Show Us Your Feeders Vol. 4

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Pelle ~ the bags of shelled sunflower seeds I get from Tractor Supply says sunflower hearts and they seem to be mostly whole shelled sunflowers. At the grocery and at Walmart, they have sunflower "chips & pieces" and they really are mostly just tiny pieces of the shelled sunflowers. I prefer the ones that are more whole, they don't tend to spill out of the feeder when I fill it up, but the birds seem to eat either kind the same.

It's been raining since Friday so the pics are few and far between, but I did see that the RBW has learned to use the peanut feeder :-)

Thumbnail by sadie_mae
Hebron, KY


Thanks for the info. I feed Safflower in my customed mix, but didn't think about adding S. seed to the copper top feeder. Good idea!

Yes, I saw that poor little sweet GF on the peanut feeder, but didn't think he was waiting in line. So sweet! Everyone loves eating at your yard! ;-)


Central, KY(Zone 6b)

I saw a post on one of the threads this week that said salt is bad for the birds so, I tried smashing some suet into/onto my peanut butter log and quickly had a taker.

Thumbnail by sadie_mae
Hebron, KY


Great that the RBW finally is starting to use the peanut feeder!

Since he is a big, long and large bird; you might want to keep it full everyday so that the RBW keep using it. I had a shorter one like that (from WBU) before (never saw the RBW on it) and got another longer one (from WBU) and that's when I started to see the RBW use the peanut feeder. I keep it full everyday so they'll keep using it too.

It's been the same here too. Raining since Friday with no end it sight. At least it's not snowing! ;-)


Marlton, NJ

Sadie, She's a beauty!! Yes salt is very bad for birds. Nice pics.

Sybil I saw the patient little Goldie on the peanut feeder. :-)

Hebron, KY


Love your WP pic! Adorable and sweet!


Hebron, KY

If DH lets me buy another feeder, I like the looks of this one! (I've never ordered from this company before).

Maybe, if I'm lucky he 'lighten up', lol. ;-)


Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks ladies, I just love my WPs :-) The Hairy kept coming down to the red bud tree, beside the feeders, but then the Jay's would swoop in and scare it away.

Marilyn - you're not kidding when you say "At least it's not snowing", that'd be a LOT of snow! I like that log feeder, maybe your DH will lighten up, what's 1 more? LOL!!

Sybil - nice pics! I'm just going to have to fix one of those hanging basket feeders, it's too cute!

Hebron, KY


I really like that hanging basket feeder alot too! Maybe next Spring I can get one like that and fix it up from the 'get go' as a bird feeder. If I do, then maybe you can tell me how to do it please. ;-)

I don't have any hanging baskets of flowers, I always have feeders for my posts (gotta take care of the little sweeties!), but I would start with a fresh hanging basket as a bird feeder! ;-)


Hebron, KY


I found another feeder that looks like the first one I posted an it's alot cheaper!

The company is in the Garden Watchdog and is rated 100% with two positives

I now have this company saved as one of my favorites! The prices look to be cheaper than Duncraft!


This message was edited Dec 9, 2007 6:18 PM

This message was edited Dec 9, 2007 6:20 PM

Hebron, KY

Here is another feeder I'm going to put on my 'wish' list. I like the looks of it. LOL, don't know if I'll able to buy any more feeders or not. ;-)

Country Garden Feeder

Click the "view larger image" to see feeder better.


This message was edited Dec 9, 2007 8:03 PM

Marlton, NJ

This suet from that site sounds good!

Hebron, KY


I was just looking at that suet too and it does look like a good one!

I've been looking at all the bird items on that site tonight! lol


Danvers, MA

Great pics and captions everyone! I can't wait to have a yard of my own to be able to attract the birds to.

The suet feeder I had put out back went missing after only 1 day. I suspected the quartet of squirrels that were fighting over it before I left for work. I spotted it this morning in the neighbors yard about 10 feet in. There is a chicken wire like fence between our apartments and their yard, too tall to climb over, but low enough for me to try to fish the cage back. Darling BF watched me trying to fish with the long branch that was 3 inches too short. He watched me for 10 minutes before yelling suggestions from the bedroom window (nevermind that he's 4 inches taller and could have actually helped!) It took me about a half an hour but I got it back sans the hanging chain. I think I'll ty-wrap it to my hanging pole... see if that works.

I also smashed a pumpkin that was still at my MIL's place. They haven't discovered it yet.

I was trying to get pics of the Junco's and the cardinals or at least the squirrels, but I have to open the window and that always scares them off. Better luck next time...


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, gonna have to checkout these sites...........bad, bad, bad! :-)

This message was edited Dec 10, 2007 7:56 PM

Hebron, KY


LOL! ;-)


Glad to have you here! Welcome! ;-)


The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

You've got to stop posting those links!! You are enableing an addictive personality here!!

Here is a cute WBN on his favorite feeder! (edited as I originally had RBN)

This message was edited Dec 10, 2007 7:25 PM

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Shannon-Welcome and happy birding!


The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

The make do feeding station was busy today. They are all looking in the same direction except for the Downey WP. I was very thrilled to finally have the Cardinals show up today. I think the ice has sent the birds looking for food!!

This message was edited Dec 10, 2007 7:02 PM

Thumbnail by dellrose
Marlton, NJ

Oh my goodness look at those icicles!!

Cute shots dellrose!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Pelle, we had lots of ice yesterday and today!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Icy GF!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Marlton, NJ

So cute! Look at their little beaks filled w/ boss!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Female Cardinal and GF on icy T lid!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I know Pelle...I never get tired of taking pics of the GF!! I love them!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

A little Downy on the Lid feeder!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

The male Cardinal finally found the feeding table on the patio!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Northern, IN

I figured that my Blue jays would be the bullys of my Fall feeders. In fact I believed that until my RBW just recently decided to leave his peanut silo to occasionally pick up a whole peanut from a pile I have on my deck just for my many BJs to enjoy.

When the BJs see him coming they scatter like a covey of quail. If a BJ happens to land near the RBW while he's looking over his choice, the RBW just opens up his beak, takes a step toward it and the BJ instantly flies off.

Since I've seen this happen 4 mornings in a row now, I thought I'd post this to see if it's what others experience.

Jeffersonville, IN(Zone 6b)

You know Dave, now that you mention it, I did have a Jay waiting for a RBW to finish at the feeder before he swooped in. This weekend I'll have to make sure to pay attention if the RBW comes back to see what the Jays do.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh yeah, the RBW wins/goes first here everytime. We have had a couple of showdowns between male cardinals & the RBW!!

Marlton, NJ

My RBW's always ruled too!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

I finally took pics of the new feeders! It has been overcast and rainy for over a week and not a very good day for taking pics!

I put these out a few days ago and they are using the wooden one but not the plastic school!

Thumbnail by dellrose
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

These are the ones I put out today. The wire metal No NO feeder has BOSS in it and the green metal one has peanuts that I purchased yesterday. A few of the birds have landed on the fence and looked at them and a Nuthatch pecked at it!!

Thumbnail by dellrose
Marlton, NJ

Very nice feeders dellrose!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Pelle, I hope to get some pics of the birds using them!

Hebron, KY


Great pics of all the birds and icicles! Cute shots! Love them all!
Nice selection of feeders! Where did you get the feeder with the WBN on it and what are you filling it with?

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Marilyn! I purchased that feeder at the local farm store and I have wild bird seed mix in it. The WBN is the only one who uses it but I just love the looks of it.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Has anyone tried any of the feeders by this company? The have several styles it seems.

Marlton, NJ

Rose, Where did you get the green feeder opposite the no no in your last pic?

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Pelle, I got it at the farm store the other day when I went on my shopping rampage!! I like that feeder cause it's make of metal and I think it will be easier to clean than the wood ones. So far the finches are loving the NoNo feeder as well as the thistle sock but not too many takers on the metal peanut filled one. I'm just pleased they found it so soon and now have a place to run when those darn starlings show up and hog everything!

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