creatures in my garden

Coffs Harbour, Australia

This moth came out of the mulch when I was watering. It had really sharp claws!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

here it is again.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

This is a poor froggy that the doggy played with. I thought it was dead and put it in a quiet part of the garden for a later burial, but it dissappeared, only to turn up here on the veranda rain in the full sun, a day later. It stayed there for about a week, in which time we put it in a saucer with a dribble of water and a pot over the top for shade. I turned the lights on in the lounge and left one curtain open each night to attract bugs, then lifted the saucer with frog on board and he caught them for his dinner.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

These are his war wounds, which make him easily recognisable around the garden. He has recovered fully and is living in a ceramic pot by the pool. He does alot of 'singing'
I have to watch those dogs of mine!

Thumbnail by weed_woman

ww is that first one a Bogong moth? we had them in Oct ...lots of cicadas around this year! very surprising considering the rain ...last night another huge storm! around 6 last night we had a huge and prolonged thunderstorm! after morning sun until about 10 ish then showers all day.They said on the radio that the weather pattern over Sydney right now is more like what you would expect in Sumatra ...I don't know that much about Sumatra but yes if this warm wet does not ease up soon we will turn into some kind of tropical rainforrest!
Poor little froggy! I find them in my Angels all the time I think they like the big leaves.
Happy gardening everyone trying once again to blow the rain your way ((((((((((((

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

I don't think the moth is a Bogong Moth, although it is similar. I have tried to identify it, but without success so far,

So glad the frog has recovered,


Adelaide, Australia(Zone 10a)

ok, well you know that you have to give your froggy a name now!!! Shall we have a contest?? Kermit is a bit too obvious as is Lucky........any thoughts?? Good on ya for giving him a safe place to recover!!

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

I'd call him "Lucky Limey" with that colouring. Re the moth, my guess is it's one of the big wood moths - they are the ones where the caterpillars are witchetty grubs that live inside the trees. sometimes for years, until they become large enough to metamorphose into moths. Bogong moths have similar colouring but they are only about 3cm long!

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Hi All, thanks for your input. I thought the moth might be a hawk moth or similar, as I have dug up the larvae a couple of times. It had a lovely love heart on its head!
I thought "Chum" or "Pal" would suit our froggy friend, as he was nearly the dogs dinner! LOL. He was back again outside the back door on a Dracaena marginata, making a racket as usual. You can still see the scarring.

Thumbnail by weed_woman
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Maybe this one will be better as the pics are a bit small to get them to download easier.

Thumbnail by weed_woman

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