Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Well, there is 24 days to Christmas Day...

Around here is getting so crazy for shoppings! Avoid heavy traffics!

It windy today and mild too! Nice!

I going to put some holiday decorations after the raining...

Hope it will be good this month for Christmas... No HUM BUGS!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

24 days and counting....

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

How many days 'til Spring? LOL!

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

109 more days 'til Spring! March 20, 2008...

This message was edited Dec 2, 2007 7:50 AM

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Anna...that's not so far away!

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Here's Rusty don't like this!

Thumbnail by JuJu55
The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Oh how cute...if he knew how handsome he looks he would probably like it!! Give him a big hug for me!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Such a cutie pie!! But it is plain as day that he really hates those antlers. lol. Poor Rusty!

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Yes he is darling in the outfit but few animals like to play dressup.

I put up the Christmas tree last night. All that is needed is to set it on the table and pull off the plastic bag. It hasn't been redecorated for several years. I bought a new star with blinking lights for the top this year only to find I had a new one on it already. The new one is smaller so I just tucked it in somewhere, hooked it to the cord and let it blink away.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Here's Christmas lights (Red and Multi-color peppers) and Snowmans:

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Another one is hang on front porch:

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

Sign say: "Happy Holiday"

Thumbnail by JuJu55
Humansville, MO(Zone 6a)

Mel and her dh were in a car crash yesterday here is the link

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Dave, you have lost me somehow. I went to the link you gave me and it directed me to another link. I don't recognize the names, the people are in NY, etc. so I'm confused. The only Mel I can think of is Melissa, Bonnie's(NE KS)daughter. Help clear this up please.

The storms going thru the upper central part of the country seem to be really bad. Here on the farm the sun is shining every day and the nights are clear and cold. Not that I'm wanting a bad storm such as we had this time last year. Someone mentioned at church Sunday that just a year ago we had to cancel services because of the the 16" of snow in Sedalia. Here on the farm I measured less than 5" in my yard while Holly said they had over 7". They live less than a block away.

I have only a couple Christmas gifts left to buy. I ordered one today that is on 3 weeks back order. So I ordered something else in case it doesn't get here. If it does come in time that person will get both gifts.Neither is that big an item.

Early doctor appointment tomorrow and a bit more first of the month business to get done so I'll be off to bed. GOD bless and keep each of you.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Melody from KY.

Humansville, MO(Zone 6a)

I didn't get into the link I wanted Pepper bailed me out Thanks pepper

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I has been final got order overnight quickly! It's turducken... (deboned turkey that is stuffed with boneless duck and chicken with cornbread dressing and pork stuffing is then added to separate each poultry and special seasonsing is sprinkled over and into the Turducken.) It best cajun turducken!

I didn't know about Mel and Keith and I just don't remember I met them before or not?

I have real bad last night which I got stomach flu up all half night until 4 am... I just will be okay which it start to break out of sweat! So, I already has flu shot and other shot... My hip is stop hurting for while then it get real chill to 22* I can't allow to go outside it will be hurt my hip and lower back! So, I haven't lift any heavy yet!

Rusty caught mouse and playing with it! Oh my, I was hurry get my gloves and remove mouse out of my living room! I don't want any disease around my home and me either my dog did but not bother him

Well, I have big whole week to do for cooking is candy fudges (11 pounds), 2 dozens of chocolate chip cookies and some Christmas dinner (turducken, rolls, vegetables, and 2 pumpkin pies.)

I hope Mel and Keith to keep in heart and good in faith.... (Be Brave and will get through the recovery)...

I hang the lucky horseshoes cross on top of my garage...

Thumbnail by JuJu55
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Wow Anna!! That's alot of cooking to do!! I might make a batch of butterscotch cookies this week if we don't have enough for the luminary walk. Then I will for sure make some next week cause we have a cookie swap where alot of the staff members bring in homemade cookies and we each get at least one. It's a great way to try new cookies without actually making them.

Everyone please tell the rain and snow to stay away this weekend!! We have a luminary walk on both nights and it will be next to impossible to keep all those candles lit when it's raining out. Snow isn't as bad....most times. Come Monday, it can do it but not this weekend!!

EvaMae, we missed you today at the Volunteer luncheon. You were on the list to be there but you never showed up.

No problem Dave. Everyone does that on here. :~)

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

What is a luminary walk miss pepper. Only walks I ever heard of in the moon had to do with honey moon and swooning under the moon etc. Just what is going on over there. Think we will have to call in leaflady and your grandma on this.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. Candles in sacks lining the sidewalk from the Visitor's Center to the Chapel. There is music in the Chapel that makes the walk worth your time. And smores at the halfway point.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Well don't be tellen me about it Pepper you need to convince your grandma and Leaflady what sort of thing is going on out there with soft candle light and music. And just what is smores??? sounds like something they better be checkin on.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

smores a'snorin'

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Oz, you really don't know what S'mores are? You take 2 squares of graham crackers, put a square of chocolate on each one, put a marshmallow on one and put the other cracker & chocolate on top of it. Melt in the microwave until it is all soft and gooey. Or you can melt the marshmallow over a bonfire and then put between the crackers & chocolate and sqeeze.

I know I was on the list, Pepper, but I called Amy yesterday when I learned the blood tests I had done recently reveaIed that I have a serious health problem and needed to have a phlebotomy treatment today. I didn't get out of the doctor's clinic until way too late to make it to the party. I was so tired and weak this afternoon I just laid in bed for about 3 hours. I doubt I will be doing anything until I go to work on Friday so I can regain my strength. Giving a pint or more of blood really knocked me flat. I don't know how blood donors do it. The last time I felt like this was 2 years ago when I hemmoraged badly and was in the hospital. This treatment is suppose to make me feel better soon.

I'm off to bed. GOD bless and keep each of you.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Never seen the word before Eva May. I thought it was something the juvenile delinquent was trying to pull over on us so that we would not know what was going on out there in the candle light and whatever.

Eva May~ hope you feel better soon and rejuvenated before Fri.

Pepper~ my pumpkins love s'mores. One Christmas, our neighbor made luminaries from tin cans with punched out designs, very pretty!

OZ ~ you could make our own luminary walk and play music for your honey, it would be loads of fun! ;0)

Rusty~I would imagine that the Cajun turducken is very spicy and delicious. My friend took a class on how to make turducken for a dinner party. She worked so hard on perfecting it..she wouldn't even sneak us a smidgen, but her guests ( her DH's office party) sung her praises many tmes over!

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Garden6 I am tooooooo old for luminary walks. I would just be all confused and maybe get lost to boot.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Oz, you can't get lost on a luminary walk. lol. I still can't believe you haven't heard of s'mores before.'mores

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Pepper, I wonder if they aren't kind of a Boy/Girl Scout, 4 - H party item so depending on his childhood he may have never come into contact with them. There are a lot of things Jack's family ate that I never ate or heard of.

I'm stiff and sore all over tonight so I know the weather is about to change. The forecast on channel 4 agrees with my body. It looks as tho winter might actually get here.

GOD bless and keep each of you.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

1-3 inches of snow possible today.

Yes indeedy..the pumpkins are looking forward to snow and I'll be out scattering poppy seeds.

OZ~ one is never too old for luminary walks but if you insist... perhaps a luminary front sidewalk would be nice, and inviting atmosphere. One is never too old for new adventures or spices in life.

The Ozarks, MO(Zone 5b)

Anna...Love your decorations!

Eva..Hope you are feeling better!

I remember the smores from Girl Scouts as well as the banana boats...yummy! are is never too old!!

You folks up north are supposed to be getting some of the white stuff so stay warm and safe!

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Hello everyone! I'm home because of the weather (almost 3 inches of snow and sleet) and I'm feeling a little under the weather myself.. but I think I'm on on the recovery road from a sinus issue. Eva Mae, I'm upset to learn of your blood test results. I hope you are able to eat and drink juice, that may help build more blood.. even broth or soup would be good. I hope you and Mel & Keith (although I don't know them) a feeling better very very soon. The candle light walk sounds lovely, I would think a person pretty special to even attempt to make a lighted musical walk for me. I just saw a man make a turduchen on food network a couple weeks ago, Wow Anna, you're a chef! And an ambitious one. I've done no shopping, we will make our usual 12-14 dozen decorated sugar cookies, a tradition for my kids. Although they are all adults, it's still fun and we invited a couple of Melissa's friends from school and their toddlers to decorate. I have a picture of one of the mothers when she was 8 or 9 decorating cookies in the same diningroom I have now. I'll take a picture of her and her little girl together and frame them both and give to her as a token. I'll also make party mix, moosemunch, puppychow (for my son, Drew), and chocolate covered pretzels. The meal will be turkey probably.. Anna, I so enjoyed the pics you posted. Don't wear yourself out now. My knees haven't bothered me as much the last few days, I think because I've been taking medicine for my sinus's. Everyone stay safe and warm. -Bonnie

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Well do not be too sure of that garden6 ask some of these people who have seen me.

OZ~ LOL!... ;0)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by pepper23
Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Bonnie, I don't need more blood, I already had too many red blood cells and my body will likely just keep on makeing too many so I'll need to have blood taken out periodically so I don't have as high a risk of blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, etc. I'm feeling much better today than yesterday.

We have about an inch of snow on the ground now and it is still lightly falling I think.I hear Sedalia has some really slick streets. I'll have to allow extra time for going to work tomorrow. Once I have driven the 3 miles to the highway it will be fine. And the road graders may have already been out by the time I have to leave home. Coming home at night will the worse since the roads will still be somewhat wet and the temps will have gone down already. I wonder how many customers we will have in this weather? Time will tell. I wonder if we have an competition from a school activity, an organization benefit, etc. Some of those activities really draw a lot of business from us.

I went to the hospital I go to when I need to this morning and got a durable(medical)power of attorney appointed and a medical directive filled out and notorized. So now all I have to do is print out my will and delete it from the computer and print out my memorial service directions. I wish we had done more of this long before Jack died. I already have all the instructions for the funeral home taken care of . I would urge each of you to get all this kind of stuff done long before it is needed. That way you know that exactly what you want done will be done. And your loved ones don't have to make painful decisions at a time when they feel little like making them.

Bonnie, you had better get moving if you haven't done any shopping what so ever yet. There are only about 19 days left before Christmas. Does you family draw names or just not exchange gifts? I know families who just don't do gift exchanges. Nothing wrong with that. I wish I had someone to bake cookies and make candies with. Of course I can't eat like that and continue to lose weight so it is good that I don't have anyone.

I need to get some last minute housework done before the weekend. GOD bless and keep each of you.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

Eva Mae, thank you for explaining. I tried to research it yesterday, but I couldn't give it my attention (I'm working from home again today, more moisture on the way). You be very careful out motoring around, it can get hazardous in minutes.. I'm fortunate to be able to conduct business from home, if necessary.
I will enjoy the cookie decorating festivities. I love small children, and I don't get to be around them very often. I just love their points of view and reactions. Meagan has Ashton (he) is about 4 and just got a baby sister Hadley this fall. Teri's Emma just turned 3 and her Daddy was in Iraq for the first 2 years of her life. I've seen them together and she's the apple of his eye, for sure. She likes cowboy boots and tiara's.. I'm anticipating the fun. Please! No more shopping pressure, lol Eva Mae.. Melissa and I were going to go shopping with my sister and her daughter Sunday, but I think we will still be contending with the weather... I get my kids things, and it varies from year to year considering my financial abilities. I told them $100 ea this year, but I love to do stockings so I'm sure I'll spend more. lol My sisters' and our families (and now their families) and Mom & Stepdad bring inexpensive gifts to my older sister's in Carbondale and we play bingo (and eat). It's fun, we all exchange stuff so everyone is content. It's fun to see what everyone likes, surprises me sometimes. I like the giving part, but I usually like to be practical about it. I don't have my boyfriends grandchildren to shop for this year, so maybe I don't feel so much pressure... I could shop online...
Take care and stay safe-Bonnie

Jasper Co., MO(Zone 6b)

I gonna have a bad winter storm warning Friday night or Saturday night until Tuesday afternoon!

Have a safe drive and stay warm....

God watch it...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Luminary walk postponed til next weekend now due to the weather. The garden also will be closed tomorrow due to weather. The roads are so icy around here it's not funny.

NE, KS(Zone 5b)

I hope everyone is snug safe and warm. I've plenty of can goods, we won't starve. I hope we don't lose power. Ice is starting to build up on the trees here, everything is covered. I'm thankful I'm not out in it.

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