon there isn't enough light to take decent pictures, unless we get a rare sunny day. We had such a heavy overcast today, it was only a bright twilight at noon.

The Woodlands, TX(Zone 9a)

Wonderful series of photos, Charlie! You had a very GOOD day!

Northern, IN

Wow !!

What a treat for us and for you, too, Linth.

Melbourne, FL

Wow! What terrific shots of our national symbol. I only post my shot from last year because it was the first time I ever saw one in the wild also, and you are right, it was such a thrill. Even though I have seen them a few times since, nothing compares to the day I saw this one soaring above me and was able to take one shot to remember it by. I hope everyone gets their chance to see a Bald Eagle.

Thumbnail by gardenpom
Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for your comments ..........

Gary, I forgot that you have a small window of opportunity this time of the year. I'm sure you will make up for it next year. Will look forward to those Kenai River photos.

gardenpom, I remember when you first posted the eagle photo. The first time is always memorable, and the second and the third, etc., etc.

These eagles are within 50 miles of me so whenever the sun is shining I am anxious to make a visit. Their wingspread is really impressive when you see them up close.

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

This is a close-up photo of the Bald Eagle in the first photo ......

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

An immature Bald Eagle at full wingspread ....

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm getting closer !!! You can see the water droplets as he lifts off after his catch.

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Another immature taking a break ........

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Word of advice .......... "Don't walk under the tree".

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Melbourne, FL

All wonderful shots, my favorite is the very first one you posted....must have been a terrific day. Even the immature Eagles are so impressive!

(Zone 9a)

I didn't read most of this thread. Sorry.

I would have to agree with gardenpom - it looks like someone had a very fun day.

linthicum - is there no way for you to do this from a stand. No reason you can't "shoot" two birds from one tree. :)

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

I've not been on DG much due to a number of family issues, but am I glad I spotted this thread! As usual, Linth, you have captured stunning poses - great work!!

Danvers, MA

My first Bald Eagle Sighting in the wild was last february at the age of 35. About 20 miles north of where I live is the Merrimack River. There were several spots along the river that were set up as viewing stations. It was chilly out that day, but sunny with no wind. I saw about 15 that day. I can't wait for this winter's sightings! We have a better camera now.

Austell, GA(Zone 7a)

Wow, linthicum, what great shots!! I am so in awe.

What kind of tree is that first one in?

(Zone 9a)

plantnutz - that is a Sycamore/Planetree (Platanus). Can't say if it is occidentalis, orientalis, or maybe a cross of the two. Would need leaves.

If it's a cross you are pretty much on your own. :)


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Very cool!! I want to get a pic of ours soooo bad. That has to be the ultimate experience!

Corinth, NY(Zone 4b)

Oh, these are wonderful, thanks for posting. What a great time it must of been.

Van Etten, NY(Zone 5a)

Such majestic birds and such fantastic photos! Thank you so much Linth.

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I saw one twice, but at a distance.
Thanks for sharing!

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

The seed balls on the tree are all single (rather than several on each pendulous stem), so it is American Plane Platanus occidentalis, not any of the others. P. orientalis has 4-5 on each stem, and the hybrid (1-)2-3.


Brainerd, MN

Just beautiful!

Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks, again, for all of your comments. The weather has not been too good recently but yesterday I did get out for a couple of damp, cold hours. For a while, it was so foggy, I couldn't see the eagles perched on the towers. But, eventually, it cleared up and allowed me to get a few photos.

This is one of the photos taken yesterday with a few added enhancements.

Best wishes to all for a Happy Holiday Season ...........

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #2 ............

A close-up in-flight photo of an immature Bald Eagle ....

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #3 .... not so good photo but it does capture the moment !!!

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Linthicum Heights, MD(Zone 7a)

Photo #4 ..... an adult Bald Eagle circling above .....

Thumbnail by linthicum

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