Winters here!But having Spring Memories!!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

My Granddaughter made her first snow angels two winters ago...and she loved it! When she started seeing pictures of the snow back in the states on the news, she got very upset that she couldn't make snow we showed her how to make sand angels! Now she is happy again, and made sand angels for Scuba Santa, her Nana, and her Grumpy! We didn't have the heart to tell her they would disappear with the next high tide. Oh well, lots of opportunities to make more!

Oh Shari that is a great idea for those of us who can't make snow angels! thanks for that! are you enjoying your beautiful home again? I hope you are having a well earned rest Tm I suspect you are always on the go. Take it easy ...2008 charging down the barrel and life is speeding past!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Chrissy,this is what it looks like outside!

Thumbnail by Tropicman

Gosh I can't even imagine it! crikey ...what sort of temps are you having in the greenhouse?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Don, been there, done can keep it! I like my "green and bright Christmas", thanks very much. You poor popsicle! Try to stay warm. don't want to imagine it...that way lies nightmares! Traffic in snow like that is truly unspeakable. We are very, very fortunate to live where we do!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Heat wave here!34*
yes driving at a snake crawl here,sometimes when you stop at stop sign a few people behind you have to get out and give you a push to get going again!!!!LOL
Greenhouse temps range from depending on the which greenhouse are from 64* to 85* if the sun is out,and if the sun isn't shining,55* to 75*
Chrissy the snow blower looks similar to the lawn mover,works the same way too!but you can direct which way you want to throw the snow,mine will throw it only 10 ft either way,but some will throw the snow 20ft!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

TM, all that snow is just horrendous! I just broke a sweat planting a couple Aphelandras and a few EE's. Don't miss shoveling at all. Hope all your plant treasures are cozy in the greenhouse!
Marcy, what kind of cookies???
Shari, I think the idea of snow angels is great, I'll be sure to make some with my 3 yo nephew when he comes down in the spring!
Chrissy that lily philly jam sounds yummy, the flowers look like puffballs. What a pretty tree.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Cathy...I love aphelandra's! I have two, but they have yet to bloom. Only about a foot and a half high though, so I'm hoping when they get a bit bigger.

Chrissy - do you have any aphelandras? You have everything else!!!! Hoping you can tell me when they bloom.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Now Cathy I did break a sweat shoveling all that snow!!!!
And the temp was 32* and sweating,now you don't do that everyday!!!!LOL

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Yikes TM, freezing and sweating at the same time, there ought to be a law against that!

Shari, I've got two Aph's- tetragona and hartwegiana. I got them both in October at a great plant festival. The hartwegiana is just about to bloom. They were both a little disgusted when we went down to 40 the other night and the wind was blowing pretty good, but aside from a little windburn, they look really great.


Have them I can't even pronounce them ,do they have a common name or picture?
Tm does that form icicles off your eyebrows? (yikes!) I have been out breaking a hot sweat (excuse me I have been out glowing! ladies aren't allowed to sweat) pulling down long snakes of snail creeper (sob I know but it has to be done) and lots of other viny stuff ...still only 65F here I love it :)
mmmm cookies sound good!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Yes and my beard was all frosty and froze too!!!LOL
I did have icicles about 3ft long,hanging from the greenhouse until I broke them off,and heavy,must have been 2 gallons of water per icicle!!!
29*f here and HATING IT!!!!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. It is 27* here and dropping and I am loving it for now. Only because there is snow. No snow and it's this cold is just plain nuts in my mind. We only got a couple inches here. The brunt of the storm missed us once again. But we still got the wind here. The whiteouts were west of here and north/south.

Tman, send some of that snow to my house!! I want accumulation!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey Don...did you hear that??? Pepper WANTS your snow!!! Send it to her!!!
We had a little snow here today too. It was flurrying like crazy...but it didn't accumulate...YaYYYYY!!! I'm with Don...I HATE cold weather!!
We are going to have moderate temps all week, from the looks of the forecast. Not warm...but not cold either...for Ohio that is. And NO SNOW!! Whoopieeeeee!!!
Well...I am done baking!! I have made about 9-10 different kinds of cookies! Tomorrow I will make peanut butter fudge, and my ice cream pies for dessert...and that's it! And I am pooped! Plus...I fell this morning.....went flying Dave said....and landed on the whole front of my body!! I now have a sore knee, and I'm sure I am going to be even more sore tomorrow! And that blankety- blank rug in front of my sink is going to the trash!!! LOL!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Pepper where were you this morning,you could have backed up to the driveway and I'd blowed you a truckload of snow to take back home with you!!!

Marcia,tell Dave to get out the Blue Emu cream and put it on thick!!!LOL

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. I was here staying warm. Tomorrow I will be out in it since I have to work. If there are enough coworkers around I am thinking of a few snowball fights to start. LOL

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

First thing I did, was the Blue Emu! I just hope I didn't break anything in my knee. When I bend it, it burns really bad, and it is swollen too....but the Blue Emu really did help.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Marcy- ouch- so sorry to hear about your fall, I hope your knee feels better. Nine or 10 kinds of cookies AND fudge- now we're talking heaven! I wish you were my neighbor- down here!

Chrissy, here are my two baby Aphelandras, tetragona on the left and hartwegiana in the midle. The plant on the right is Calathea loersnerii. Post # 4321503, up above, is the hartwegiana, getting ready to bloom.

Pepper, throw a snowball for me!


Thumbnail by svplantingfool
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will do! :~)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Cathy, mine hasn't bloomed yet, so I can't definately id it. It looks pretty much like yours do, I guess.

Marcia! Oh dear! Please, please take it easy...let others fetch and tote - you get that leg elevated and throw some ice on your knee...nothing to fool with, and you sure don't need that kind of pain on Christmas Day! Heal fast and easy!!

It's Christmas Eve here, so I'm signing off for the nonce...warmest wishes to you all!!

Yokwe and Medde Krijimoj,

This message was edited Dec 23, 2007 4:12 PM

Put a snowball on that knee! (or a packet of frozen peas) get the leg up so it has a chance to drain the fluid or you will be hobbling tomorrow I hope it is ok. The cookies sound good.
ok will go look for the plants in the above post and in the garden bible :)
Icicles dripping from the beard ...what can I say I am speechless
no on second thoughts no I am not ...well hardly ever ...I am slinking off to giggle ... I don't want offend you I am sorry but that something that cracks me up! Do you thaw out and make a big puddle in the greenhouse? Sorry I know it isn't funny but the closest I have come to something like that is when I go looking for
some frozen object in the fridge had better have a hot toddy and hot shower ...then go sit in front of the fire.
Merry Christmas to you all!

Ha ha ha yeh what Shari said too!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Everyone!

All of you with snow, do be carefull! Try to stay out of it if you can, and drive safely if you can't!

Suppose to be in the low thirties here tonight, so everything is zipped up, canopy, hut, furnace is on! All ready!

Enjoy the time with your families, friends, and Be Safe!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Can't believe how much I have missed, got a lot of catching up to do...
Marcy take care of that knee, your house must smell lovely with the aroma of fresh baked cookies!
So sorry for you guys with the bad weather, take care all

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Eat enough cookies and fudge and the pain will all go away!!!!LOL
What was really funny when I came in the greenhouse,I though I'd slam the door and maybe knock the rest of the snow off the greenhouse,and it did,but it also let the condensation from the plastic above inside the greenhouse fall on me like rain,so I was wet all over again!!!LOL

Cathy those leaves remind me of the Java bean vine and also a coffee bean plant,or maybe even the pepper vine!
Funny how many things look so much alike!!!
Keep warm and you guys out in the middle of the ocean who are a day ahead, Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone! Cathy...I wish I was your neighbor too!!! I'll take your weather over mine anytime! I would even trade cookies and fudge for! Our daughter lives in Florida, near Tampa. She loves it there.
Shari, Chrissy, Braveheartsmom, and Don...thanks for the sympathy! I am sore today...all over!! But I got up and did my exercises, and I'm gonna keep moving today, so it will get better soon!
To all of you that are a day ahead of us, Merry Christmas....and a wonderful New Year.
I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Off to the beach this morning with my grandson who is staying until the evening of the 25th - got to make the best of every second he is here with us.
I love Christmas Eve! As a kid it was my favorite day, better even than Christmas day! As an adult (well sort of) I love it because if it isn't done by now it's too late, so might as well forget about it!
Have a lovely day everyone.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Jenny,get a little sand between your toes!!!
I want you to know I think I got a little tan myself yesterday shoveling snow!!!!LOL
Sun was bright,and again today,with the reflection from all that snow,might even be brighter here than on the big Island!!!LOL
Good thing my glasses changes to sun glasses when I'm outside!!!
You have a good time and watch out for the jellyfish!!!

Marcia,take it easy today,no horseback riding today for you!!!LOL!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL Don!!! I feel like I been horse back riding!! I kept working today, even though things hurt. And now I am DONE....until tomorrow!
Everything is under control. We are having some last minute guests. Some elderly friends of buddies...are coming for dinner too...along with our kids and grandkids. So there will be ten of us altogether...not too many. She had called to wish us Merry Christmas, and when I asked what they were doing, she said nothing!!! I couldn't very well leave them alone on Christmas!!! We will be glad to have them.
Anybody ever make fudge that didn't set up? I made this fantasy peanut butter fudge, and it is gooey!! Tastes good though! And I did it just like the recipe said too!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

TM, did you wear sunscreen while shoveling? Goodness, I hope the weather gives you a break for a while. What temp do you keep your greenhouse at and do you run a humidifier all the time? Inquiring minds want to know...
Marcy, I live about 1 hr south of Tampa, I can understand why your daughter loves it! I'll take a FL winter over Massachusetts anyday! I did my time in the snow, now I'll take a pina colada on Christmas instead of hot chocolate! Hope your knee is geeling better.
Jenny I hope you had a great time with your grandson, probably still rinsing sand out of your hair!
T77 stay warm and Chrissy hoep you are relaxing after your festivities.
Merry Christmas everyone!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Selamat Hari Natal...Feliz Navidad...Joyeaux Noel...Merry Christmas...and hope Santa brings all of you the goodies you need!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Jaye, hope Santa fills your stocking too!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lolol wishing for a Hummer, but I don't think our mini stocking can withstand the weight!!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

At first glance I thought of a hummer as a hummingbird, but I guess you meant Hummer as in SUV! I've been floating around the butterfly and hummingbird forum a lot...
hee hee

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lolol!!! That's funny!! The consequences of having this secret life!!!
Me...I've been telling my church family about my D-G-ers..pronounced as spelt!! I deserve all those blank stares!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Merry Christmas everyone!!! May you all have a wonderful day tomorrow.
I am headed to la la land!!! Night!!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Marcia,get out the spoons!!!
taste the same,just have to spoon it in your mouth!!!!
Saves on licking fingers anyway!!!

Cathy greenhouse has a pond in it so humidity,always above 60%,Temps always 65 to 85.

Jaye name your song and I'll hummm it for you!!!!LOL

Merry Xmas to all and all a goodnite!!!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

We have some of that spoon fudge, as we speak! Tastes pretty good!!!!!!

Stay warm....I'm sure trying! LOL! It was chilly when I came in this evening from my Mom's! Did someone say Pina Colada....I'll take one, "Thank You"!!!!!

Merry Christmas Y'all !!!!!!!! Night Tropicman! Night Jaye! Night Marcy! Night.........Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Merry Christmas to all!

Liquid fudge sounds good, you could put on top of ice cream, or in your coffee, the possibilities are endless! I don't know if it would taste good in a pina colada though!


Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

35* and sunshine,and only 6 inches of snow left on the ground today!!!!
Got some saw palmetto seeds,in the mail yesterday with the fruit still on it,strong smell I might add!!!
Anybody have a sure fire easy way to remove the fruit???

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