My Vegetable Garden II

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

My Vegetable Garden II. Thought I would start a new thread as the other was getting real long. This is my yellow squash. Had to take this picture and show you the beautiful flowers and specifically the color. Sooo pretty!

This message was edited Nov 30, 2007 7:13 PM

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

The white powder that you see on the above plant is BT powder. I use it to ward off mold as these large leaves seem to be susceptible to it.

My Blue Lake pole beans, a first for me, seem to really like growing in an EB and large beans are starting to form. The EB support is about eight feet tall and they have already reached the top and are winding around the top of the net looking for a way to climb higher. If they connect themselves to my vinyl siding on our home I'll have to use an extension ladder to pick the beans? LOL

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

My Brussell Sprouts are doing very well. I also use BT powder on them to ward off caterpillar or cabbage worms. So far so good.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Shortly after taking the above picture I noticed some sprouts growing on the forward plants and according to culture removed the bottom leaves to expose the sprouts. Our weather has been to warm as we need a cool snap to firm and sweeten the sprouts. As of now they are very loose and hoping the cool weather expected for next week will firm up the tiny heads.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

A partial view of my "tomato patch." So far it seems to be a very good season for all my crops.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Evergreen, CO

Wow! You know, us northerners don't have much green around right now. Nice to come here and dream of southern green:-)

Could you send me a couple of tomatos;-)

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Sorry!! I promised Carolyn first....

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

TP - lookin' good. Glad to see all those different veggies growing in your garden.

How about I post a few of my veggie-related topics here with you and this can be a S Fla veggie thread?


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Welcome aboard!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Looks great, Tplant! Any news on your upcoming relocation?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

No word just yet Jill but they are busy all around us. I would imagine it will be after the holidays.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Flip ---- Do you have any pictures to show? How are your peppers doing? As you know I don't have any luck with them at this time of the year.

I'll be planting some more beans and peas today. I am really impressed with my pole beans as this is the first time that I've grown them and they are already eight feet tall and seem to want to grow even higher! How tall do they get? I have the Blue Lake pole beans.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Hey TP - I'll post some pics later today or tomorrow. I have some from other forums and some I haven't posted yet at all.

My sweet peppers are doing really well. I have them mostly in pots this year. I'll include a pic or two of them. My hot peppers are still producing a lot, but the whiteflies have been on them now for a while and they're really hard to control. I have enough hot peppers to last for about a year so I may pull some of them out soon.

Pole beans are great - I've got the Kentucky Wonders and have harvested a whole lotta beans. Mine grew up my 8' poles, kept growing and fell over and are clinmbing again. I think they'd grow as tall as any pole you could get up next to them.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

OK - here's a pic of some lettuce I'm growing: Ruby Red, Oak Leaf, Red Sails and Prize Head

Thumbnail by aries44
Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Here's a few cukes

Thumbnail by aries44
Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Here's some sweet peppers: l to r in big pots - Giamt Marconi, Gypsy, Aji Dulce, Sweet Banana, Gypsy w/fruit and Aji Dulce.

Thumbnail by aries44
Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Here's some Kentucky Wonder pole beans - real good producer

Thumbnail by aries44
Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Last one - an unidentified/mislabeled purple pole bean from Sandhill. Very prolific and tasty!

Thumbnail by aries44
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Flip -- Those purple pole beans are very unusual. Do they keep the color when cooked? Love to grow them but I'll have to buy more EBs after my move. Whenever??? Ha!
Went to Lowes today to buy an 18" clay pot and they wanted twenty dollars? Being Home Depot is only a couple of miles away I went there and the price was the same. For nine dollars plus $4 for shipping I can buy an EB and put at least two plants in it instead of one. Example I have sixteen pole beans in one EB so why should I buy clay pots at that price?
My spinach, ten seedlings, are coming along just fine. I planted them on the east side of my home along with the pole beans, lemon cukes, yellow squash, broccoli and green squash. The contractor said that he will give us more room in the back so that definetly means more EBs for me. LOL

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Hey, Paw!

Those pics are FABULOUS and your garden is much to be admired. I love seeing your success.

And, of course I have a question....

Since my Fall mater crop is about played out because of the Speck and Spots, I'm gonna cut them all down this weekend. Is it too late to plant the spinach and lettuce, mustards, collards and turnips down here in Zone 9a? I did a lot of reading and seems these want a cooler temperature to do any kind of producing. We're just now starting to get average daytime temps in the mid-60s. Can I direct sow some seeds in the EBs or would it be a waste of time?

Thanks, in advance for any feedback.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Daytime temps are OK but if nightime temps go below forty-five then you would be wasting your seeds and energy. However, Brussel Sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage, Kale or any thick leaf vegetable would do very well as long as you do not have a hard freeze for more than a day. A light freeze won't hurt them and it would be beneficial to the plants as it will sweeten the taste and firm the heads.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Did some more planting in my EBs today. Sure makes it easy for me as I can sit and plant my seeds and not worry about weeding or additional fertilizing. Today I planted (14)Festina and (14)Goldito bush beans. Never grew Goldito before. They are a yellow bush bean but have grown Festina bush bean last season and found it to be delicious. The EB people say you can plant sixteen per EB but I plant only fourteen per EB as that is more than enough for me.

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Paw!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

My yellow squash is just about ready. One plant is huge and takes up a 20" pot. The leaves and flowers are beautiful enough to stand out in my landscapeing plans. Hope the squash tastes as good.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Just showing an overall view so you can see the spread. It must be at least four feet wide. Again the white blotches you see are not mold but a spray powder to prevent mold.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

You're right, Tplant--that is one good-looking squash plant! Happy eating!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Just picked it. I'm going to have some in about an hour with our dinner tonite. Can't wait to see what it tastes like? If it tastes as pretty as it looks -- I'll be in for a real treat!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Finished eating a short while ago. My son, chef by hobby, prepared the squash with spices and buttered sauteed onion served with breaded pork tenderloins and pork stuffing with a side of applesauce. I can only eat small amounts of food because of my prior bariatric surgery but let me tell you everything was excellent especially my homegrown yellow squash. The squash has a fancy name that DOES NOT COME TO MIND JUST NOW! Guess I'm getting old. It all tastes so good when fresh from the garden. Can't wait for my green squash, broccoli, spinach, lemon cukes, peas and zuchinni.
Pictured is a cucumber that I overlooked because it was way in the back of the plant and growing in back of my rain gutter downspout making it well out of sight.

Thumbnail by Tplant
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5a)

Glad to hear it tasted as good as it looked!

SE Houston (Hobby), TX(Zone 9a)

That's a pretty big foot! Nice cuke, too! SMILE!

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Ha-Ha! And it made a great salad with onions and sour cream....

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

t-plant - they re sure looking good. i am going to try to grow the squash in 5 gal containes. do you think its possible? i think i saw seeds for plants that are bush type. ever heard of that.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Herbie --- The squash you see is growing in a 20" cedar container. I planted two in the container but I think one is enough as they take up a lot of space. They are pretty enough to grow as an ornament. The flower is exceptional. The name of the squash is "Courgette" a yellow squash that I purchased from Thompson and Morgan.They are exceptional and you will get only about ten seeds per pack but they are well packed and protected. Order now as they are truly exceptional. They also have a green squash called "Zucchini Parthenon F 1 hybrid" which seems to be the same consistency and quality. Try them if you enjoy squash? Oh, I planted extra and got 100% germination...

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Plant I am going to have to coach you on reading seed packets. Courgette is simply the European name for zucchini. T & M sells two yellow cylindrical zukes in the USA. Jemmer and Paradox. Read that packet again and tell us which one it is. Also the only two they sell in the UK.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Why can't they keep it simple?? Under the word "Courgette" is Jemmer F 1 hybrid. I guess I must learn Spanish, French and Latin. Well at least I've learned that MAIZE means corn. Doesn't it?? LOL Well anyway whatever it is called they are delicious and I planted three more plants today in 20' containers and put them out in the front of my chain link fence in front of our home because not only is the plant beautiful with colorful flowers but the squash they bear is fantastically delicious at any size. Again, thanks Farmer!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Just wait until you start getting Italian seeds. Any how there are no photos or grower comments in plantfiles. Contributions welcome.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I don't enter them in plant files because they ask to darn many technical questions that I can not answer. Remember
me? I prefer to keep it simple but if any would like to enter be my guest!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Look Plant there are no questions at all. All you do is scroll down to where its says

upload an image of this plant
follow exactly the same procedure to upload to this forum. To add a comment, just click on add a comment and type in your comment just like you would in a forum.

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

thanks tplant. maybe i will give them a try.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

First time I've ever grown Lemon cukes. They were not very productive for me but they were on the east side of my home and had only the morning sun and veggies of most all types require full sun. I have not tasted them as of yet because I'm waiting for my tomatos to fully ripen probably in two days and then I'll make a tomato, basil and cucumber salad.

Thumbnail by Tplant

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