Your thoughts on planting this?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi all. I have seeds for the Butter & Eggs

and think they are beautiful, but I read that they are quite invasive, so was hoping for your comments so I can decide whether or not to risk it in my Zone. Thanks for any ideas or suggestions!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I wouldn't plant it since it is so invasive. It may be beautiful but it seems to be more trouble than it's worth.

Bessemer, AL(Zone 8b)

misty, if your not gonna plant them could we do a trade?

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I put mine next to a driveway and just pull those that stray. I love it and have had it since 1981. I just put the edging in this spring, but they never came up in the grass before that.

Thumbnail by billyporter
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Misty..this is a beautiful plant and was going to suggest a trade but after reading that it is poisonous to livestock I wouldn't dare plant it here.

Thumbnail by dellrose
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Love that stone building. And great pics of the cattle too!!

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Amanda! That is our pump house and I'm trying to talk Delano into making it into a potting shed for me since it has a faucet in it. Our house is make of the same stone! I want to do a lot of "decorating" with flowers and trellis's next spring around the pump house.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That would be so cool!! I am trying a new climber this year that I hope makes it. It is Margeurite Jasmine. It has yellow trumpet shape blooms. It is a cutting of one at work. I put lots of mulch around it when I planted it this fall so it could stay warm. If it makes it it would look great on that shed if I manage to get a cutting.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Oh Amanda that sounds lovely...I am drooling already! I hope you manage to get a cutting!

Oh goodness...we've high-jacked Misty's thread...sorry Misty!!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

You all high-jack anytime! That is how I learn new things. :) I am still up in the air on the Butter & Eggs cause I think they are beautiful.
The Jasmine are much hardier than given credit around here. I have Carolina Jasmine and Pink Jasmine, and the weather has not affected either of them. Our dear neighbor that passed away last week has had Star Jasmine for several years and comes back beautiful every Spring, and flowers almost Non-Stop! I tried to get a start off of it, but it didn't survive.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Misty..I didn't think you'd be too upset. When I lived in SoCal I had jasmine and loved it! I planted some here once but it didn't survive the winter, but I planted it on the north side of the house (under the bedroom window of course). I might try it again now that I have the time to devote to it. I didn't know there was a pink more thing to add to my list!

So sorry to hear about your neighbor.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I so want to try planting this, but then I fear it will take over! I have so many other seeds to try, so jordankittyjo may just end up with them. Don't get your hopes up just yet, Kathy! LOL
I'm not sure why they call it pink jasmine since the flowers are white, but then again there is a LOT that I donno! LOL I have mine on the North Side of the house, but they are both attached to the deck and have the protection from it. Both are mulched as well, and all the fallen leaves are piled on them. I will have some Star Jasmine some day, and would have if my green house had been done when they were 75 percent off at Lowe's!
And thanks, doss! :)

(Zone 7b)

I had a purple variety of toadflax come in one teeny-tiny plant given to me by a friend 5 years ago, and it is a rampant spreader! In that time, it has spread to all my garden beds, and I yank it the minute I see it, but each plant seems to put out a zillion seeds, and each seed seems to sprout...

I like this noid plant from a tall mix of snapdragons, which are much easier to control.

Thumbnail by 2zeus
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

The snapdragons are very pretty too! Are they considered Annuals for my zone?
Kathy, have you changed your mind on them yet? LOL
I am thinking that the more I read the more afraid I am to plant them!

(Zone 7b)

I think they would be annuals, but if left alone, they will self-seed very gently and reasonably; I like the interesting colours and shades that result from open pollination.

(Zone 7b)

Like this:

Thumbnail by 2zeus
(Zone 7b)

or this:

Thumbnail by 2zeus
Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I never knew SD's could be so pretty! I may have some commercial seeds, I will have to check! :)

(Zone 7b)

I find the first generation of plants (from purchased seed,) have bold bright colours, then the succeeding generations have the softer, more pastel shades, and a lot of two-tones.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Well I think I may just have to give them a try! :)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Snapdragons are a good choice. You will get a similar look without the invasiveness. That's one good tip to keep in mind too. If the plant has invasive qualities look for a similar plant that isn't so invasive. You will get the same look without the headache.

Rose, if it survives this winter and really puts on alot of growth I will try to get a small cutting off it for you. I have it on the north side of the house with hardwood mulch, straw and whatever leaves landed there around it. It has a barberry on one side too to protect it from westerly winds too. The other side is mostly open right now but it should be ok.

I'll post a link to it here in a second.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Pink jasmine:

margarita jasmine:

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Pepper, now I want that one, too! :)
I tried a cutting from the Star Jasmine, and my honeysuckle, but neither survived. :( Actually, the Star had some roots, still didn't make it.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That website seems like a good place to get plants. I looked around a bit in there and like the prices for the size of plants and containers you get.

I also have a nonhardy jasmine here in my room. Got it this spring from KayJones and cut it back this winter. Now I have new leaves coming up on it. But I killed my gardenia. Grrrr.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Guess I could have done that with the Star Jasmine that was 75 % off, but didn't think of it. :( How did it kill your gardenia? I think I might have some seeds, will have to look. :)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure how I killed it. lol. First I had it in here with me. Might have been too hot cause it wasn't looking good. So I took it to the basement and it perked up a bit then it wilted again. I watered often but not everyday. It wasn't happy no matter what I did. lol. I need to toss it now before it makes a big mess. I am gonna get one that is hardy to zone 6 and try to grow that one outside. Gonna get 2 more for a coworker and for PG as a donation.

Oh and on the jasmines, it doesn't hurt to cut them back since they are vines. They actually thrive sometimes if you cut back once a year or less. I cut most of mine back but kept alot of the thick vines about 1-2 ft long. All the thin ones are gone to allow for new growth.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Well, I went through my list and no gardenias. :(
I did cut my Honeysuckle back once, and even in the summer. It went WILD after that! :) I think I will cut it back this spring so it has a chance for more healthier growth. I love them and wouldn't do without em! :) Maybe I will try to propagate it again, but donno what I did wrong.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Amanda...that is sweet of you, let's hope it makes it!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Honeysuckle goes wild anyways. lol.

Honeysuckle is a woody vine so I would try rooting hormones and soil and see what it does. Usually I do water but I don't know if that would work on honeysuckle or not. Try it both ways and see what happens.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I hope it makes it too!!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Ok, I'm going against the flow again. Plant the Butter & Eggs and just be prepared to control it thru trades, etc. in a few years. I love the way it fills in places that few other plants will grow in. I also love SD but they don't always reseed well for me tho they do for my DIL right next door.

Pepper, try pinning a short limb of the honeysuckle with at least one leave node or joint in the branch slightly under the soil level, keep it moist and see if it will take root. Remove the leaves on that section so they won't rot and cause disease, and maybe dust the joint/node with some hormone. I have one I may try that with so I'll have some for trading in the future. I'm also going to try that with the few seedless blackberries I have. Be patient, it may take a whole season to get a good set of roots. Then cut off the rooted section from the mother plant and replant it.

I finally got the outside sensor on the SkyScan clock/indoor-outdoor thermometer/calender/ etc. to work. It is on the front porch and the temp out there is 41* at this time. So the mums I have out there should be fine. I know the ones in the den where it is unheated and the only light is when I turn it on to get something out of the room are doing fine. Rather chlorotic but very much alive. The coleus here in the house are trying to regrow from being cut back to the ground and replanted in pots. They are ones I really liked that PG threw out so weren't potted until sometime in Sept or Oct. I think.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

It's 41 here today, so I will try to get out in the yard for a bit with boots on. A bucket I had sitting on the patio to catch rain water has at least 2 inches of water in it, and the yard is a soggy sponge. The new raised bed has changed the water flow a bit, so I'm going to have to finally put down some crushed rock for a path, or wear mud boots. We lost two more branches on a tree that only has half of the branches after last spring's ice, I may have to start planting some sun tolerant plants.

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