can anyone identify this?

melbourne, Australia

good morning everyone,

i found this plant alongside the road whilst waiting for my daughter at a doctors appt. i got a few seed pods.

i would love to know what they are before i go to the trouble of trying to grow them from seed - my luck they are a weed!



Thumbnail by shellyto4kids
melbourne, Australia

if you don't mind .. i will add another one to identify. a friend has heaps of these all over her garden and she has no idea what they are. they obviously grow well here.

Thumbnail by shellyto4kids
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Shelly,First pic is california poppy, bot name eschscholzia californica.second pic appears to be hollyhock,bot name alcea rosea.cheers

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Yeah Brical1's got them both. Classic cottage garden plants because they self seed easily and will come back year after year. I have several different colours in the Hollyhocks, and they come in double flowers as well. Hollyhocks are actually short lived perennials bit are most often treated as annual or biennial depending on how quickly you can get them up to flowering size. The seed is easy to gather and they are fun to grow either in seedling pots or directly in ground.

Here is a picture of one of mine taken a few weeks ago. The plant is a bit wonky because they grew leaning away from the shade of the fence, but the flowers are lovely.

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty
Merino, Australia

Hello Shelly. I have those lovely Californian Poppies everywhere. They certainly brighten up the summer garden. once planted you will have a never ending supply but they are easily pulled out. They do come in red, yellow and white. I am trying to get some other colors myself. I wish hollyhocks grew like that here. If you get any hollyhock seeds later, I would appreciate some.. Picture shows some of my Californian poppies. They never get watered. It is very hot and windy here so I am going to sit and relax with a cold drink..

Thumbnail by 77sunset
melbourne, Australia

thank you so very much everyone.

jean - its funny how you suggested those california poppies and then thats just what i found on the roadside! i will definately plant them now and see how they go. there were quite a few plants that obviously never had been watered as they were in a secluded part of the carpark - so i got quite a few seed pods. I will keep an eye out for the red and white ones as well.

i love the bright pink picture of the hollyhock. they are going to be a definate in this garden - they are so lovely.

thanks again,

shelly xx

Coffs Harbour, Australia

I would never have recognised the burgundy/red flowers as holly hocks! I thought they were a rununculus or something! Huh!
I'll have seeds of all of the above when your able. LOL. You'll get used to me Shelly, I'm always after plants! (scrounge scrounge)

melbourne, Australia

no problems sue. i think i am going to be very similar. can't get enough of these plants.

the lady with all the hollyhocks has said that she will give me some seeds - so i will keep reminding her and send some to you and jean (and whoever else wants some) depending on how many of them i get.

i already have the california poppies ones. i hope i collected the seeds properly as i haven't done this much before. they were still in their pods and i only took the really dry ones so i assume they are right. i will try and plant some today and as soon as they germinate i will send you some.


Coffs Harbour, Australia

I have had california poppies in the garden for around 6 years and only manage to get 2 or 3 plants a year. I think the ants may take the seeds or something. My Mum has them and is continually thinning them out! But for me, they just don't really do it. maybe I mulch too well! I now have the common orange, but used to have a lovely buttery cream coloured one.
If you're intersted shelly, I'll swap you some foxglove seed for the Hollyhocks. They take two years to grow and flower, but set seed quite easily and are a lovely addition. I think they are relatively waterwise also, as I have some in quite an inhospitable position and still they do well! I only have the purple/pink ones but I think they are lovely!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
melbourne, Australia

sue - i would love to swap some hollyhock for some of the foxglove.. they remind me of penstemons which i have fallen in love with. they are so nice.

will let you know when i obtain the hollyhock seeds. they are flowering now so i assume it won't be long before she can collect seeds for me??


Coffs Harbour, Australia

Great Shelly! Click on my name in the left hand panel of this post and send me a d-mail with an address to send seeds to, and i'll pop some in an envelope. They are seeding now, so obviously time to sow is now too.

melbourne, Australia

I have finally got the hollyhock seeds so jean and sue please send me your addresses and i will pop them in the mail.

anyone else want to try them in the garden as well? i have absolute heaps here so anyone else please send me your addresses as well.

my california poppies never came up so i don't know if the seeds i collected were not ready or what. or could they still appear later?


Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

One of my favourite plants in the garden are the creamy yellow Californian poppies.I think the seed packet had 'milkmaid' as the name.

Thumbnail by Emelle
Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

Here they are in the garden with blue pansies and roses.

Thumbnail by Emelle
Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

Looking the other direction,

Morrinsville ~Waikat, New Zealand

Dash ! I forgot to put in the picture.

Thumbnail by Emelle
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Oh Jeez your place is looking pretty! NZ is pretty nice at this time of the year if i remember right!

Beautiful! ...I always have said that if for any reason I had to leave Australia it would be NZ that I would choose to go to so lovely.

sydney, Australia

i thinkn by roadside is probably a weed. correopsis.. is up upright and tufted 40 cm high/.

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