Grampapa article

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Hey, check this out. Look what grampapa is doing.

Jan, Here is my cardamom plant that has never bloomed in the nearly 30 years that I have had it. But it smells divine when the leaves are touched. Cardamon coffee cake is a true favorite and finding it in something savory rather than sweet is always a delightful surprise. Patti

Thumbnail by bbrookrd
Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Does you plant live inside or outside? It is really pretty.

Nantucket, MA(Zone 7a)

Mine is brought in for the winter after a being outside for the summer as it is a tropical plant. It survives in my cool greenhouse, but would not survive a hard frost. Mine may be too old to flower anymore, but then it never as flowered for me. The cardamom expert that gifted it to me in the 70's is no longer living, so I can't ask him. Just poor plant parenting on my part. So now that Jan has inspired me by her article, I may order a new plant come spring and try again to get one to flower. Patti

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Nice job Jan!! I'm curious - how do you get to write an article for DG. Don't worry I have no intention of writing an article and have no knowledge to write about, I was just curious. I haven't seen a place on the web site to write and submit articles. Eleanor

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

Totally cool! Jan, you are a woman of many, many talents!

(Zone 4a)

Hey that is awesome!!! Good job!!!!

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

Your raisin bread recipe looks good Jan. Maybe you'll have to change your alias to CardaMom?

Wheatfield, NY(Zone 6a)

Don, when we are talking about the clever men on the NE forum, sometimes we overlook you. have to watch out for the quiet ones LOL

Eleanor, Dave (THE Dave) put out an open call looking for writer's a few weeks back. He posted on the Dave's Garden forum, but there was a blurb on the home page also. I responded and the rest is history LOL He expanded from 1 to 2 articles a day and needed more writers. He was hoping for about 20 new people and got like 65 responses, so he said he would probably have to pare down the list. But a lot of the people have not as yet submitted an article, so they are out. I suspect that if anyone had a really good idea and d-mailed it to him, he would consider it. But there is a very long list of subjects that people are currently working on or have in the planning stages.

That was my second article. If you missed the first one, on hummingbirds, here's the link (she said, shamelessly promoting herself)

btw, Victor, Carrie and YankeeCat are also writing (who else from NE am I forgetting?)
look for Cat's persimmon article on January 4

Upper Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks Jan. It shows how thorough I read the web site and home page! LOL I did read both of your articles and Victor's, but missed the ones by Carrie and Cat. Thanks for the links. Eleanor

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Cat's one article got bumped forward into 2008. :(

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