Winters here!But having Spring Memories!!

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Jaye, you better get away from WM and the sales. Remember spring is coming soon and you will need seed money:)
Tropicman, I have been keeping up with your thread and feeling sorry for you. But this morning here in the south is gloomy and soooooo windy and chilly with moisture in the air. Don't know which is worse. Either way, thank God for DG and pictures. Gives us hope this will all pass. :)


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Debbie, and welcome!
I too feel so sorry for those having such poor weather especially when I look out of the window this morning and see the blue sky and sea...
One good thing though you don't have the relentless weeding all year long as I do. The weeds here are on steroids, two hours weeding everyday doesn't even make a dent in it.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Debbie I lived a couple years in Bossier city,1960 and I remember the cold and windy rains,but at least you didn't have to scrape ice from the windshields!!!
Or shovel the snow,there was about a 3 week period ,that I thought I'd never see the sun shine again!!! Here in Kansas it may snow like heck one day but sunshine the next day,not those periods when the sun doesn't shine like in the south!!!!
The days are all ready getting longer,so it will pass,and glad your enjoying the threads here,we got the nicest people here on Daves!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone! Debbie, I have an aunt thats from New Orleans. That is where she grew up, but has lived in Texas all her married life. She called the day before Christmas, and she still has that Lousiana accent that I always loved! Now my uncle , who's from Ohio, but has lived in Texas all his married life, sounds just like a Texan! They are in there late 80's and still going strong! I think Texas must agree with both of them!
He told me to hop a plane and come down. Oh how I would love to do that!
Braveheartsmom, I would love to come help you!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

drapelady is another supper person here on DG. You will all love her as much as I do.

Remember, watch for Dave's Garden Party....heheheh

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Christie, what are you up to? I think I sense a wicked grin!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Spread the word!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

It is true about Lamberts! :) My EX used to deliver there and had to watch and not get hit in the head with a roll! (maybe that would have helped!) LOL
I have only been to Sikeston twice, but didn't eat there either time. :( First time we were on our way to Florida and needed breakfast, second time I was there for the Rodeo, oh what fun! :)

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

DEBBIEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!! She's my Cajun 'twin' that gives me a hard time at MidSouth!! Debbie, you've found my hiding place. Please drop in more often...great people here, and Tman doesn't bite!!
No...I didn't head to the great WM, but the little World Market! This year, Kel suggested we do something different, and we thought of W/Market as we love the choccies there! Like Gomer Pyle would say..."Shame, shame, shame!"
Seed money??? What's that?
Plenty of time to prepare for the garden party eh Christi? Can't promise anything but I can at least extend my prayers ;)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Oh how I love World Market! One of my absolute favorite places to shop in the US! Lucky you!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Jaye, prayers are always the most import of all. I JUST KNOW this will take place. We all want it so badly. Right, Shari-baby?

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Jaye How about if I pray real hard that you can come? I think I shall do just that. He is the God of the impossible after all:)

Hi Marci, yes we do have a different accent. "Just a little sha":) I think it comes from the crawfish we eat LOL .Heavenscape used to live in New Orleans too.

TM, my husband worked in Bossier City several years ago. Mostly now we just go thru it to get to Texas. The one thing about Louisiana weather, is that if you don't like it, just stick around for a little while and it will change.:)

Braveheartsmom, my little grandson's mother is from Hawaii and his grandmother that lives there sent him some calendars for Christmas to show him what it looks like there. The pictures of the flowers are beautiful.

And thankyou all for the welcome to this forum.


Thumbnail by Debbie2007
Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Our favorite place to vacation is LaFayette, La. Oh what beautiful people.

Can't wait until we are all together at Dave's Garden Party. whoops, did I tell a secret?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Hahahaha...RIGHT! Yep, its a secret all right! Not a single one of us have any idea whatchootalkinbout!

There is NOTHING that compares with an honest to goodness, face to face, real live person HUG!!!!

Bring It On!!!!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I can most certainly attest to that!! Gettin' a real, live hug from our own IslandShari was just tooo much,,, and not enough.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Okay, now you have to read the following with a very deep husky voice, and a heavy southern accent:

"Brothers and Sisters, let us spread the love....AMEN"

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You are tooo much!!! hahahah

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

...yet, never enough! ☺

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

How true.

Mike is turning off the lights..guess that is a hint.

Night, Night.

Sleep tight.

Sweet dreams.

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Night,night, Johnboy.

night, night, Mary Ellen (best show tv ever, ever had, The Walton's)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Night, night dear friend...sleep easy.

Pleasant dreams.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Seems we've come along way,from listening to the radio programs at nite,to communicating to people from all over the world,in a split second,when it use to take a few minutes for the old radio to warm up!!!
Cell phones you can talk to anybody anytime,no matter where your at,and give that hug!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

It's a miracle every single day and we take it for granted. I'm still amazed that we hurtle down the highway at 70 mph in absolute climate control listening to any kind of music our hearts desire. Good ole' days...really now. And most of the time talking on the phone to someone who knows where.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Morning, morning...and a good morning to y'all! Yep, modern technology affords me to talk to my family overseas and at the same time able to 'view' them via webcam! Amen to that!!

Christi, I used to live in Lafayette, the Southside. I call it a city with country living!

So much to do out there and this body is feeling its' age! Oh well, granted another day, and I will surely appreciate it!
Stay warm y'all!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Jaye, we and two others took our 3 motorhomes to a campground in Carencro. Can't remember the name but it orginally was a horse farm for the race horses. We would have that as our hub and did day trips all over LA. Had such good times. Favorite place to eat was Miss Helen's, with a hole in the middle of the table with a waste can under for the crawfish shells. First time we ever had them and have been on the look out for them ever since. Have learned to always ask for American grown...not from China. funny, we used to see them in the bar ditches and never dreamed we would eat one. Caught them for bait.

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Morning all. I'll never forget the first time we went crayfish fishing. We didn't have children for seven years after we were married and we both had very good jobs and not enough sense to save, so we only bought the best. Anyway, my husband bought all sorts of trapping devices , etc. We loaded up the four wheel drive and off we went. All of a sudden, he pulled off to the side of the road. He came around to open my door and said "OK get out". I said "what are you doing". He said, as he pointed to a ditch on the side of the road, "This is where we are going to get our crawfish". YUK , no way, not me. I refused to get out of the truck LOL:). Needless to say, when I want crawfish, I go to WM.


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

It never fail...we always come back to talking food!!
Yep, crawfish from American swamps are better than Chinese crawfish! Plump and sweet too, especially if you can find some fat on the meat. When there was the 'oil' field slump in the 80's, I used to help ex crawfishing...quite a profitable venture then, pre Chinese imports.
Carencro's a quaint little town with its' Evangeline Downs and great spicy boudin and cracklings sold at Swifty Grocery. That is also the best place to buy your deep fried turkeys, crawfish stuffed chicken and don't forget to get some roasted sweet potatoes with your cracklings.
(Warning: Involuntary body gas emissions after cracklings and sweet potatoes)

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Swifty's, had forgotten the name. We had meat pies for breakfast so fresh and hot had to let them cool down before we could eat them. What great memories.Lazyone's in Natchitoches has the reputation for the best meat pies...can't hold a candle to Swifty's.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lolol Debbie....he is actually a smart man! At least you are not battling 'flying' snakes in the Basin or bayous! Fortunately our WM do stock La. crawfish and Sumter in SC has a crawfish industry going on.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Why oh why must you remind me of the meat pies!! Waaaaaaaaahhh!!!
Kel says next time we go, we might have to haul a trailor just to bring back goodies...and of course after making a stopover at Stokes in Jeanerette! Lolol!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Well if I do anyfishing today,it will be ice fishing!!!LOL
29* and they say 4 inches of snow this afternoon!!!!
Enough already,wish this weather pattern would move away!!!

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Ya'll, I am supposed to be going on that diet for the web cam (only Christi knows why). And ya'll are making me sooooooooo hungry. Thanks alot my friends. Now lets see. Where can I go to get meat pies right now. Oh yes, right down the road. I love Louisiana.:)

And Jaye, many mornings before daylight we went to Old River to fish for Brim. And many many snakes were in the trees above us. And in our younger days, we would go for romantic dips in Tchufuncte River and I didn't know there where alligators below us. Lord have mercy on the ignorance of the young. Thank God for my gray hair. :)

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Debbie,I watched a show lastnite called monster quest and they were searching for the skunkape,just west and south of you at cotton island and lake trout I believe was the other place,have you heard of this beast they call skunk ape????

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I started to watch that monster quest show but fell asleep quarter way through (too much weeding). What were the conclusions? Did you see the one with sasquatch (sp?) where they had blood on the spiked wood mat and the DNA results had markers similar to both apes and humans - but were not an exact match for either?

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lord have mercy too on the ignorance of the old, Debbie!!
Tman...more reasons to stay in your lovely greenhouses. Let us all live vicariously (sp) through you!

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

TM, where did you live before Wichita? I'm just wondering how a Tropicman wound up in such a cold place.


Just a picture to send you warmth (picture from my grandsons Hawaiin calendar)

Thumbnail by Debbie2007
Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

BH,they couldn't get any DNa from the tooth,just too old,oh this was the one with the giant ape that was over 10ft tall,the big foot one was they think the footage of the video which people say was a hoax,they think was real,by the face expressions it made,if it would have been a mask,they think you wouldn't have a face movements such as eyes and mouth and even eyebrows going up and down,it was very interesting!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lolol you both! MonsterQuest...tsk. tsk. Jenny and Don!
Think I'll stick to the food network!

Port Vincent, LA(Zone 8b)

Sounds to me like them folks need to take up gardening and leave the things they don't know about alone. If a skunk ape does appear, we will just feed him crawfish and meat pies and send him to you to freeze. LOL


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Born in Wichita Ks,but my dad worked for stearman which was Boeing,and now its called spirit,but my mother was born and raised in Greenville Alabama
Anyway my dad would travel for his job,and we traveled all over,but I fell in Love with the plants from staying in Orlando,visiting cypress gardens.Then to Bossier city for 6 months and Altus Okla, for a while then back home!
Maybe I'll just pack up my suitcase,and catch a boat to Fiji!!!,live out my remaining days!!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

LOL well they say there has been numerous sightings of these big monsters all around the colorado springs area as well,so I don't think they will freeze!!!!
There have been thousands of sightings from the pacific northwest to New york down to the swamps in florida,I think too many people have seen something for these not to be real.
After all they didn't even discover the mountain gorilla until the 1950's,so anything is possible!

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