Post pics of pergola's please

(Zone 4a)

I really want to build a pergola this year to go over some of my patio stones. I am looking for 10x10 in some of you have close up pics of your pergola that I might be able to get some ideas from? I know I can search online but I thought this might be a fun post too. For those of you who have them anyhow. Thanks in advance.

(Zone 4a)

No one has any pergola's here? Thanks anyway....

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Dawn, I just saw this thread - a couple of years ago I did alot of research when I was considering a Pergola for our front entry. Found these links that I saved with some examples of Pergolas. Most were priced way above what my 'budget' was, but gave me some ideas. I copied one of them and placed it in a photo of the entry to get a feel for what it would look like :) I'm really glad I didn't jump on this project - two years later the trees surrounding the front entry have grown so much that the Pergola would have been too large a structure for this area - the trees are now providing the shade I was so desperate for!

I actually found a very reasonably priced Pergola at Lowe's or Home Depot last spring - less than $300 - it was an attractive bronze metal and about the dimensions you're looking for. Then saw another similar one even cheaper at Big Lots later in the spring. Not sure what you have available in your area - but if you keep your eyes open you might find something in the spring :)

Hope this helps!

Thumbnail by rcn48
Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7b)

OMG, I knew I shoulda stayed away from this subject, but I want one so bad........grin.

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